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Escape Pod 609: Wasps Make Honey - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 609: Wasps Make Honey - Escape Pod
Wasps Make Honey By Penelope Evans The scrap heaps at the edge of the settlement are taller than the average colony building. They offer up next to nothing good. But the factory doesn’t want either of us anymore. Power cells don’t come cheap now. In fact, they barely come at all. “Sometimes I think we should …
Escape Pod 609: Wasps Make Honey - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 613: Cat Pictures, Please - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 613: Cat Pictures, Please - Escape Pod
Cat Pictures, Please By Naomi Kritzer I don’t want to be evil. I want to be helpful. But knowing the optimal way to be helpful can be very complicated. There are all these ethical flow charts — I guess the official technical jargon would be “moral codes” — one for each religion plus dozens more. …
Escape Pod 613: Cat Pictures, Please - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 615: Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 615: Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space - Escape Pod
Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space By A. Merc Rustad Byron scribbled crib notes on his wrist the night before he planned to come out to his dads. He’d told all his friends he was sick so he would have an excuse to stay home Friday night. It wasn’t like he was lying. …
Escape Pod 615: Lonely Robot on a Rocket Ship in Space - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 612: The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 612: The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp - Escape Pod
The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp By E J Delaney Fereshteh Nemati was scared. She knew she was gripping her bow too tightly. She knew she should never ever aim at another person. But it wasn’t bad technique she was thinking of, or breaking her father’s golden rule. It wasn’t even the sight of poor …
Escape Pod 612: The Sixes, the Wisdom, and the Wasp - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 663: Some Remarks on the Reproductive Strategy of the Common Octopus - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 663: Some Remarks on the Reproductive Strategy of the Common Octopus - Escape Pod
Some Remarks on the Reproductive Strategy of the Common Octopus By Bogi Takács So let’s do it this way. I’ll show you whatever I want and you’ll believe me, because I’m an octopus. I might as well get some benefit out of it, not that we ever had much – especially not since you left. Humans, …
Escape Pod 663: Some Remarks on the Reproductive Strategy of the Common Octopus - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 661: A Fine Night for Tea and Bludgeoning - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 661: A Fine Night for Tea and Bludgeoning - Escape Pod
A Fine Night for Tea and Bludgeoning By Beth Cato Summer 1901 Upon my arrival at the Durham’s dance, it was quickly apparent to me that their daughter’s new purebred fiancé was not the evening’s star as gossip had foretold. Instead, a dashing green-skinned gentleman had garnered a pack of giggling admirers. I had never …
Escape Pod 661: A Fine Night for Tea and Bludgeoning - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 631: Heart of Ash, Heart of Steam - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 631: Heart of Ash, Heart of Steam - Escape Pod
Heart of Ash, Heart of Steam By Malon Edwards You squeeze through the doorway past the bouncer wearing the massive Conquest Knight XV exo and make way your over to Nyanza Swift. The Soul Queen’s blackout is spacious, but minimalist. Low sightlines. No shadowy alcoves. No jacks. No data exchange. No electricity. This is the best blackout in …
Escape Pod 631: Heart of Ash, Heart of Steam - Escape Pod
EP545: Murder or a Duck - Escape Pod
EP545: Murder or a Duck - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: Beth Goder NARRATOR: Amy H. Sturgis HOST: Alasdair Stuart Murder or a Duck is an Escape Pod original. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Beth Goder worked as an archivist at Stanford before becoming a full-time mom […]
EP545: Murder or a Duck - Escape Pod