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EP585: We All Scream
EP585: We All Scream
We All Scream By Marie Vibbert We weren’t, any of us, heroes. Aiden was a downright chicken. I’m allowed to say that; I love him. My husband doesn’t have to live up to your expectations of masculinity. I’ll beat the crap out of anyone who says otherwise. Me? I don’t stick my neck out. I […]
EP585: We All Scream
EP584: Your Body, By Default
EP584: Your Body, By Default
Your Body, By Default By Alexis Hunter They brought you back because they want something from you. Maybe one day they will bring people back because they can or because it’s the right thing to do — but for now there’s you and there’s them and there’s the unspoken obligations that lie between you both. […]
EP584: Your Body, By Default
Escape Pod 599: What Glistens Back - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 599: What Glistens Back - Escape Pod
What Glistens Back By Sunny Moraine Come back. You hear the call as the lander breaks up around you. You’re aware of the entirely arbitrary concepts of up and down before you realize what’s happening, and then they’re a lot less arbitrary. Down is not so much a direction as a function of possibility, of what might happen to you, of …
Escape Pod 599: What Glistens Back - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 600: At the Rialto - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 600: At the Rialto - Escape Pod
At the Rialto By Connie Willis Seriousness of mind was a prerequisite for understanding Newtonian physics. I am not convinced it is not a handicap in understanding quantum theory. —EXCERPT FROM DR. GEDANKEN’S KEYNOTE ADDRESS TO THE 1989 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF QUANTUM PHYSICISTS ANNUAL MEETING, HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA I got to Hollywood around one-thirty and started …
Escape Pod 600: At the Rialto - Escape Pod
EP523: Artemis Rising - Windows
EP523: Artemis Rising - Windows
by Beth Goder narrated by Andrea Richardson with guest host Kate Baker Welcome to the 2nd Annual Artemis Rising a celebration of women and non-binary authors This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us […]
EP523: Artemis Rising - Windows
EP528: Divided By Zero
EP528: Divided By Zero
by Samantha Murray narrated by Ibba Armancas This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Samantha Murray is a writer, actor, mathematician and mother. Not particularly in that order. […]
EP528: Divided By Zero
EP526: The Hunter Captain
EP526: The Hunter Captain
by David John Baker narrated by Mat Weller This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Aside from my philosophical essays, I also write short science fiction stories. Some of […]
EP526: The Hunter Captain
EP525: Among the Living
EP525: Among the Living
by John Markley narrated by Carl Allery Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the narrator… Carl Allery has sold a couple of stories (Farthing Magazine, Killers ed. Colin Harvey), had a couple read out loud (BBC local radio, Escape Pod) […]
EP525: Among the Living
EP532: Saints, Beasts and Zombies
EP532: Saints, Beasts and Zombies
by Gary Kloster narrated by Roberto Suarez This story has not been previously published. Mentioned by Mur: Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… I’ve always loved speculative fiction. That’s the fancy name for stories that involve […]
EP532: Saints, Beasts and Zombies
EP531: Bend Back the Shadows
EP531: Bend Back the Shadows
by Michael Reid narrated by Summer Brooks This story has not been previously published. Mentioned by Alasdair: Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… I am a 2015 graduate of the Clarion Workshop, but I have no other …
EP531: Bend Back the Shadows
EP530: City in the Wound
EP530: City in the Wound
by Michael Buckley narrated by Barry Haworth This story has not been previously published. This episode also featured an excerpt from Ecko: Endgame by Danie Ware which you can get more info about on her website: and you can tweet her @danacea Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable […]
EP530: City in the Wound
EP533: 2016 Flash Fiction Contest Winners
EP533: 2016 Flash Fiction Contest Winners
These stories have not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the authors… Ben Hallert: I live in Oregon with my wife, two children, a plane, and a reach that regularly exceeds my grasp. […]
EP533: 2016 Flash Fiction Contest Winners
EP535: Bluejay
EP535: Bluejay
by Edward Ashton read by Josh Roseman This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Edward Ashton is a clinical research scientist and writer living in Rochester, New York. His short […]
EP535: Bluejay
EP534: Joolie & Irdl
EP534: Joolie & Irdl
by Sandy Parsons narrated by Nicola Seaton-Clark This story has not been previously published. At the end of the show, there were excerpts from a speech given by President Barack Obama 4 days after 49 people were executed in a shooting rampage in Orlando, FL, USA which you can see in full here: Discuss on …
EP534: Joolie & Irdl
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees
AUTHOR: Michael Glyde NARRATOR: Joe Williams HOST: Alasdair Stuart This story has not been published previously. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… M. Glyde recently moved 1813 miles from Pittsburgh, PA to El Paso, TX, …
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats
AUTHOR: Kristin Janz NARRATOR: Ibba Armancas HOST: Tina Connolly This story has not been published previously. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Kristin Janz is a Canadian speculative fiction writer who has lived in the […]
EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens
AUTHOR: Gareth D Jones NARRATOR: Andrew Clarke HOST: Norm Sherman This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… I’m an environmental scientist, writer and father of 5. My stories have […]
EP539: Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs
RELEASED 3.August.2016 AUTHOR: Bethany Edwards NARRATOR: George Hrab HOST: Tina Connolly WARNING: profane language and violence This story has not been previously published. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our sortable Wikipedia page Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Mystery! about the narrator… Multi-instrumentalist, singer, […]
EP536: Prophet to the Dogs
EP547: Ride the Dragon
EP547: Ride the Dragon
AUTHOR: Bojan Ratković NARRATOR: Steve Anderson HOST: Norm Sherman Ride the Dragon is an Escape Pod original. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Bojan Ratković is a writer from Serbia, now living in Ontario, Canada. His work […]
EP547: Ride the Dragon
EP582: Unit Two Does Her Makeup
EP582: Unit Two Does Her Makeup
Unit Two Does Her Makeup By Laura Duerr Doctor Spencer has brought me an artist. My eyes on the outside of the building register the identity of everyone who enters, including her: Suzanne Chantal Salinas, age 26, licensed esthetician and makeup artist, amateur painter. I cut the feed after .3 seconds. The security feed could tell […]
EP582: Unit Two Does Her Makeup
EP580: Nozizwe and Almahdi
EP580: Nozizwe and Almahdi
Nozizwe and Almahdi By J. R. Dawson She was a princess and he was a prince, and they had been genetically made for each other. The science had been precise down to their anatomical make-up, the blood and the speed in which that blood pulsed through their perfectly symmetrical hearts. His name was Almahdi. He had […]
EP580: Nozizwe and Almahdi
Escape Pod 604: Given Sufficient Desperation - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 604: Given Sufficient Desperation - Escape Pod
Given Sufficient Desperation By Bogi Takács An ice cream cone. A ceramic mug—brown with a single green stripe around the rim. A smartphone—I don’t recognise the brand. It’s been a while. Two sheaves of corn. A plush caterpillar toy from some cartoon. A table—rather worn, I’d say Danish Modern, but I’m not sure. I need …
Escape Pod 604: Given Sufficient Desperation - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 607: Red in Tooth and Cog - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 607: Red in Tooth and Cog - Escape Pod
Red in Tooth and Cog By Cat Rambo A phone can be so much. Your memory, your edge against boredom, your source of inspiration. There’s always an app for whatever you need. Renee valued her phone accordingly, even celebrating it by giving way to the trend for fancy phone-cases. Its edges were bezeled with bling …
Escape Pod 607: Red in Tooth and Cog - Escape Pod