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Turn Again - 365tomorrows
Turn Again - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Have you decided, Jared?” Eagle. The disk spins high into the air in the low gravity, polished metal reflecting the light from the fires about him. Jared smiles. If he had the acuity of vision, he could probably distinguish the reflections from the spotlights of the waiting army. Watching from […]
Turn Again - 365tomorrows
Hungry - 365tomorrows
Hungry - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki I fancy myself quite a reader. I mean, I read everything. Everything. Even “Know your 8-inch Howitzer” published in 1984 by the Department of the Army, Headquarters, US Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command. I’m not particular. I wasn’t programmed to be. I’m a brute force. Scraping and scooping up every bit of […]
Hungry - 365tomorrows
Companions - 365tomorrows
Companions - 365tomorrows
Author: Cliff McNish Eventually, once we’d screwed up everything in the ecosystem, Naomi and I were the final ones left – the last man and woman on Earth. Unfortunately, we didn’t get on. We felt some vague responsibility to repopulate the world, but kept avoiding sex. We did it politely, but even so. ‘Mm, what […]
Companions - 365tomorrows
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
Always had the sages known that they would come. The first princess, in her bed of jewels and smelted gold, had dreamt of them; dreamt their terrible faces, their terrible claws, their endless hunger that is greater than the mountain and deeper than the deepest-diving seam. She had wept in the night, to have such dreams, and some say that her death---as the deaths of all princesses since her---came hard and early, because she could not know the peace of slumber.
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
We have traveled here, to this most innocuous of country landscapes, to make good on a promise made by my grandfather, Carlton Whitmore, to a girl he loved in his youth. How foolish that sounds, writ down so! But it is true. Grandfather met her on the banks of the Bolton Strid, where she stood naked and confused, water drying on her skin. His notes state that she knew no modesty, and that “she was pale as the belly of a deep-river fish."
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
Hello, Hello - Lightspeed Magazine
Hello, Hello - Lightspeed Magazine
Tasha’s avatar smiled from the screen, a little too perfect to be true. That was a choice, just like everything else about it: When we’d installed my sister’s new home system, we had instructed it to generate avatars that looked like they had escaped the uncanny valley by the skins of their teeth. It was creepy, but the alternative was even creepier. Tasha didn’t talk. Her avatar did. Having them match each other perfectly would have been . . . wrong. “So I’ll see you next week?” she asked.
Hello, Hello - Lightspeed Magazine
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! - Reactor
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! - Reactor
An android who knows nothing besides his work in a factory, is given one final week to explore the world before he is forced to undergo mandatory reprogramming, in this bittersweet precursor to TJ Klune’s IN THE LIVES OF PUPPETS, now available in trade paperback!
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! - Reactor
DECOMPRESSION - 365tomorrows
DECOMPRESSION - 365tomorrows
Author: Mark Renney Darren had come to dread having to decompress. He wasn’t alone and yet no-one was talking about it, even the media were quiet on the subject but then hardly anyone now was exempt. The evidence was everywhere and decompressing people had become a commonplace sight across the city. Old people, old bodies, […]
DECOMPRESSION - 365tomorrows
Scortan Hunting - 365tomorrows
Scortan Hunting - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The corridor is just far enough off-true that it messes with your vision and balance if you’re not careful. Or if part of you relies on an exoskeleton to function. “You okay there, Zeno?” I flick a glance and grin towards Leroy. “I’m seventy-one, godammit. Been doing this war shit […]
Scortan Hunting - 365tomorrows
Digital Gods - 365tomorrows
Digital Gods - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The microwave is telling tales on me. I had an extra chocolate pudding I took from the restaurant. The family left and it was just sitting there unopened. So I took it. I’m recycling. But the bloody microwave scanned the barcode. I heard it: ‘mmmzzt’. It knows the pudding didn’t […]
