Author : Samuel Stapleton “Megan! Sweetheart! You’re on time!?” “Not here to chat.” She hissed as she paraded in. “I know, I know. I’ve got your new look ready, stand still please.” She complied as…
There was a time when food could be remembered; a time when you could lick your lips and recall the sweet sting of dehydrated packaged delights. Too bad those days don’t exist anymore. Days like …
Author : Tony Taylor A klaxon blares again in Suda’s ear, dragging him toward consciousness. His groggy eyes strain open to find error messages flooding his helmet’s display. Replaced by fear, the …
Author : Sam Clough aka “Hrekka”, Staff Writer “We’ve considered the simple stuff in previous sessions, and now all of you are comfortable with the basics of folding space, …
Author : Kraigher Lutz They had first found it, there at the highway split. They had seen its design in the leaves and grass. The design spiraled out, burning the soil. We had worked quick trying t…
Author : JD Kennedy The bridge of Earth’s first colony ship, Columbia, was a beehive of activity. The newly awakened ship’s officers were carefully reviewing the system readings at each…
Author : Bob Newbell The infinitesimal point that had been the universe bounded out and stars and galaxies returned to their proper places in the cosmos as I defolded back into normal space. I stee…
Originally, Karen went along with the idea because she was certain her roommate wouldn’t come through with the goods. True, Jill had befriended (“befriended.†Chrissy giggled, her fingers han…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Trees lay flat behind the ship where it had crashed to the ground in the forest. Its silver shell winked in the sunlight, shuddering occasionally as whatever m…
Conquer Earth With This One Weird Trick | 365tomorrows
Author: Marcel Barker Rrrtx class destroyer Ssstnbrx hung high over Earth’s southern pole, invisible and silent. Commander Tttx read from the onyx screen in front of him. 10 Facts About Bananas Doc…
Author: Kevin P Michaels George Tompkins hated almost everything. He hated buildings for being too tall, he hated cars for being too loud, he hated animals for being wild, and most of all he hated …
Author: Rick Tobin “Get out of here, now!” Telerman yelled into his beleaguered colleagues’ faces over blaring dance music inside Omnia, as lights flashed around them, from above, over a vast dance…
Author : Ian Rennie Matron moved almost silently from ward to ward. The faint silken brush of her passing made the nurses look up, meeting her eyes as she passed, exchanging glanced messages that s…
Author : Desmond Hussey Black rain streaks the windows of Mr. Nielson’s 35th story apartment. Beyond the aqueous smear, a tiny room is illuminated by the hypnotic flicker of an enormous, wafer thin…
Author : Hugh Downs Royce Millison requested cremation. He had got the idea in 1908, early in his long life. He was neat and efficient and said he didn’t want his remains ‘to take up sp…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer My family became meat farmers in the spring of ’22. Like a lot of city dwellers, we tired of the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life. We sold our possession…
Author : Mark Adel I felt the urge to write speculative fiction. But I couldn’t. So I swallowed a nil pill. Still I couldn’t. So I swallowed another nil pill. Then I couldn’t remember my name. But …
Author : Clint Wilson, Featured Writer The eighteen foot tall robot stared down at the park worker in pleading disbelief. Sam jabbed the giant’s leg with his broom, “Come on, off you go…
Author : Matthieu C. R. Cartron “And why is it that you wish to explore deep space?” said Allen, the director of the space program. It felt like an obvious question to Gyron. Why did anyone wish to…
Author : Suzanne Borchers “You have a decision to make.” Her surgeon leaned forward on the chair, eyes soft with tiny wrinkles around them. Mary glanced first at her husband sitting quietly next to…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I’m 43. A year on Carroway is fifty-six earth years long. Its long, lazy, almost-circular orbit kept it temperate for that whole time but the ecosystem had evo…
Author : Roger Hammons The Lady of the House had a mind of her own. “Christopher James Robbins!” she scolded. “Yes, ma’am! Yes, ma’am!” he replied, picking up the dirty clothes. The forceful puff o…
A Patient Found In A Field Near Kent | 365tomorrows
Author : Jabez Crisp Vagner: Your name please? Niken: Niken, William, Flight Lieutenant, 10039880 Vagner: [pause] Date of birth? Niken: 29th February 1912 Vagner: And you went missing how long ago?…
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Kaine rounded the corner at a full sprint, boots kicking up plumes of sand as he tried to outpace his pursuers. No gun, no backup and rapidly losing daylight, he …
Author : J.R. Blackwell, Staff Writer Jack hated the Minotaur. Ever since he’d gotten off the silver bus to basic training at White Hook, the Minotaur had picked on him. At the Imperial recru…
Author : Isaac Archer Be careful. Those were the last words Gully had spoken to him. And as he drifted beyond the point where the shallows ended and the real ocean began, Sam’s greatest regre…
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Flaktar entered the great senate hall dressed in his Fuztonian best. His entourage followed close behind, their own attire mimicking yet not exceeding his outfit…
Author : Bob Newbell It was July 20th, 1969 when Neil Armstrong made first contact with the Selenites. We’d known throughout history that the Moon had life. The ancient Sumerians had noted th…
Author : Thomas Gray Luckily, I guess you might suggest, he came at a bit of a sticking point for Me in that I’d sorted the algorithm for maintaining which level of quantum field to generate, I jus…
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer The mammoth multi-functional spaceship, the HMS Drebbel, descended slowly through the skies of Beta Bevatt and settled gracefully onto the undulating surface…