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Oracle By Dominica Phetteplace The two biggest applications for predictive software are killing people and selling things. Rita was quite successful at the latter. She founded a nail-polish-of-the-month club that used an online personality quiz to determine customer preferences. Bold cremes forEscape Pod 640: Paradise Regained - Escape Pod
Oracle By Dominica Phetteplace The two biggest applications for predictive software are killing people and selling things. Rita was quite successful at the latter. She founded a nail-polish-of-the-month club that used an online personality quiz to determine customer preferences. Bold cremes forEscape Pod 640: Paradise Regained - Escape Pod
Paradise Regained By Edward Lerner My head hurts. I expect it: this is winter. I want it to be spring. Paradise does not ask what I want. The winter is young, and I think the dogs are not yet so hungry as to attack me. Still, I hold tight to my spear. Dogs or no …
Oracle By Dominica Phetteplace The two biggest applications for predictive software are killing people and selling things. Rita was quite successful at the latter. She founded a nail-polish-of-the-month club that used an online personality quiz to determine customer preferences. Bold cremes forEscape Pod 640: Paradise Regained - Escape Pod
Disarm By Vylar Kaftan Excerpt We kept in touch through the war, when he messaged me about marching through upstate New York. He always started the same way: “Dear Ryan, Please come kick my commanding officer in the balls.” Then he’d tell me about the latest mess–cracks in their radiation suitsEscape Pod 642: Oracle - Escape Pod
Disarm By Vylar Kaftan Excerpt We kept in touch through the war, when he messaged me about marching through upstate New York. He always started the same way: “Dear Ryan, Please come kick my commanding officer in the balls.” Then he’d tell me about the latest mess–cracks in their radiation suitsEscape Pod 642: Oracle - Escape Pod
Oracle By Dominica Phetteplace The two biggest applications for predictive software are killing people and selling things. Rita was quite successful at the latter. She founded a nail-polish-of-the-month club that used an online personality quiz to determine customer preferences. Bold cremes for basics, chunky glitters for the outrageous, and dark, sparkly metallics for edgy, forward-thinking geniuses …
Disarm By Vylar Kaftan Excerpt We kept in touch through the war, when he messaged me about marching through upstate New York. He always started the same way: “Dear Ryan, Please come kick my commanding officer in the balls.” Then he’d tell me about the latest mess–cracks in their radiation suitsEscape Pod 642: Oracle - Escape Pod
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike by Andrea Phillips 1. THE BRIEF Corazon clicked to the slide she’d been dreading: long-term trends for brand engagement. It was dire. She focused on the smudgy mirror at the far end of the conference room, looking past her team to her own reflection. She pEscape Pod 643: Disarm (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike by Andrea Phillips 1. THE BRIEF Corazon clicked to the slide she’d been dreading: long-term trends for brand engagement. It was dire. She focused on the smudgy mirror at the far end of the conference room, looking past her team to her own reflection. She pEscape Pod 643: Disarm (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Disarm By Vylar Kaftan Excerpt We kept in touch through the war, when he messaged me about marching through upstate New York. He always started the same way: “Dear Ryan, Please come kick my commanding officer in the balls.” Then he’d tell me about the latest mess–cracks in their radiation suits, or toxic …
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike by Andrea Phillips 1. THE BRIEF Corazon clicked to the slide she’d been dreading: long-term trends for brand engagement. It was dire. She focused on the smudgy mirror at the far end of the conference room, looking past her team to her own reflection. She pEscape Pod 643: Disarm (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike, Part 2 by Andrea Phillips 5. THE LAUNCH Launch day came on a bright Tuesday, amid a flurry of reports that the executive office had pushed through a series of contracts requiring the president’s own hotel properties be the preferred vendor for all federalEscape Pod 644: The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike (Part 1) - Escape Pod
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike, Part 2 by Andrea Phillips 5. THE LAUNCH Launch day came on a bright Tuesday, amid a flurry of reports that the executive office had pushed through a series of contracts requiring the president’s own hotel properties be the preferred vendor for all federalEscape Pod 644: The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike (Part 1) - Escape Pod
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike by Andrea Phillips 1. THE BRIEF Corazon clicked to the slide she’d been dreading: long-term trends for brand engagement. It was dire. She focused on the smudgy mirror at the far end of the conference room, looking past her team to her own reflection. She pulled her shoulders …
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike, Part 2 by Andrea Phillips 5. THE LAUNCH Launch day came on a bright Tuesday, amid a flurry of reports that the executive office had pushed through a series of contracts requiring the president’s own hotel properties be the preferred vendor for all federalEscape Pod 644: The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike (Part 1) - Escape Pod