Digital Gods - 365tomorrows
On the Line and Holding - 365tomorrows
On the Line and Holding - 365tomorrows
Author: Jenny Abbott For Harold Culpepper, the concept of dying had, until now, seemed like a relatively abstract event—something everyone had to do at some point, but tried not to think about and avoided discussing in polite settings. But now, as he lay bleeding by the darkened roadside, he was forced to reassess things. Struggling […]
On the Line and Holding - 365tomorrows
The Barrier - 365tomorrows
The Barrier - 365tomorrows
Author: Mark Renny When Time stopped it was harsh; a blurred still but dense and difficult to navigate. When it happened to Damien it was fleeting, only for seconds really, a few minutes at most and he simply stood still and closed his eyes and waited it out. They, the men and women in the […]
The Barrier - 365tomorrows
1965 - 365tomorrows
1965 - 365tomorrows
Author: Henry Peter Gribbin My name is Ben. I am a middle-aged schoolteacher from Pittsburgh. I am also a homeowner. I recently bought a house that sits on a busy street in a thriving community. The previous owners were an elderly couple who recently passed. The husband was a successful stockbroker who made his fortune […]
1965 - 365tomorrows
"How Much?" - 365tomorrows
"How Much?" - 365tomorrows
Author: Lynn Finger “How much to fix this glitch?” I said. “You can’t afford it,” he tossed back. We were suspended in our respective amplifications, parked in an enabled space elevator made from light. We were formed and holding in the black expanse, our talk focused by the radios in our helmets. I, waiting to […]
"How Much?" - 365tomorrows
"Go Then" - 365tomorrows
"Go Then" - 365tomorrows
Author: Michael Edwards The Introduction. “He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.” — Lao Tzu As for me, it may sound rather grand, but I am called a seventh degree master of The Mountain Pathway tai chi system: movement, mantra, and meditation. Since I cannot live forever, I have encoded […]
"Go Then" - 365tomorrows
Fraud - 365tomorrows
Fraud - 365tomorrows
Author: Suzanne Borchers Cedric BotIV noted the blanket of artificial feathers had slipped off the old man’s shoulders. He lifted them back onto his master. Master preferred to dream of flight and the soft feel of his blanket mellowed his dreams. Cedric BotIV whispered, “Fly, soar, and touch the sky. Dream of cottony clouds. Fly, […]
Fraud - 365tomorrows
Freakshow - 365tomorrows
Freakshow - 365tomorrows
Author : Rob Burton I watch Kamille comb her beautiful dark hair, and I can’t help but wonder what horror now grows inside her. She’s from a fine family, well respected travelling merchants, with enough money to have selected the best from amongst many possible children, with some low-level inconspicuous enhancements thrown in for good […]
Freakshow - 365tomorrows
Hidden Keys - 365tomorrows
Hidden Keys - 365tomorrows
Author: Nisheé An enormous clear lake mirrored the cosmos. Water and sky danced in unison as the rhythm of the waves echoed from the sapphire mountain cliffs on the other side. A warm breeze blew through the rows of magenta palm trees that lined the white sand shore. An occasional beep from our trusty aqua-droid […]
Hidden Keys - 365tomorrows
Hangland - 365tomorrows
Hangland - 365tomorrows
Author: Tobias Hope Young The falling star landed about fifteen years back. Killed everything in a ten-mile radial. Science folks say it did this by changing the center of cavity in the area. Ya see cavity is the thing that keeps us from floating away, and the center of cavity is at the center of […]
Hangland - 365tomorrows
Going Halves - 365tomorrows
Going Halves - 365tomorrows
Author: Ruhsen Dogan Nar “Here it comes, get ready!” shouted Mehmet from atop a heap of dirt dumped two nights ago. Ali’s high-pitched, adolescent voice echoed from the roof of a three-story building at the entrance of a shantytown adjacent to Izmir’s skyscrapers: “I’m ready, bring it on.” Ali, unusually tall for his age, carefully […]
Going Halves - 365tomorrows
The Faceless - 365tomorrows
The Faceless - 365tomorrows
Author: Mark Renney The ‘Visage Wipe’ was promoted as a grand project. The language the campaign used was both simplistic and pompous. It was claimed it would unite us and yet only those aged between fourteen and twenty-four were eligible. For anyone older, it had been decided it was too late and we couldn’t be […]
The Faceless - 365tomorrows