Author : Sean Monaghan Sid smiled as Alex handed him the separation results. One more test and they could announce. They’d known all along of course, since the first samples, but Mars Twelve …
Author : Philip Berry Stan looks right through the innocent, who stand in pools of studio-bright light where the afternoon sun reflects from countless mirrored towers. Turn up the power and they…
Author : Beck Dacus Running down the hall to Solo’s dressing room, I could hear the security guards behind me. It didn’t matter; I only needed a second with Solo, and then I would be a legend in my…
Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer I needed to disappear. Fast. I never wanted a criminal life. It’s not like I killed anybody, or stole the nation’s pension plans, unlike some governments which…
Author : Patricia Stewart, featured writer The USS Jovian Explorer skimmed above the turbulent cloud tops of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere. The large clamshell doors on its underbelly slowly opened …
Author : TJMoore It was a Thursday. I’d just finished a little job for the landlord and I was looking through my latest copy of Dames when the bell rang. I looked at the monitor and saw a sultry …
Author : J.D. Mraz A man snores on his pseudo-leather recliner, the remote dangling between his half closed fingers. He is bald, the white of his stomach hairy and stained with unwashed sweat. The …
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Nick inhaled on his cigarette until the glowing ember reached the filter, then flicked it absently out the driver’s window. His younger brother James sat up…
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Laredo’s tugship was idling peacefully in geosynchronous orbit. Laredo was ten screens from the end of Asimov’s Second Foundation when the LSC alarm sounded,…
Author : Michael Parker Accessing… Initiating systems… “What is this?” The voice, smooth and metallic, surprised her. Doctor Lyndahl turned to see model SL-4 moving. Its skull-shaped head examining…
Author : Beck Dacus From Earth, the lie was invisible. Looking up would present you with a deep blue sky, maybe some clouds sometimes, and a bright yellow sun (white from Low Earth Orbit). But I wa…
Author : Patricia Stewart March 26, 2167. It was the best of days; it was the worst of days (if you permit me to paraphrase Charles Dickens). At 8:00 EMT (Earth mean time), I accepted delivery of t…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Here’s one example of how the aliens failed to understand humans. We’d become part of the galactic alliance and were paired up with a species roughly analogous…
Author : Jennifer Parsons To any who watch television, the researcher’s setup should be plenty familiar, especially so to an old R&D man like myself. Two rooms, divided by a big sheet of glas…
“How much money are we talking?” Jake asked. “Fifty thousand dollars.” Jake couldn’t see the doctor’s face, but he’d developed a mental image of the man ov…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Lieutenant Bensen’s neck snapped in my strong hands with a crack and a gurgle. Her surprised eyes goggled up at me as her body went limp. Corporal Mancie…
Author : Ryan Swiers From the sand she raised herself. The desert wind had coursed over her exposed flesh and the gritty pain of its wake made the effort slow. Sleek tendrils of sand rolled from he…
Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer I work on Opingtu. Two-and-a-bit AUs from civilisation, on a good day. Lee thrust the crowbar into my hands, and set off down the corridor at a run. I swore, and r…
Author : Victoria Benstead-Hume We made it to twenty-eight weeks before my neighbour reported me. Twenty-nine and the doctor classed it tainted. As if that mattered. Lace curtains lend a sheen of r…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The laboratory is filled with the sound of slow drops landing. The smell alone is enough to drive three officers back. Seeing the mess does for the next five. Offic…
Author : David Blatcher Jason threw the low fat yogurt drink at the smartFridge and it splattered pale pink against the door. He had told the fridge to order milkshakes, the kind he always had afte…
Author : Bryan Pastor “Absolutely ridiculous. The music of this era su….” “Hold that thought, what’s the make and model of the car we’re looking for?” “Blue Nissan…” “Like that one?” “Crap! Quick t…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer “So when’s your kill frenzy?” asked the giant, barbed Tark beside me. His name was Jant. We were both assigned to navigation in the starship.…
Author : Olivia Black, Staff Writer The entrance to the tunnel was much less circumspect than we expected. Had to have walked past it at least three times before we found it. I wasn’t sure how Bird…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Getting used to sleeping while your body moves is the hardest thing about exoskeletal operations. Right now, I’m tail-end Charlie in a forty-man column accompanying…
Author : Kate Runnels “There,” said the doctor. “Try it now, agent Sasaki. The neural connection should be hooked in.” Lia stared down at her cybernetic left arm, recently attached after a case wen…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Chandra Fourteen is an archaeological mystery. Not regarding its lost civilisation, nor the history of that civilisation. What everyone who encounters it becomes de…
Author : David Henson I notice the message in the sky as I’m going into Eat-A-Lot mart — COMING SOON. I figure it’s a vapor-trail promo, but when I come out, the words are still t…
Author : Russell Bert Waters …fireworks exploding, the smell of sulphur… …sliding off the road on a slushy day… …first kiss, soft, lights of the city in the distance… …fight…