Author: Mina – Bravo-tango-delta-three-nine-zero-zulu, you are cleared to dock. – Affirmative, docking sequence initiated. K8 docked manually; it was against procedure, but nobody would…
Author: Dylan Otto Krider The lands of Diika and Igbo had been trying to eradicate each other for time immemorial for reasons no one remembered except for the last tat for their tit. One day, a tin…
Author : William Tracy She loved the Coin-Operated Boy. None of the men in her life would really love her. Yes, they were strong, and handsome, and promised wealth and luxury. They were also full o…
Author: Lewis Richards The Creature moved its great head forwards, releasing a long mellow call into the night. It waited for a moment, listening for a response, but when one didn’t drift bac…
Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer Kema Port. Hot, dry and dusty in general; the uncomfortable atmosphere an unavoidable side-effect of the equatorial location of the port. A walled city, surrounded…
Author: Elena Horne Darkness is all she sees, at least at first. She blinks, her eyes closing from left to right. The darkness lets through yellow stripes; little strips of light. The sky here is l…
Author : Courtney Raines As I watched myself falling down the hill, I remembered that fairy tale from physics class; the one about the cat in the box. I had been walking home through the wilderness…
Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Peck met Richards at the door of the diner. They stood staring at each other without speaking for a long minute before Peck opened the door and ushered his partner…
Author: Duncan Shields, Staff Writer “Look we rescued you, correct?” “Yes, but-” “You were floating in a derelict colony vessel. You were a corpsicle. A cryo refugee. …
Author: Thomas Tilton I am not the creator, just the keeper. People say that bots don’t have human feelings, that to assume they do is even more dangerous than assuming, say, the crocodile swimming…
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Rosa jumped, spilling her latte as the man dropped heavily into the seat across from her, long hair mussed, his face a shadow in the halo cast by the late afterno…
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The mists swirl about our feet and the cold blues of brushed steel surfaces surround us. There is distant hubbub, like a monster stirring in its lair – which …
Author : C. Clayton Chandler They came out of the sky like plumes of fire, these green-skinned sickos with their saucers and their death rays shearing the air, burning atmosphere, coasting smooth a…
Author: Janice Rothganger Subject 9581 swam against the waves, edging nearer to her objective with each stroke. Salt water crusted her lips. The storm surge pulled her away, then forced her tantali…
Author : Desmond Hussey, featured writer “You the new guy?” A massive Velorian Lobster asks me, a clawed hand over his head mic as I stand in the doorway of the busy office. There’s a muffled squaw…
Author: Samuel Huang “It’s time, Ms. President.” Sarah Juanita Chen wanted to run, but a dozen secret service agents filled the Oval Office, barring every possible avenue of escape. The regal room …
Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer Battles in space aren’t the cool atmosphere bound dogfights of the twentieth century that are still depicted in movies. Battles in space are a matter of orbi…
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer John trundles the pallet truck toward the ramp. “A few of us acquired some things from Centra Medico on your behalf. Doesn’t seem right, just throwing you out.” He s…
Author : Lewis Richards Today is my 456th birthday. Growing up everyone is made to think space is a dangerous place full of Alien space pirates and impending doom, ( I’m looking at you, Sigou…
Author : M.S. Smith The sun sinks in the west like a heart as I row towards the city of lights. I do not know what the city is called. I have been rowing for so long that names have become vulgar s…
Author : Christopher Kueffner “I thought you didn’t smoke,†she asked. “I did, and I quit,†he replied through a bluish cloud, “but it seems an appropriate time to pick up the habit aga…
Author: Kim Kneen “It’s rare but sometimes Saplings simply fail to thrive.” Dr. Moran peels off her gloves and drops them into a bin labeled Hazardous Waste. Moran hands me a leaflet entitled Recal…
Author : Grady Hendrix Tom Rush (D-Massachusetts) squatted and hugged his Labrador-Beagle mix at the perfect angle for the camera to see just how much he loved his dog. “Mashudu is the luckiest d…
Author: David Henson My daughter is marrying a goddam Martian. They’ll probably end up living with me and Edith ‘cause he’ll never hold down a steady job. Martians is lazy. Just ‘cause Mars was the…
Author: Mina I don’t know how I came to be. I only know that I am the only one here now. Immortality is not all it’s cut out to be. Not when you are alone in the vastness of space and time. The oth…
Author: David Henson The table is still set, and one of the plates is untouched— baked cod, peas, potatoes. Cold. Ruined. I was so upset at work, I forgot to call and tell Helen I wouldn’t be…
Author: A.K. Blake “You can’t be serious.” The President squints, shielding his eyes. “We find blunt assessments most expedient.” The agent from UPRA oozes twenty meters away, sunlight glancing off…
Author : David Botticello “…Ma’am?” Major Vorwith questioned. “…Ma’am?” “Yes Major,” intoned his captain, her voice betraying the long night behind them. “We’re receiving a message. No author ident…
Author: Matthew Harrison “Good morning, Robert, how nice to see you,” Jenny said. “What do you want to do today?” Robert smiled as he settled down at his PC, even though he knew Jenny couldn’t see …
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer By the time the stubborn git drops, I’m not sure if my nose is numb from the cold or from him hitting it. Christ, what a night to be out earning. Snow up to my ankle…