Author : Kate Runnels Issa steered the wasp closer to the distant speck in the sky. A flash of light off metal had sparked her attention. It was an Airship, but whose? Dodoma City hadn’t had a good…
Author : Melannie Jay I ran a thumb over the milky flesh of my inner forearm, marvelling at what Mark had done to me. What used to be a knotted mess of puckered flesh had been made smooth again, wi…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer That’s a Keilvogel up there. I recognise the contrail: a centre line triple the size of the flankers. This world has such a glorious sky. I’ve never really taken th…
Author : James Smith She started hallucinating yesterday, and now the center line floats three feet above the blacktop and glows in neon rainbows. Exhaustion makes her slippery in time, and she doe…
Author : J. M. Perkins Jenny sat, tapping her fingers to keep from biting her nails. She was having trouble concentrating. She was having trouble being here and now, in this hot vinyl booth in the …
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer After unimaginable losses, The Earth Alliance was still unable to breach the Draconian military installation on Hydrae II. The fortress sat safely within a w…
Author : Kevin Ware It was only because of the eighty years that the first probe had been studied that the true meaning of the next was clear. The teams of muttering specialists who had travelled t…
Author : C. James Darrow There was a time when man set his eyes on the stars beyond our own. Yet as the centuries passed man still found himself stuck on the world upon which he began. Through our …
Author : James Hunter Joe Miller stood silent in his dressing room. He was set to take the biggest stage of his life, yet he felt no nerves, no butterflies, he felt dead to the world. Joe “Knuckles…
Author : Roy Upton At sunrise, Artavian stands on his porch looking out over the valley. The greens and browns reassert themselves. Golden light defines the valleys and trees of the walk lands that…
Author : Matthieu C. R. Cartron Funny that they called her a mother, for she had neither sons nor daughters. Ancient but lively, she was as old as all of those who had been created alongside her. E…
Author : Mark Adel I felt the urge to write speculative fiction. But I couldn’t. So I swallowed a nil pill. Still I couldn’t. So I swallowed another nil pill. Then I couldn’t remember my name. But …
Author : Vanessa Kittle Max stood looking out of his window into the night. He lived on the 50th floor of the Palmer building in New York. The rule was the higher the better, and while he was nowhe…
Author : M. A. Goldin “Anything?” “Bacteria, some multi-celled organisms, but nothing complex. Nothing sentient.” Captain Dalmar nodded, and the technician’s projected…
Author : James Machell Having sampled manna, which fell from Heaven and was enjoyed by Moses in the desert, picked dates from a batch given to the Prophet Mohammed, Derek Lockerby, restaurant criti…
Author : Joseph Lyons “Good morning Mr…Ogden. I’m nurse Shaw, I’ll be your mod operator today. What can I do for you?” “I’m here for my girlfriend.” “Ok, perhaps I can interest you in the sensitivi…
Author : J.D. Rice The last camel died at dawn. Doctor Peterson and the other survivors worked quickly to salvage what meat they could from the corpse, then pressed on into the desert. Unending wav…
Author : Lela Maarie De La Garza There’d once been a golden age, Pearson thought. What would this one be called? He reflected on the meaning of different colours. Green? There wasn’t a speck of it …
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer He was wearing the recording helmet when he died. John DeMangus, out like a light, rest in peace. It was an embolism that took him out. He was by himself in th…
Author : George R. Shirer The girl is naked. Long limbed. Gorgeous. He can smell her from where he sits, in the back of the club, where the shadows are thickest. She struts across the stage, hips s…
Author : Philip Smith Most of the bots you see in diners are the ones that serve the food. We have one but it was a bad decision on my part. Real waitresses give you a smile and make you feel welco…
Author : Morrow Brady The beauty of my living room design was the simplicity of it’s vacuous two storey cube. High with expectation, I entered the freshly printed room for the first time. Wha…
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer If the Skipper found out what I was about to do, he’d probably dock me a week’s pay, but it’d be worth it. I figured with the gravity generator off-line for …
Author : Adam Mac Wanna see a modern-day miracle, kid? Whatever. Well, just sit tight. Sure. It’s not like I’m going anywhere. Here, take the binoculars. See that old guy on the bridge?…
Author : Andrew D. Murrell I awoke. I could still feel the remnants of foreign thoughts gently receding from my consciousness. Then I felt today’s check deposit into my account, twenty one th…
Author : Stefan Aeschbacher The ancient city had been buried for over five thousand years. The digbots were digging at this spot for two hours, fifteen minutes and thirty-five seconds. They were ma…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer One world. Seven hundred and ninety-two people. Less than a hundred berths on the ship out. It’s a recipe for bloody mayhem and that’s how they want it. Only the mo…
Author : Stivi Cooke They didn’t think about that… In all the plans, all the awesome designs, the mind blowing concepts, all the calculations, the deals, the engineering and finally the launch… the…