Roberto Sanhueza biography & bibliography

Shep鈥檚 Last Day
Strangers on the Night Train, part 1 of 2
Stumbling off the Stalk
The Bridge, part IV, installment 1
The Christmas Present War
The Future Perfect Continuous
The Interactive Classroom
The Long Dark Road to Wizardry - table of contents
The Menace of the Pink Lagoons
The Mission
The Takers
Yellow Dresses
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Bertrand Cayzac
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Crystalwizard
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Jack Alcott
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Karlos Allen
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Katherine Allen
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Mark Spencer
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Norman A. Rubin
Bewildering Stories biography and bibliography of Ron Van Sweringen
Building the Bronze Wall
Debt and Deletion
Ian Donnell Arbuckle biography and bibliography
Michael J A Tyzuk biography and bibliography
Scarred Deep
Standing Liberty
The Kestron Lenses, part 1
The Office Trinity: Man, Monitor and Machine