Author : Kent Rosenberger “It’s happening,” announced Saul Quick from two minutes ago. “Is everybody ready? We’re only going to get one pass at this.” “Who cares?” sniped Saul Quick from sixty-six …
Author : Brenna Robinson Something happened back in those days that caused the compound to go into lock-down and never open again. When I started asking myself questions, and I decided that it coul…
Author : J.R.Blackwell, Staff Writer “How is the Krugar adjusting to his second childhood?” The Krugar’s mother motioned to the reporter to sit. “We don’t call him The…
Author : Brad Crawford {BLINK} There it went again. This time he noted the time and severity of the event. For the last two days or so, Dr. Samuel Coughlin, world-renowned physicist had experienced…
Author : Russell Bert Waters Let me be clear: there is reality, even when there is not. What I am writing here exists. It is both linear and classical. It is on paper, and it is not. It’s on paper …
Author : Gray Blix “Why do we have a dog bot in the first place?” Offended, “Robot K91 is my PARTNER, sir, and its very shape deters crime by evoking a primal human fear of wolves…
Author : Jess Cowburn ‘You know what’ll happen as soon as you set foot on that ship? You’ll start changing. You will. I read about it. You won’t notice it but just being there, it’s not natural for…
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer I land with a crunch that tells me the remaining organic ribs in my left side need replacing. “I bet that hurt, Shields.” Fast footsteps betray his next move. I bra…
Author : J.D. Rice The worn grandfather clock stood idly in the corner, looking out of place against the stale, concrete wall. Its slow and steady ticking echoed quietly around the room, breaking u…
Author : Michael Holt “This gives a whole new meaning to the term peep show don’t you think?” said, Trayden. “Mr. Rice while we enjoy your humor you really must get your rest, we …
Author : Elijah Goering Justin Perdan sat at communication center of mankind’s first interstellar spaceship. The Earth Ship Endurance was truly massive, containing within it tens of thousands…
Author: Matt Poll “Don’t point at the bird, Larry honey,” Jared hissed, half-slapping his daughter’s finger out of the horizontal. She flashed him a comical tilt-headed glare of hurt, which he resp…
Author : Dan Whitley The natives prostrate me over a disused shipping crate in their temple and begin their ritual. They flog me with ancient braided industrial cables that have hung from the templ…
Author: Rick Tobin Aaron’s dark green Volvo continued in the interstate fast lane, at the legal speed limit, when suddenly a bright red SUV swerved around him, honking, almost striking the front of…
Author : Colin Edley Nobody likes the guy who told you so being right, especially when the three day bender you went on after the girl he said was no good meant you couldn’t drag yourself out…
Author : Alexis Voltaire My fist thumps heavily on the metal door, echoing down the corridor. I’m soaking wet, some of it water, some of it blood. some of it mine. “Sandogan!” I y…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It’s light outside which means that if we leave our hiding place, we will be seen and killed. Not too long ago, human history was exposed and swept clear. Ever…
Author : T Anthony Allen The off-world floor product salesman arrived while mom was visiting her sister or he would have been chased off with a warning shot. But no mom, not here, so when he landed…
Author : Damien Krsteski Nurse Anne’s botoxed face creases into a contrived expression of worry but her tone remains bizarrely casual, “I’m sorry Mrs. Adrian, but as you can see f…
Author : Aiza Mohd There’s a funeral being held in the junkyard today. Its mourners come in a neat little line of twelve, proceeding in that beautiful precision of steps that only them bots ever ha…
Author : Helstrom Neil hadn’t been the same since he became a MALCIV. For one, he didn’t drink anymore. Couldn’t, really. Of course we all tried to find ways around that, Neil fir…
Author : Scott Shipp Ian was cornered. He had run straight into a dead end alley. Right on his heels were two cyborg cops, and he had the money credits hacked from the bank all over his data stores…
Author : Jordan Whicker Henry Goodman sank readily into the welcoming embrace of his favorite recliner; the whoosh of air escaping these cushions and the groan of its leather was the only ‘We…
Author : Jordan Mason The wardrobe is full of ghosts. Clothes she wore now mere memories of what once was. Metallic shirts and faux fur coats, shoes and denim and all things feminine. They could be…
Author : Debbie Mac Rory Jennifer staggered and fell to the ground. Barely feeling the impact, she forced herself forward, straining her tired legs to run faster. Throwing a glance back over her sh…
Author : Simon Petrie Afar contemplates lifting something small, a souvenir, but is distracted by the conversation at the next table: “…forgot our anniversary, so I’m sending flowers …
Author : Peter Merani I like to watch it all go dark. To see if the world knows from up here how the evening folds in half. I used to think each individual sunset was its own glorious diamond. I wo…
Author : Viktor Kuprin When the alien ship reached us, we were down to four hours of oxygen and nothing in our prospector ship’s food storage. It was the Tsoor who rescued us, the ones who look l…
Author : Pavelle Wesser When she first appeared to him in the dead of the eternal night, her tentacles undulated in bluish silver tints that reflected the twinkling lights of his ship. She slithere…
Author : Lindsey McLeod “Good afternoon!” The teller chirped happily as Nagano sat down at the first available desk. “Welcome to FilmScape! What may I help you with today?” “…