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Pride | 365tomorrows
Pride | 365tomorrows
Author : Priya Chand, Featured Writer Red lights flapped in an artificial breeze. For the observer whose data banks were lacking, most of the lamps were identical: a big round input, and an output …
Pride | 365tomorrows
Bioinfinity | 365tomorrows
Bioinfinity | 365tomorrows
Author : Beck Dacus Six feet from the cave entrance, we all turned on our flashlights and moved toward the mouth. The only way to get down was a steep flight of natural rock stairs, giving us footh…
Bioinfinity | 365tomorrows
Little Lambs Eat Ivy | 365tomorrows
Little Lambs Eat Ivy | 365tomorrows
Author: Timothy Goss Lieutenant Tann wiped his fuzzy torso. Months in a Chrono-tube caused the growth of a downy hair that matted together on the backs of his legs and arse. The computer suggested …
Little Lambs Eat Ivy | 365tomorrows
Life at Central High | 365tomorrows
Life at Central High | 365tomorrows
Author : Gray Blix It had been the perfect plan. Throw spitballs at the substitute English teacher, get sent to the assistant principal, spend an hour after school in detention, and walk home in pe…
Life at Central High | 365tomorrows
Tic Tok | 365tomorrows
Tic Tok | 365tomorrows
Author: Salvatore Difalco Clanking past the barber shop, the parking bot looked ramshackle—steel alloy and green rubber, with the jaw of a hippopotamus. “They could’ve made those things more attrac…
Tic Tok | 365tomorrows
Things To Come | 365tomorrows
Things To Come | 365tomorrows
Author: David Barber In the darkened room, snores come from the bed. The dim figure in the doorway is noiseless on bare feet, except when its toenails, two inches long and yellow as piss, scrape th…
Things To Come | 365tomorrows
Home Ground | 365tomorrows
Home Ground | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer Sweating people are moving quickly down the High Street, frantically making angular edifices with cardboard boxes and spray paint. I’m working with Heather, rigging …
Home Ground | 365tomorrows
Du Jour | 365tomorrows
Du Jour | 365tomorrows
Author: Anne Dewvall The tiny blue pill gleamed in Jerome’s palm as it danced with electrical impulses. This capsule had the power to transform the human experience, and through that, the wor…
Du Jour | 365tomorrows
They Think It’s Art | 365tomorrows
They Think It’s Art | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer The way it filters the light through dizzying shadows within to cast patterns on the ground like sun through stained glass. To them, the seemingly impossible tessell…
They Think It’s Art | 365tomorrows
Black Snail | 365tomorrows
Black Snail | 365tomorrows
Author: Hari Navarro My daughter was raped as a baby. Does the fact that she was nine and not a baby make me a liar, does it take any of the sting from an opening sentence surely designed to shock …
Black Snail | 365tomorrows
Disassociation | 365tomorrows
Disassociation | 365tomorrows
Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Darlene remained in her body through dinner, Jocelyn having prepared Osso Buco, and a strawberry flan for dessert, so it was worth listening to Arnold’s self…
Disassociation | 365tomorrows
It Worked Before | 365tomorrows
It Worked Before | 365tomorrows
Author: R. J. Erbacher This was bizarre. He hovered over the planet and examined it. During the last check of this planet, there were more than eight million different species. Most were instinctua…
It Worked Before | 365tomorrows
Gold’s Fool | 365tomorrows
Gold’s Fool | 365tomorrows
Author: Kent Rosenberger Everything was about to pay off for Riley. All of the years of planning, preparing, researching, waiting and traveling had all brought him to this particular spot on this p…
Gold’s Fool | 365tomorrows
Laura’s Not Here | 365tomorrows
Laura’s Not Here | 365tomorrows
Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer “How long have you been here?” “Well, it’s hard to say with any degree of certainty but, maybe, ten or fifteen minutes” “Do you know when you were born?” “Well, a…
Laura’s Not Here | 365tomorrows
Shepherd | 365tomorrows
Shepherd | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer The room goes dark when the streetlight across the road goes off. I feel her tense, then relax: rising maturity overcoming instinctive fear. When I first came here, …
Shepherd | 365tomorrows
Old God New | 365tomorrows
Old God New | 365tomorrows
Author: M.D. Parker A chime signaled the readiness of the mixture. She considered it for a moment; There should be celebratory horns of cheer, she thought. If only this machine knew what it had jus…
Old God New | 365tomorrows
The Libraries | 365tomorrows
The Libraries | 365tomorrows
Author : Beck Dacus I have worked for eleven years figuring out how we lost everything. Anecdotes passed down from people who were alive before this War, I have discovered, have long since deterior…
The Libraries | 365tomorrows
The Machine | 365tomorrows
The Machine | 365tomorrows
Author: Alzo David-West My name is VC-60. I am a mechanical intelligence. The two letters in my name stand for “Virtual Cognition.” The two numbers mean I am the sixtieth-generation model. My maker…
The Machine | 365tomorrows
Pest Control | 365tomorrows
Pest Control | 365tomorrows
Author: Moriah Geer-Hardwick With a single, well-practiced motion, Ernst flicks a cigarette up from the pack and brings it up to his mouth. The filter barely touches his lips, but as he swipes the …
Pest Control | 365tomorrows
Judgement Today | 365tomorrows
Judgement Today | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer Jesus came strolling through the corn, two women in winged armour following behind. He had a hemisphere of light flickering about his head and nothing caught on his …
Judgement Today | 365tomorrows
Machines | 365tomorrows
Machines | 365tomorrows
Author: Elizabeth Hoyle “Do you remember me?” The machine they were strapped to was hot. “No. Do you?” “No.” They were silent for a long moment. “What are we going to do?” The woman could not remem…
Machines | 365tomorrows
Garden Genesis | 365tomorrows
Garden Genesis | 365tomorrows
Author: Elaine Thomas The warm sun felt good on the old man’s skin. He stood on the balcony, gazing down into the garden. “A beautiful day,” he thought, “a good day to die.” He examined his hands, …
Garden Genesis | 365tomorrows
Alpha Hold | 365tomorrows
Alpha Hold | 365tomorrows
Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer “Do you want to go on an adventure?”, asks Lee. “To where?”, answers Lindsay. “Up and into the universe.” “In that?” “Yes, in that. It’s an M2-F2 Star Hopper.” “D…
Alpha Hold | 365tomorrows
The Taking of Thom | 365tomorrows
The Taking of Thom | 365tomorrows
Author: Michael Edward Sabat It must have been the sound like wind chimes. Everything is so dark but the ethereal music plays in my head so clearly. “Thom…” I hear her voice. I know that voice. “Th…
The Taking of Thom | 365tomorrows
Starting Over | 365tomorrows
Starting Over | 365tomorrows
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer The elevator descended to the hospital basement, and she followed the orderly through the open doors and down a pale green hallway. He was speaking, but she liste…
Starting Over | 365tomorrows