Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Susan crept downstairs slowly, curious about the noises she was hearing from the kitchen. The lights weren’t on. It was Christmas morning so it was still dar…
Author : George R. Shirer Noir York. V9.7. The rain fell, neon droplets painting the city’s stark black and white streets in a kaleidoscope of liquid color. Sitting in Smiley’s, propping up the cou…
Author : Adrian Berg A man and his son stood together on a mound, surrounded by a vast field of garbage. They were ragged, the boy with wild, uncut hair and the man with a knotted beard. The settin…
Author : Rob Sharp ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this. This is the greatest moment in human history and I’m missing it. I need to be let through!’ ‘I’m sorry sir, but you can’t come in,’ the Securi…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Old Avon looks up: “That’s going to cost you.” He always says that. Doesn’t matter if you pick up a piece of twine or a gold ring, his opening lines are fixed. I gr…
Author : J.Loseth, Staff Writer It was good money. Everyone said so, on the newscasts and the Internet, repeating the slogan from the billboards: Everyone’s Rich in the Colonies. Drake had re…
Author : Rick Tobin “Low fuel before Jupiter station. Why stop for a wasteland?” Christa Arnold monitored guidance system readings, adjusting orbital programming for Saturn’s crusty moon, Hyperion.…
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Exactly what do you expect is going to happen, Dr. Erwin?” asked Captain Podolsky as he stared out the aft viewport. “Well, Captain, if Schrodinger’s unpubl…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer It looks too soft. This thread-like network of blue filaments and their pale red host substrate cannot possibly give me my right arm back. For the eighteenth time, …
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer “You know, puny human, you’re about to die?” The voice reverberated off the store fronts, assailing the ears like broken glass. “You think…
Author : TJMoore Lightning struck her left wingtip sending a twinge all the way down to her ribs. Finally it had begun. She flapped her enormous wings, increased her speed and altitude. She needed …
Author : J.R.D. Skinner “So, are ya?” He’s maybe twelve, wearing blue shorts and a Mexico City Raptors t-shirt, a leg up on the wrought iron patio fence. My lobster is getting cold. “What?” I ask. …
Author : Joey To Tris slowly opened his eyes. He let his head remain on the cold workbench for a second before sitting up and rolling his stiff shoulders. Wincing as he rubbed his neck, he squinted…
Author : David Wing It was clear from the read-outs, we were going to fire. The question was, how bad? Barnes had reset the system, but it didn’t work, the countdown remained and the Mind kept on t…
Author: Mark Thomas It was Monday, June 18th and three sets of new customers carrying identical “cosmic pet shuttles” were lined up waiting for the “Hubble Bubble” pet boarding facility to open. Ea…
Author: Ádám Gerencsér In all probability, this is our final broadcast. It will be repeated on all available automatic relays in binary code for as long as power supply persists. The time left is e…
Author : J. S. Kachelries “Objection, your honor; asked and answered,†stated the defense attorney. “Sustained,†replied the judge. Then addressing the plaintiff’s attorney, “Move on, c…
Author : Duncan Shields The helmet amplifies my own breathing and makes me feel uncomfortably confined. It’s like when you can hear yourself chewing and it sounds so noisy because of the bone con…
Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Judge Roy Phantly entered his chambers and took the seat at the head of the conference table. To his right, sat Stanley Matthews, CEO of Buy Gones Inc, and h…
Mrs. Lansing and the School of Humans | 365tomorrows
Mrs. Lansing slapped the back of Edward’s head. “What is this?†she asked, pointing at his computer pad. “It’s the site I built!†whined Edward, rubbing the back of his head. His teache…
Author : Ray Burke Maybe he was broken. It would certainly explain a lot. He always felt lost, hurt, angry even. It never mattered how many were around him, who he talked to, even when sleeping wit…
Author : Morrow Brady Pressure surge from the Reece tube flung slaters from the nozzle. I batted them away into space with a dirtied glove. “While you’re there, get rid of them too!R…
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer As the relative calm of midnight in the projects was broken by a series of tightly spaced explosions, Tiberius knew he’d made a serious, and perhaps fatal m…
Author : Roger Dale Trexler They gathered, all of those interested in watching, at a position twice the distance Pluto was from the sun. Onboard the maiden ship, Corosin, Trya watched intently. “It…
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer There are over a billion species represented. Finding out information and language about a species happens quickest during coitus, they say, and the more plent…
Author : Philip Smith Most of the bots you see in diners are the ones that serve the food. We have one but it was a bad decision on my part. Real waitresses give you a smile and make you feel welco…
Author : Jared R. Cloud The General and the Secretary of State sat in the Oval Office, waiting for the new President to return from the bathroom. Although both had jumped in their seats when they f…
Author : JD Kennedy It is interesting how seemingly unrelated technologies become connected together to create new and unexpected capabilities. First, there was the successful development of cryoge…
Author : Sarah Klein General Elias Knox sat staring at the paperwork at his desk, utterly confounded. “Would you care to explain what happened, lieutenant?” The lieutenant swallowed ner…