Imma Gonna Finish You Off by Marina J. Lostetter On the examining table lounged a body. It was an unremarkable body–rather wrinkly, with an inordinate amount of hair in all the wrong places and too few clothes for most people’s liking, but otherwise nothing to write your congressman about. The Escape Pod 645: The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike (Part 2) - Escape Pod
Imma Gonna Finish You Off by Marina J. Lostetter On the examining table lounged a body. It was an unremarkable body–rather wrinkly, with an inordinate amount of hair in all the wrong places and too few clothes for most people’s liking, but otherwise nothing to write your congressman about. The Escape Pod 645: The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike (Part 2) - Escape Pod
The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike, Part 2 by Andrea Phillips 5. THE LAUNCH Launch day came on a bright Tuesday, amid a flurry of reports that the executive office had pushed through a series of contracts requiring the president’s own hotel properties be the preferred vendor for all federal travel going forward. Another …
Imma Gonna Finish You Off by Marina J. Lostetter On the examining table lounged a body. It was an unremarkable body–rather wrinkly, with an inordinate amount of hair in all the wrong places and too few clothes for most people’s liking, but otherwise nothing to write your congressman about. The Escape Pod 645: The Revolution, Brought to You by Nike (Part 2) - Escape Pod
Me, Meg, and The Thing By Gian-Paul Bergeron I’m Inroom making honest credit, doing Daily, counting breaths, when Meg messages me with extreme urgent markation to say that she got a Thing and I’m like Meg, you loon, please, and then she stresses the urgency with absolute dire markation – i.e. tEscape Pod 647: Imma Gonna Finish You Off (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Me, Meg, and The Thing By Gian-Paul Bergeron I’m Inroom making honest credit, doing Daily, counting breaths, when Meg messages me with extreme urgent markation to say that she got a Thing and I’m like Meg, you loon, please, and then she stresses the urgency with absolute dire markation – i.e. tEscape Pod 647: Imma Gonna Finish You Off (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Imma Gonna Finish You Off by Marina J. Lostetter On the examining table lounged a body. It was an unremarkable body–rather wrinkly, with an inordinate amount of hair in all the wrong places and too few clothes for most people’s liking, but otherwise nothing to write your congressman about. The only thing special about the …
Me, Meg, and The Thing By Gian-Paul Bergeron I’m Inroom making honest credit, doing Daily, counting breaths, when Meg messages me with extreme urgent markation to say that she got a Thing and I’m like Meg, you loon, please, and then she stresses the urgency with absolute dire markation – i.e. tEscape Pod 647: Imma Gonna Finish You Off (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Jerry pulls back the throttle and squints through the window of the cockpit at the little abandoned village below. “Silent Valley,” he says in a voice-over style like in the promotional videos.…Escape Pod 656: Into the Breach (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Jerry pulls back the throttle and squints through the window of the cockpit at the little abandoned village below. “Silent Valley,” he says in a voice-over style like in the promotional videos.…Escape Pod 656: Into the Breach (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Into the Breach By Malon Edwards I’m off my bunk and into my jodhpurs, knee-high leather boots and flight jacket the moment the long range air attack klaxons seep into my nightly dream about Caracara. Muscle memory and Secret Service training kick in; I’m on auto-pilot (no pun intended) and a good ways down the …
Jerry pulls back the throttle and squints through the window of the cockpit at the little abandoned village below. “Silent Valley,” he says in a voice-over style like in the promotional videos.…Escape Pod 656: Into the Breach (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 2 by Sarah Pinsker Not me, my logic brain understood, even though some tiny part of me screamed something was wrong. I’d made it through the entire afternoon talking with people who were more like me than an identical twin would be, but the body was somehow morEscape Pod 652: And Then There Were (N-One), (Part 1) - Escape Pod
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 2 by Sarah Pinsker Not me, my logic brain understood, even though some tiny part of me screamed something was wrong. I’d made it through the entire afternoon talking with people who were more like me than an identical twin would be, but the body was somehow morEscape Pod 652: And Then There Were (N-One), (Part 1) - Escape Pod
And Then There Were (N-One) by Sarah Pinsker I considered declining the invitation. It was too weird, too expensive, too far, too dangerous, too weird. Way too weird. An invitation like that would never come again. I’d regret it if I didn’t go. It lay on our kitchen table for three weeks while I argued …
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 2 by Sarah Pinsker Not me, my logic brain understood, even though some tiny part of me screamed something was wrong. I’d made it through the entire afternoon talking with people who were more like me than an identical twin would be, but the body was somehow morEscape Pod 652: And Then There Were (N-One), (Part 1) - Escape Pod
