Author : Gray Blix The sign on the wall read, “180 ACCIDENT-FREE DAYS.” For the umpteenth time since the accident, UR4-51 climbed into an electronic parts recycling bin and positioned i…
Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Time travel has always been possible. We’ve been doing it for centuries. Even the most archaic craft in our earliest space faring ventures used to bring back bra…
Author : R. A. Jackson Each step came slower now. Her back hunched so that the long grey strands of her hair trailed across the stairs as she climbed. Counting the painful strides one by one was th…
Author : Joseph Lyons “Good morning Mr…Ogden. I’m nurse Shaw, I’ll be your mod operator today. What can I do for you?” “I’m here for my girlfriend.” “Ok, perhaps I can interest you in the sensitivi…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer We put Jesus24K99 into his cage for our own protection. The anti-coagulants weren’t holding. He was destabilizing. He’d bleed out soon. The hole in our researc…
The Practical Problems of Interstellar Empire | 365tomorrows
Author : Bob Newbell Trimet VII was the Emperor of the entire Epsilon Eridani star system. Of course, he didn’t know his solar imperium by the name a human celestial cartographer had given hi…
Marco can leave the hospital bed, and for that, he is grateful. His balance is unsteady, but with a cane and time, he should be able to get around much the same way he used to. Dana smiles when he …
“Oh my God. Peter, you didn’t.†Peter smirked at his wife’s gaping stare. “You bet I did,†he told her smugly. “Nothing’s too good for our anniversary.†“It looks fabulous.†B…
Author : Russell Bert Waters Their Emperor once conquered vast expanses; like Genghis Khan, who cried when he ran out of lands to conquer. But the Tar don’t cry. They don’t hear, see, o…
Author : Gray Blix The music was driving him crazy. Or rather, he feared, he heard music because he was already crazy. “Which came first” he asked himself loudly, so he could hear himse…
In the evenings I would go into the studio, tablet in hand, and sit there for hours, just sketching. My husband had bought me a full-wall screen for our last anniversary, finally giving in to the i…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Every anniversary of the counterstrike, they show that cursed video. You know the one: snow on the ground, ashes in the air, a lone woman in a ragged battlesuit mov…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Greenland. That’s where we discovered them first. All melted wires and skin grafts. Christmas lights in their eye sockets and playing poker with old-school pun…
I have agreed to this interview in order to deliver a promise. Do not be afraid. I was seven months old when I died. My parents lived on a primitive moon on a colony that rejected the free energy a…
Author : Roger Dale Trexler “No, no, no!” he said. It just won’t do.” He looked at the workers and shook his head. “Do you call those hands?” He motioned toward the thing lying on the slab in front…
Author : Summer Batton “Oh look! They have grass ‘n water ’n little huts, too!” squealed the little girl as she ran to press her face against the glass and get a closer look. “Milly, get back…
Author : Bob Newbell The crew of the starship looked at the strange yellow star on the viewscreen. The interstellar vessel's enormous magsail was slowly decelerating the vehicle against the st…
Author : Sean Mulroy Your home is now the Castle. Feel free to wander and explore any hall, every garden, each room and all the towers. Eventually there’ll be no need to, for they’ll come to you; b…
Author : Jae Miles I opened a channel to the Finnvael; “This is Handler Orchus, what is your intent within the Olympus Theocracy?” The long silver needle rotated itself rapidly to orient at least n…
Author : Andrew Bale Survey Ship Aldrin drifted softly through space, main jets silent while the steering and attitude thrusters pushed it gently through a seemingly empty patch of space. Weeks spe…
Author : Ellen Couch “Don’t you love me?” she asked. “You know I do,” I said quietly, “but you’re not mine, you never really were.” I could tell she didn’t understand- how could she? As far as she …
Author : M. A. Goldin “Anything?” “Bacteria, some multi-celled organisms, but nothing complex. Nothing sentient.” Captain Dalmar nodded, and the technician’s projected…
Author : LaTosha Hall The three children stared at the table top. “How’s it doin’ that?” the fair haired boy whispered, reaching two fingers out towards the dull metal objec…
Author : Patricia Stewart Space Colony Delta was the largest manned spacecraft in history. It was a three-mile in diameter donut that rotated in the most stable location in the Earth-Moon system, t…
Author : Eric L. Sofer Gwen and Naomi came in from the vegetable field and sat down with two large cold iced teas in Naomi’s parlor. “Naomi, I’m so glad to see you and your neighbors doing so well …
Author : Faris Naimi “Is that what you call a life?” The woman was shouting at him. She was wearing a black dress, like she was going to a funeral. She was beautiful, but her face was contorted wit…
Before we go any further, let me stop to ask you some questions. I’m so excited to have met you, but there’s something I want to tell you before you enter the port. You see, I havenR…
Author : Matthew Velez I miss the rain. It’s been years – I’ve long since lost track of how many – since I saw it last. Since anyone saw it last. It’s been so long that no one really re…
Author : J G Pelling My bedfellows’ laughter had followed me out of the room when I’d first mentioned my idea for a new career. Smarting, I’d gone to my appointment with Sirin. She hadn’t laughed. …