EP498: Everyone Will Want One : Escape Pod

EP475: Homegrown Tomatoes : Escape Pod
EP529: Of Blessed Servitude : Escape Pod
EP508: A Day Without Sunshine : Escape Pod
EP465: The Sky is Blue, and Bright, and Filled with Stars : Escape Pod
EP292: In the Water : Escape Pod
EP312: Night Bird Soaring : Escape Pod
EP399: My Heart is a Quadratic Equation : Escape Pod
Escape Pod 785: Death, the Universe, and Everything | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 624: Fandom for Robots - Escape Pod
Computron feels no emotion towards the animated television show titled Hyperdimension Warp Record (超次元 ワープ レコード). via Pocket
EP553: Water Finds Its Level
AUTHOR: M. Bennardo NARRATOR: Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali HOST: Norm Sherman Water Finds Its Level was originally published in Lightspeed Magazine. (May 2013) Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Matthew Bennardo lives in Ohio. He co-edited the science-fiction anthology Machine of Death, […]
EP543: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Love, Death - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: Caroline M. Yoachim NARRATOR: Nicola Seaton-Clark HOST: Tina Connolly This story was originally published by Lightspeed. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Caroline M. Yoachim lives in Seattle and loves cold cloudy weather. Her fiction has …
EP553: Water Finds Its Level - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: M. Bennardo NARRATOR: Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali HOST: Norm Sherman Water Finds Its Level was originally published in Lightspeed Magazine. (May 2013) Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Matthew Bennardo lives in Ohio. He co-edited the science-fiction anthology Machine of Death, […]
EP543: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Love, Death - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: Caroline M. Yoachim NARRATOR: Nicola Seaton-Clark HOST: Tina Connolly This story was originally published by Lightspeed. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Caroline M. Yoachim lives in Seattle and loves cold cloudy weather. Her fiction has […]
Escape Pod 668: The Harmonic Resonance of Ejiro Anaborhi
The Harmonic Resonance of Ejiro Anaborhi by Wole Talabi The spindly, sleek ship hurtled forward at hyperliminal speed, blurring its own intricately patterned design in six dimensions and wrecking the fabric of space–time in its wake. Its captain adjusted the dial on the control panel, accelerating the ship three thousand lightspeed units faster in Planck …
Escape Pod 782: Electronic Ghosts | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 793: A Little Bit of Kali (Part 2)
Escape Pod 792: A Little Bit of Kali (Part 1)
Escape Pod 794: Episode 4: The Deflection of Probability | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 796: One Hundred Seconds to Midnight
Escape Pod 697: The Last Stellar Death Metal Opera
The Last Stellar Death Metal Opera By Elly Bangs Raya eases power into the singularity engine and all her senses sharpen with the glorious, brutal reality of the moment: dead ahead there’s the blackli…
Escape Pod 698: Points of Origin
Points of Origin by Marissa Lingen Most people who have reached their eighties without raising children have every right to believe that they will go on not raising them, and Judith and I were no diff…
Escape Pod 699: A Stretch of Highway Two Lanes Wide (Flashback Friday)
A Stretch of Highway Two Lanes Wide By Sarah Pinsker Andy tattooed his left forearm with Lori’s name on a drunken night in his seventeenth year. “Lori & Andy Forever and Ever” was the full text, all i…
Escape Pod 700: Martian Chronicles (Part 1 of 2)
Martian Chronicles by Cory Doctorow They say you can’t smell anything through a launch-hood, but I still smelled the pove in the next seat as the space-attendants strapped us into our acceleration cou…
Escape Pod 617: A Cure for Homesickness (Artemis Rising) - Escape Pod
A Cure for Homesickness By S. L. Scott Krem was dead. Well, not exactly, yet, but he knew death when he saw it, and the scavenger holding a plasma shotgun three feet from his face sure looked like death. The Torqu might have exoskeletons strong enough to keep hardened steel from piercing, but that wouldn’t […]
Escape Pod 641: Flash Fiction Contest Winners - Escape Pod
Blender whirred with sympathy. “I did,” said Toaster, “and everything seems to be working. It was like my settings had been changed. I guess they had. It’s not my fault if Owner gives me the wrong settings.” via Pocket
Escape Pod 659: Caesura - Escape Pod
Caesura by Hayley Stone Priya begins by striking the words love, hate, heart, and feel from the computer’s vocabulary, and blocks the internet. It isn’t with malicious intent. She does it on a whim, as with most things: fixing herself tacos at eleven o’clock at night, taking a right instead of a left turn against …
Escape Pod 702: Inheritance
Inheritance By Elise Stephens Carmen would have expected a gold necklace or tarnished antique, maybe some money or a secret family recipe card, but she’d never dreamed her grandmother would try to imm…
Escape Pod 701: Martian Chronicles (Part 2 of 2)
Martian Chronicles by Cory Doctorow I didn’t go back to the Junior Colonists’ Lounge for a whole week. Instead, I spent the time with my dad, who seemed pleasantly surprised that his son wanted to han…
Escape Pod 695: This Is As I Wish To Be Restored (Flashback Friday)
This Is As I Wish To Be Restored By Christie Yant Every night I come home and I drink. I trade away the hope, the guilt, the fear, even the love–I think it’s love, crazy as it seems. I trade them for …