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 3 by Sarah Pinsker Back in the hallway, I dug in my bag for a pen. I’d normally have taken notes while she talked, but I’d had a feeling it would have shut her up. Instead of a pen, I came up with the dinner roll I’d taken earlier. …Escape Pod 653: And Then There Were (N-One) (Part 2) - Escape Pod
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 3 by Sarah Pinsker Back in the hallway, I dug in my bag for a pen. I’d normally have taken notes while she talked, but I’d had a feeling it would have shut her up. Instead of a pen, I came up with the dinner roll I’d taken earlier. …Escape Pod 653: And Then There Were (N-One) (Part 2) - Escape Pod
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 2 by Sarah Pinsker Not me, my logic brain understood, even though some tiny part of me screamed something was wrong. I’d made it through the entire afternoon talking with people who were more like me than an identical twin would be, but the body was somehow more real. …
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 3 by Sarah Pinsker Back in the hallway, I dug in my bag for a pen. I’d normally have taken notes while she talked, but I’d had a feeling it would have shut her up. Instead of a pen, I came up with the dinner roll I’d taken earlier. …Escape Pod 653: And Then There Were (N-One) (Part 2) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 655: And Then There Were (N-One) (Part 4)
Escape Pod 655: And Then There Were (N-One) (Part 4)
And Then There Were (N-One), Part 4 by Sarah Pinsker Back in my room, I stripped my wet clothes off and replaced them with another T-shirt and boxer shorts. The whiskey didn’t do the job I’d hoped it would, so I spent the night in imaginary conversation with Mabel. The rain battering the window filled …
Escape Pod 655: And Then There Were (N-One) (Part 4)
Escape Pod 686: Real Artists (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 686: Real Artists (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Real Artists by Ken Liu “You’ve done well,” Creative Director Len Palladon said, looking over Sophia’s résumé. Sophia squinted in the golden California sun that fell on her through the huge windows of the conference room. She wanted to pinch herself to be sure she wasn’t dreaming. She was here, really here, on the hallowed […]
Escape Pod 686: Real Artists (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 690: The Things (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 690: The Things (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
The Things by Peter Watts I am being Blair. I escape out the back as the world comes in through the front. I am being Copper. I am rising from the dead. I am being Childs. I am guarding the main entrance. The names don’t matter. They are placeholders, nothing more; all biomass is interchangeable. […]
Escape Pod 690: The Things (Flashback Friday) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 691: Lab B-15 (Part 1 of 2) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 691: Lab B-15 (Part 1 of 2) - Escape Pod
Lab B-15 (Part 1) By Nick Wolven The young man was sitting outside the parking garage, and right away Jerry thought that was weird. This was the Arizona desert, middle of summer. People didn’t sit outside. They especially didn’t sit outside ugly parking garages, on strips of hot concrete, with no grass in sight. The […]
Escape Pod 691: Lab B-15 (Part 1 of 2) - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 689: Spectrum of Acceptance - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 689: Spectrum of Acceptance - Escape Pod
Spectrum of Acceptance By Nyla Bright When Leon Kenner left the planet of Acceptance, he asked me to go with him back to Earth. I belonged with people like me, like him. No, that isn’t where I should start. Stories should be told in chronological order to make them easy to understand. On our first […]
Escape Pod 689: Spectrum of Acceptance - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 688: A Most Elegant Solution - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 688: A Most Elegant Solution - Escape Pod
A Most Elegant Solution by M. Darusha Wehm I always said I wanted to be one of the first to die on Mars. I never wanted to be the last. But here I am. I can’t even tell the others apart now. I know that inside those vaguely undulating metal cocoons are the bodies of […]
Escape Pod 688: A Most Elegant Solution - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 642: Oracle - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 642: Oracle - Escape Pod
Oracle By Dominica Phetteplace The two biggest applications for predictive software are killing people and selling things. Rita was quite successful at the latter. She founded a nail-polish-of-the-month club that used an online personality quiz to determine customer preferences. Bold cremes for basics, chunky glitters for the outrageous, and dark, sparkly metallics for edgy, forward-thinking geniuses …
Escape Pod 642: Oracle - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 568: Artemis Rising – Dr. Mbalu and the Butcher's Daughter - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 568: Artemis Rising – Dr. Mbalu and the Butcher's Daughter - Escape Pod
Dr. Mbalu and the Butcher’s Daughter By Megan Chaudhuri With a raspy pop, the cell sprayer in Rebecca’s hand sputtered one last drop of fur progenitor cells. Ignoring her stiff back, she leaned over the culture vat and daubed the cells onto the pink, gel-sculpted contours of a cheetah’s back muscles. The gel rippled; Rebecca held …
