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As Always with Tyrants - 365tomorrows
As Always with Tyrants - 365tomorrows
Author: David C. Nutt I took a swig straight out of the bottle of the rare, vintage wine- didn’t even let the damn thing breathe. It cost me only $8,420.00 USD, on sale from $10,000.00. As a relatively new multi-billionaire I didn’t even feel the cost. The wine sucked. Tasted like grape flavored caustic lye. […]
As Always with Tyrants - 365tomorrows
Flatlining - 365tomorrows
Flatlining - 365tomorrows
Author: Don Nigroni I met Nancy in college, and we got married shortly after she received her PhD. While I’m smarter than the average bear, Nancy is brilliant. I work for a stock brokerage firm, and she worked for the Department of Energy until three years ago when she joined a private consortium to do […]
Flatlining - 365tomorrows
Just One More Bite - 365tomorrows
Just One More Bite - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “DAY-NA!” The roar of anger is so loud it stops everyone. Dayna, presumably the being we’ve managed to corner after a three-hour citywide chase, was dubbed ‘Jaqueline the Ripper’ by the newsfeeds. Surrounded by rings of armoured vehicles and furious enforcers, she was laughing. Now she looks scared. What’s coming? […]
Just One More Bite - 365tomorrows
Couplings - 365tomorrows
Couplings - 365tomorrows
Author: Hillary Lyon “You have three minutes,” Harmon said, sticking the end of an unlit cigar in his mouth.“Go.” “Okay,” Jepson nervously began. “Picture this: an unlikely romance between a peppy vacuum cleaner and a stoic lawn mower.” Harmon struck a match and lit his cigar. Jepson continued, “Defying the conventions of their middle class […]
Couplings - 365tomorrows
Beacon Five - 365tomorrows
Beacon Five - 365tomorrows
Author: Stephen Dougherty The wind picked up the dust with brutal force. It ripped up the scorched land and tossed it into the never-ending night. Through the dark maelstrom, he could see what he hoped was Beacon Five through the scuffed glass of Beacon Two, its amber light scything through the burnt dust like the […]
Beacon Five - 365tomorrows
Money - 365tomorrows
Money - 365tomorrows
Author: Jeremy Nathan Marks ‘Sir, I hope you’re happy with the service you’ve received thus far.’ ‘Please alter your voice to that of a woman.’ ‘Sir, I hope you’re pleased with the services you’ve so far received.’ ‘I am, Moneypenny. May I call you Moneypenny?’ ‘You may call me whatever you like, sir.’ ‘Thank you.’ […]
Money - 365tomorrows
Not A Creature Was Stirring - 365tomorrows
Not A Creature Was Stirring - 365tomorrows
Author: R. J. Erbacher Timmy woke with a start and looked up. He heard scurrying overhead. On the roof? Hooves, maybe. He laid perfectly still and listened intently. It only lasted a moment and then stopped. For a while there was nothing and he began to lose hope that he had actually heard anything. A […]
Not A Creature Was Stirring - 365tomorrows
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
During one of the much smaller disasters that preceded the really big disaster, I met a lot of my neighbors online. I can’t remember if we set up the WhatsApp group because of the pandemic or the civil disorder or both. My Minneapolis block had always been reasonably friendly—people would take their kids around on […]
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
Migration - 365tomorrows
Migration - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki He hadn’t planned on becoming a ghost hunter, but that’s what Mordem Letac felt like now. A trained naturalist, he’d come to the northern reaches of the Yukon Territory earlier in the summer to study migration patterns in the face of ecosystem collapse related to rapidly accelerating climate change. In some ways studying […]
Migration - 365tomorrows
A Semblance of Bravery - 365tomorrows
A Semblance of Bravery - 365tomorrows
Author: James Callan The holographer did more than tell us who was next on their list to be murdered, though that alone would suffice as unnerving. They didn’t mention names at all, opting for an artistic approach, something avant-garde to demonstrate their next dreadful slaughter. The holographer had their modus operandi, their eccentric, sadistic show-and-tell. […]
A Semblance of Bravery - 365tomorrows