

Migration - 365tomorrows
Migration - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki He hadn’t planned on becoming a ghost hunter, but that’s what Mordem Letac felt like now. A trained naturalist, he’d come to the northern reaches of the Yukon Territory earlier in the summer to study migration patterns in the face of ecosystem collapse related to rapidly accelerating climate change. In some ways studying […]
Migration - 365tomorrows
A Semblance of Bravery - 365tomorrows
A Semblance of Bravery - 365tomorrows
Author: James Callan The holographer did more than tell us who was next on their list to be murdered, though that alone would suffice as unnerving. They didn’t mention names at all, opting for an artistic approach, something avant-garde to demonstrate their next dreadful slaughter. The holographer had their modus operandi, their eccentric, sadistic show-and-tell. […]
A Semblance of Bravery - 365tomorrows
New Mutant - 365tomorrows
New Mutant - 365tomorrows
Author: Mark Renney The moment is almost here. At last, after all the speculation and rumour, the grand reveal. A cage has been wheeled onto the stage, sitting at its centre, covered by a white sheet, pristine and perfect. Everyone is certain that, when the cover is pulled away, it will be intricate and ornate […]
New Mutant - 365tomorrows
Lily is too pretty a name for a girl like that. Lily-White, Lily-Pure, Lily-Innocent, lovely, do-no-wrong. This Lily should have been named Roxie or Regina o...
When Darkness Falls on Edinburgh – C.J. Erick
When Darkness Falls on Edinburgh – C.J. Erick
It was Gavina’s favorite image of Edinburgh: the spire of the gothic Scott Monument rising above the skyline of rainbow-colored shop fronts on Victoria Street, with the setting sun lighting the mon…
When Darkness Falls on Edinburgh – C.J. Erick
A Trip to Disneyland in Search of the Root of Sadness - Electric Literature
A Trip to Disneyland in Search of the Root of Sadness - Electric Literature
“The Last Good Time” by A.M. Homes “Are you going?” she asks as she spoons cereal into the baby’s mouth. “In a moment,” he says, looking out the kitchen ­window—the​ sky is what he calls a winter mouse gray. “How long will you be?” He shrugs and adds a small folding umbrella to his bag. “She’s not dying today, she?” “I […]
A Trip to Disneyland in Search of the Root of Sadness - Electric Literature