Author : David Barber “Yes,” answered Moreau. “A landmark legal verdict.” Absently he trailed a fingertip between the vorpal racer’s eye-nacelles and down the streamli…
An old bottle with a key in it, attached to a box kite by a simple string. It was illogical to think it might have worked, but no one wanted to question a man of such intellectual stature. Perhaps …
Author : Phil Rejmer Humanity and its lost tribe met, finally, in between the stars. We faced each other, the representatives of each clan, standing in the metal halls of each others’ vessels…
Author : Jules Jensen She needed a couple more voice samples. And then this would be the perfect catch, exactly what the buyer wanted. She sidled up closer to him, and nodded to his wife as she bro…
Author : Janie Brunson “Welcome to the Talent Exchange Office. You must have a talent you would like to trade?” “Yes.” “What is it? Your talent?” “I ……
Author : David C. Nutt Major Janus took one last look at the soldier’s file. Rank & Name: PFC Johnny Benton Ralston. DOB: 12 SEP 2134. HOR: Southington, CT. Psi Aptitude: Off the charts. The ac…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer “I can see it from here, Duke, and it’s quite something, I can tell you. Let me give you and our other listeners what I see. I’m on Parliament mound, facing south. …
Author : Anthony Rove King Alexander—that was the name he had chosen for himself, anyway—leaned back on his throne. It wasn’t very comfortable. After a lifetime of resting his considerable girth on…
Author : Andrea Friedenson “Such an expressive planet,” Lana said. I watched the reflected light from her monitor flow reds, greens, and blues across her perfect face as she admired the image of Ea…
Author : Jules Jensen The gray fur was dry and dull. The small hollow horns on his head were curly and crooked. She stroked a finger over the horns. He closed his eyes, like he enjoyed the touch. T…
Author : Matthieu C. R. Cartron “And why is it that you wish to explore deep space?” said Allen, the director of the space program. It felt like an obvious question to Gyron. Why did anyone wish to…
Author: Suzanne Borchers I pinch my arm. “Ouch!” It’s real! I might have met him only a few hours ago, but I know. I’m traveling to Xeron with my soul mate. “It’s not going to happen,” my friends c…
Author: Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Slow Jim Parker. That’s me, friend. Please to make your acquaintance. Nasty accident you had there, friend. Nas-teee accident. And I’ve seen some! And this shac…
The locksmith knelt down to examine the mangled keyhole in Exetor’s office door. He turned his head and raised a brow at the man seated behind the desk, who was typing with twelve fingers and pay…
Author : Michael Mieher “That was great sweetheart. Now get out.”, he punctuated his request with a slap on her slightly larger than shapely bottom. She hadn’t been the prettiest …
Author : L.Hall The mousy haired woman sat with tears rolling down her face in front of a cold steel table. Broken plastic, silicone pieces, processors, ball and socket joints, gears, pieces of lef…
Author: Thomas Tilton Hard, mean knocks at the door. That would be Mr. Farcus, the landlord. Chuck was already two months behind on rent, and today was the fifth day of month three. Mr. Farcus was …
Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer It breached the atmosphere in the late evening, the sun beginning to warm the far side of the little blue planet as it tucked into the shadows and dropped down to …
Author: Servaya It began, as many things do, in the dead of night. “Dad!” cried the boy. “There’s monsters under my bed!” The covers were down before he was fully awake, and as he rolled smoothly t…
Author: Garrett Frechette We have called ourselves a great number of names over the course of these many years. At times, we presented ourselves as federations and republics, our history records ou…
Author: Kate Runnels Ara studied the Avatar for a moment, liking what she saw. It wasn’t enough like her to raise suspicions if anyone she knew played the game, but she would be comfortable playing…
Author : James McGrath “I know you’ve all heard it, but you have to hear it again…” We’d heard the guide’s speech six times, so Kirstin and I stood at the back j…
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Drax left the party early, as he often did, dragging two beautiful young things into his elevator and up to his sprawling office to ‘admire the view’,…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The speaker hums as the decoder scans for the encrypted channels that the Chendrin use. I know I shouldn’t give in to this ghoulish need to eavesdrop, but I cannot …
Author : David Shute They’ve had me running assassination jobs for awhile now. Terrorists, political loose ends, and the occasional despot in between bigger jobs. It kicked off with Nan Kang-…
Author : Matthew Harrison The mood in the meeting room, dominated by the large screen, was subdued. Only the tall silver-haired figure of James sat unperturbed, yet like the others he was waiting. …
Author : Rollin Jeglum “Sam, would you check the sensor detection module? Some of the readings are scrambled.†“Sure, no problem. Any specifics?†“Try the logic board in slot A3. I’ve s…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The lights reflect from the gleaming chrome and glossy Union Jacks on the lines of matt black all-terrain cars. Typical over-indulgence: four-wheel drive is hardly …
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer As I flew through the Rio Bravo Corridor in western Texas, the town of El Paso rose above the horizon. I banked northward and began a gradual arc to align my…
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer He walked and he calculated. The intense red sun beat down yet, as always, the suit kept things temperate. He urinated without thinking, and on he walked. He gla…