PseudoPod 745: Cleaver, Meat, and Block | PseudoPod

PseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives
I promised you I wouldn’t, so I didn’t. I know you said the words in jest when you dropped me off at school, “Don’t die, honey!”, with that hoarse laugh and sideways wink you do, but I rolled my eyes…
PseudoPod 628: A Spider Trapped in Wax | PseudoPod
Pseudopod » Blog Archive » Pseudopod 123: Bone Sigh
Pseudopod » Blog Archive » Pseudopod 172: The Dude Who Collected Lovecraft
Pseudopod » Blog Archive » Pseudopod 332: Willow Tests Well
Pseudopod 331: The Ninth Skeleton
Pseudopod » Blog Archive » Pseudopod 032: Stitching Time
Pseudopod » Blog Archive » Pseudopod 035: Locked Doors
Pseudopod » Blog Archive » Pseudopod 83: Heartstrung
PseudoPod 651: The Coven of Dead Girls - PseudoPod
The Coven of Dead Girls by L’Erin Ogle The key turns in the lock and you step inside. Until you, we have been adrift in waiting, silence heavy in our bones. Time passes slowly inside these walls, dressed in our plastic coffins. Your sister follows you inside and looks around. “This isn’t a good place,” […]
PseudoPod 638: ARTEMIS RISING 5: A Strange Heart, Set in Feldspar - PseudoPod
A Strange Heart, Set in Feldspar by Maria Haskins Beneath Alice is kneeling in the darkness, breathing hard, heart thumping behind her ribs. The kids are gone. She feels it in her cold flesh and aching bones, as surely as she felt them being pulled out of her body at the hospital when she gave […]
PseudoPod 633: Hippocampus - PseudoPod
Hippocampus by Adam L.G. Nevill Walls of water as slow as lava, black as coal, push the freighter up mountainsides, over frothing peaks and into plunging descents. Across vast, rolling waves the vessel ploughs, ungainly. Conjuring galaxies of bubbles around its passage and in its wake, temporary cosmoses appear for moments in the immensity of […]
PseudoPod 628: A Spider Trapped in Wax - PseudoPod
A Spider Trapped in Wax by Matt Dovey Lindom Hall was a cold place; a lonely place; an empty place of stone and echoes. Margaret had her servants, of course, but they hardly counted. She had grown used to the silence, perhaps, but never truly comfortable with it. Yet now that her son was returned […]
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
En Plein Air by J. T. Glover A gust of wind boiled off the James without warning, flattening cattails and clumps of spikerush as it swirled around the inlet where I was painting, and of course it caught my canvas. The morning’s work rushed away from me like a sailboat before a storm, taking my […]
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt “You ever can’t sleep?” the trucker said. Forsyth glanced up out of his thoughts. The man standing at his table was big and worn out, his eyes raw and heavy even in the shadow of his cap’s bill. He had a young face with an old beard matted on the […]
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Ten Things I Didn’t Do By Maria Haskins I didn’t die. I promised you I wouldn’t, so I didn’t. I know you said the words in jest when you dropped me off at school, “Don’t die, honey!”, with that hoarse laugh and sideways wink you do, but I rolled my eyes and said “OK, mom, […]
The Young Adult Fiction PodcastPseudoPod - The Sound of Horror
The Sound of Horror
PseudoPod 615: The Shrike - PseudoPod
By the time she’s thrown herself upright and grasped for the remote with shaking hands, it’s too late. She’s seen it. She’s heard the words. Instead, she stumbles for the kitchen sink, feeling her throat clench with acrid, stinging horror. via Pocket
PseudoPod 606: The Fainting Game - PseudoPod
PseudoPod 606 The Fainting Game - PseudoPod via Instapaper
PseudoPod 607: Take A Walk In The Night, My Love - PseudoPod
He is a good man. Remember that. He is a good man. There’s something in the bed, something that scratches your skin when you move your legs, and you whip the sheets aside, fearing an insect, or worse—a spider. Dirt, coarse and abrasive, clings to yo…
PseudoPod 608 - A Visit to the Catacombs of Via Altamonvecchi - PseudoPod
Welcome to the catacombs of via Altamontivecchi, the grandest and one of the most ancient in the world. I will be your guide for this special pilgrim’s tour in the English language. If you have booked in advance, you will find the number 34 stamped …
PseudoPod 609 – A Little Delta of Filth - PseudoPod
It could make her invisible. Untouchable. The thought came back years later like the distant melody of church bells, familiar and comforting. The moment she found the thing, she knew it was indescribable. Remote from parents, lovers and friends alik…
PseudoPod 568: The Room in the Other House - Pseudopod
The Room in the Other House by Kristi DeMeester I’ve counted the moments we once had over and over. Tried to hold them in my hands as if they were solid, but in the end, there is nothing except for the dark scar tracing against my palm. If I squint, it looks like a worm. […]
Pseudopod » Blog Archive » Pseudopod 392: The Dog’s Paw
by Derek Kunsken. “The Dog’s Paw” is Derek’s first horror story and was written on a balcony overloo...