Escape Pod 568: Artemis Rising – Dr. Mbalu and the Butcher's Daughter - Escape Pod
EP572: Nothing to See Here - Escape Pod
EP572: Nothing to See Here - Escape Pod
Nothing to See Here By Arthur Doweyko There is a comfort in the strength of love; ’Twill make a thing endurable, which else Would overset the brain, or break the heart. ~William Wordsworth I heard a squawk—kind of like the goose call that comes out of a police cruiser. Blinking red and blue lights danced …
EP572: Nothing to See Here - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 605: Straight Lines - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 605: Straight Lines - Escape Pod
Straight Lines Naru Sundar This time they sent someone in a suit, neutral gray silk with utterly glorious creases, monofilament thin. “I’m Xiao Quan-Fei. They said you like to call yourself Em?” Emergent Behavior in full, but I always hated the pontificating tone in the name. Fucking shipwrights. Fucking irony too, but let’s not go …
Escape Pod 605: Straight Lines - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 626: Fire Rode the Cold Wind - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 626: Fire Rode the Cold Wind - Escape Pod
Fire Rode the Cold Wind By Aimee Ogden The brown woman came to Vrau from the sky, without a name of her own. Piarcu knew that she was nameless, even though the women of his family only whispered it when they thought no one else could hear. It was they who had cared for her …
Escape Pod 626: Fire Rode the Cold Wind - Escape Pod
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees - Escape Pod
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: Michael Glyde NARRATOR: Joe Williams HOST: Alasdair Stuart This story has not been published previously. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… M. Glyde recently moved 1813 miles from Pittsburgh, PA to El Paso, TX, …
EP542: The Hungers of Refugees - Escape Pod
EP546: Recollection - Escape Pod
EP546: Recollection - Escape Pod
AUTHOR: Nancy Fulda NARRATOR: Trendane Sparks HOST: Alasdair Stuart Recollection originally appeared in CARBIDE-TIPPED PENS, an anthology edited by Eric Choi and Ben Bova, TOR Books, December 2014. Discuss on our forums. For a list of all Escape Pod stories, authors and narrators, visit our Wikia Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and Twitter about the author… Nancy Fulda is …
EP546: Recollection - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 560: Run - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 560: Run - Escape Pod
Run By C.R. Hodges The claxon blares three times: all clear. We file out of the underground shelter and up the serpentine lava tube. Our semi-annual hibernation drill, bureaucratic gibberish for run down to the emergency shelter and hide, is now monthly. I’m all for avoiding nuclear annihilation, but I wish the drills weren’t scheduled so …
Escape Pod 560: Run - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 561: The Android's Prehistoric Menagerie - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 561: The Android's Prehistoric Menagerie - Escape Pod
The Android’s Prehistoric Menagerie By A. Merc Rustad The world explodes. Unit EX-702 comes back online when UV wavelengths activate its solar plating. Its optics are crusted with red dust; a low-powered system scan concludes that though its left arm is missing and there is excessive oxidation damage along its chassis and helmet, as well as …
Escape Pod 561: The Android's Prehistoric Menagerie - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 563: Two Steps Forward - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 563: Two Steps Forward - Escape Pod
Two Steps Forward By Holly Schofield I eased myself down off the running board of the ’28 Hudson sedan then laid a hand on the hood in mute sympathy for its overheated pistons. A quick buttoning-up of my topcoat and a tug on my fedora and I felt ready to approach the farmhouse. The old …
Escape Pod 563: Two Steps Forward - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 564: Trusted Messenger - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 564: Trusted Messenger - Escape Pod
Trusted Messenger By Kevin Wabaunsee Dr. Thaddeus Begay had been expecting a dying child in the exam room, but no one had said anything about a woman half-dead from starvation. He stepped inside and muscled the door shut—like the rest of the clinic, it was made from metal reclaimed from the original dropship, and like everything …
Escape Pod 564: Trusted Messenger - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 565: Artemis Rising – The Zombee Project 3.0 - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 565: Artemis Rising – The Zombee Project 3.0 - Escape Pod
The Zombee Project 3.0 By Allison Mulder Jensen brought the job offer to each of them in person, like no one did anymore. She poached them from the best labs and the best apiaries, all over the world. Put everything she knew on the table, in out-of-the-way cafés and fine-but-nothing-fancy hotel rooms and home kitchens …
Escape Pod 565: Artemis Rising – The Zombee Project 3.0 - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 687: Four of Seven - Escape Pod
Escape Pod 687: Four of Seven - Escape Pod
Four of Seven By Samantha Mills In the waning light of an artificial sun, Camelia Dunlevy climbed a mountain with her sister on her back. Delilah was a hollow weight, bird-boned from reconstructive surgeries, unbreakable. The trouble wasn’t her bones, but her lungs. She panted in Camelia’s ear, unaccustomed to altitude, a small sound that …
Escape Pod 687: Four of Seven - Escape Pod