Author : Connor Harbison The villagers accepted the occupation as a fact of life. After all, where were they to go? The spaceport was heavily guarded, the surrounding jungles were filled with raven…
“Half-man, half-dinosaur!” A voice-over perfectly matched with the combination of human and tyrannosaurus genes that hovered above Zyi Izaiah Eizenberg’s holo snapped him awake. &…
Author : Morrow Brady I scared myself again. But only briefly. Bored with routine, my mind zoned out. Wandering like a hungry dog. Dragging extraordinary notions to hell and back with me at the cen…
Before we go any further, let me stop to ask you some questions. I’m so excited to have met you, but there’s something I want to tell you before you enter the port. You see, I havenR…
Author : Rick Tobin The short walk from the trees near the campus to the administration building winded him. The air was too thin for Linet. Once inside the conference room, Linet pushed the tall p…
Author : Lynette Aspey My grandfather was a stone disciple. I only began to understand what that meant when he stopped speaking and began to stiffen. Yet, even then, when the cost to him was clear,…
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer “Transmutation, or more absurdly ‘transmogrification’, that’s the crux of the biscuit, isn’t it?” The speaker stood in the mid…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer (We hope you’ve linked after following our Intergalactic Most Requested: Should I Be Keeping a Human? infoburst. If not, link it before continuing.) IMPORTANT: if y…
Author : Russell Bert Waters Brushing his teeth, Josh heard a chime from the other room. It wasn’t the familiar chime associated with email or social networks, it sounded more like a “system”…
Author : Thomas Desrochers The crowds below were packed shoulder to shoulder, bathed in neon and the ceaseless murmur of advertisements. Ed watched, chewing his lip thoughtfully. “Doesn’t it feel l…
Emotion Isn't A Programmed Function | 365tomorrows
Author : Kaitlin Battle raged on around him, the constant sounds of gunfire ringing in his programmed earlike audio receptors. He, however, was oblivious to anything but the almost lifelike pain ne…
Author : James Langley Dr. Livett tapped at the graphene strap around her wrist and the beachside illusion dissolved into nothing. She stood in the sterile, empty white room; the fragrant ocean bre…
Author : Joshua Doyle We could have seen it coming for a couple of years. Identification of pathways that lead to cell aging, the discovery of a method of removing the “unwanted side effects&…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer From orbit, this island must look like charred toast floating in a soup of boiled seafood. They’ve rained fire upon us for hours. Not sure what we did, but, as Lail…
Author : Thomas Desrochers Michael lit a hand-rolled cigarette, hands shaking. “What fucking century are you from?” Jack opened his flask and took a long drink. Michael exhaled smoke. “What millenn…
Seventeen years ago, when I returned from the Europa colony, I was asked to give a speech at a middle school assembly. For two hours I talked about recycling. Recycled air, recycled food, recycled …
Author : David C. Nutt “What do you mean you’re not an alien?” “Just that. I am not an alien. I am a herald from another dimension- another plane of existence-“ “Not from these parts, not a human, …
Author : Thomas Desrochers I read a lot of science fiction as a kid, and I think I made the mistake of believing that the futures I was reading about were like weather forecasts of what was to come…
Author : Claudia Silva “How do you want your eggs today, dear?” He entered the kitchen with a big smile, happy to start the day. “I’m in the mood for some scrambled eggs, a little bit of tomato, on…
The Fantastic Journey of Mr. Green Thumb | 365tomorrows
Author : Ronald Guell Day 5482: Here’s the problem with traveling at light speed. There’s no point in looking out of the window. You can’t see anything. It’s just a vast endless flat black. Truckin…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The woman on screen is stern of countenance, yet there’s mischief glinting in her eyes. It makes her even more beautiful. “Who is she?” “Melpomene Drenaly.” “Why I …
Author : Henry Gribbin I am a child of the 60’s, therefore I am a veteran of the Cold War. I had the typical abnormal upbringing of that time, but there was one thing that made me somewhat differen…
Author : Bob Newbell “Another ten billion dollars a year?!” said the Senator incredulously. “And that on top of the billions already spent annually? And for a scientific toy that …
Author : Joe Essid The bluish-gray haze in the western sky this morning is not the shadow of the Earth, rising up against the Dawn. No, there is something out there. It’s coming, already slip…
Author : Laila Amado Marjorie began freaking out when we lost contact with Earth. I gather she thought she would still get to go home one day, though I can’t imagine the corporation ever paying for…
Author : Jack Strange Funny, I never saw myself going into showbiz. I started out as a lawyer, would you believe? It was a good living. I was paid well and saved up a good-sized pension pot. But no…
Author : William Tracy The moonless night was interrupted by a bright flash of light. A demolition round gouged a neat twenty-meter hole in the jungle. A light jumper craft settled into the fresh c…
Author : Asher Wismer Here’s me, walking through the deserted streets of Chicago. I can see a few ravens pecking at some unidentifiable detritus in the gutter; somewhere, a car alarm is weeping to …
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Once they were gathered on the elementary school playground, teams needed to be selected for a game of Grobnars and Subjugates. Dinklebarg, a grobnar, was toda…
Author : Michael Herbaugh a.k.a. “Freeman” Ten years. That’s what the Fri-l’r sting had cost him. Craig had been on safari on Lankus XIII when the accident happened. His friends did…