

Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Logistics by A.J. Fitzwater
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Logistics by A.J. Fitzwater
Alls I want is a goddamn tampon. Is that so much to ask at the end of the world? Yo. Name’s Enfys. This is, uh, my channel as I wander in search of tampons and the meaning of life in what’s left of Western Europe. Seems, I’m, um, immune to the phage…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Logistics by A.J. Fitzwater
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Carouseling by Rich Larson
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Carouseling by Rich Larson
Ostap is putting the finishing touches on a cartoon tardigrade when Alyce calls him. The render is blown up to the size of a sumo, its butcher-paper skin creased and wrinkled around chubby tendril-tipped legs, its eyeless head dominated by a lamprey…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Carouseling by Rich Larson
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Violets on the Tongue by Nin Harris
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Violets on the Tongue by Nin Harris
Grand-Daddy would start thrumming at twenty hours, even if it could be the middle of the night, or of the morning. The vibrations filled the heads of everyone within a twenty-five kilometer radius with harmonics. The world became a giant MRI chamber…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Violets on the Tongue by Nin Harris
Al-Kahf (الكهف) - Lightspeed Magazine
Al-Kahf (الكهف) - Lightspeed Magazine
There once lived a man who was stolen from the sea. Rare and magnificent, he lived in his cave, rising to the surface every so often to pluck the strings of his violin for the birds before retreating into the water to play for his kin. They spent their days enthralled by the doleful songs of the man who lived in the littoral cave. But there came a day when the songs ceased and the people stopped going and the man was nowhere to be seen.
Al-Kahf (الكهف) - Lightspeed Magazine
The Old Women Who Were Skinned - Lightspeed Magazine
The Old Women Who Were Skinned - Lightspeed Magazine
There once were two sisters, close in age, who had been birthed and loved and became stooped and wise and were now old women together. They lived in a house in a courtyard surrounded by a tall stone wall, meant to keep out most children and all men, though starlings made their nests in the boughs of the elms. One day, the king---an old man himself---was walking by the wall when he heard the lilting voices of the sisters, who had become accomplished singers over their long years.
The Old Women Who Were Skinned - Lightspeed Magazine
You Do Nothing But Freefall - Lightspeed Magazine
You Do Nothing But Freefall - Lightspeed Magazine
Once upon a time, a fox came across a cat in the forest. Or something very similar to a cat, at least. The thing was neither flesh nor fur, but pale enamel, the tip of its nose and the insides of its ears daubed with blood. It sat on its polished haunches atop a mossy log beside a babbling brook, paw metronoming in salute. “Hello,” said the fox to the cat, drawn to its gleam and its amiable expression, its bobbing foreleg, but mostly by the golden coin at its throat.
You Do Nothing But Freefall - Lightspeed Magazine
The Effluent Engine - Lightspeed Magazine
The Effluent Engine - Lightspeed Magazine
New Orleans stank to the heavens. This was either the water, which did not have the decency to confine itself to the river but instead puddled along every street; or the streets themselves, which seemed to have been cobbled with bricks of fired excrement. Or it may have come from the people who jostled and trotted along the narrow avenues, working and lounging and cursing and shouting and sweating, emitting a massed reek of unwashed resentment and perhaps a bit of hangover.
The Effluent Engine - Lightspeed Magazine
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
Always had the sages known that they would come. The first princess, in her bed of jewels and smelted gold, had dreamt of them; dreamt their terrible faces, their terrible claws, their endless hunger that is greater than the mountain and deeper than the deepest-diving seam. She had wept in the night, to have such dreams, and some say that her death---as the deaths of all princesses since her---came hard and early, because she could not know the peace of slumber.
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
Cosmic Spring - Lightspeed Magazine
Cosmic Spring - Lightspeed Magazine
Qubits resolve and superimpose; information entangles and de-couples; consciousness re-emerges. I don’t know for how long I’ve been asleep. There’s so little energy left in the island-ship’s reservoir that I’ve been conserving as much as possible. A faint glow in the abyss, perhaps several thousand kelvins. It’s why I’ve been awakened. I change course and head straight for perhaps the last star in the universe.
Cosmic Spring - Lightspeed Magazine
Al-Kahf (الكهف) - Lightspeed Magazine
Al-Kahf (الكهف) - Lightspeed Magazine
There once lived a man who was stolen from the sea. Rare and magnificent, he lived in his cave, rising to the surface every so often to pluck the strings of his violin for the birds before retreating into the water to play for his kin. They spent their days enthralled by the doleful songs of the man who lived in the littoral cave. But there came a day when the songs ceased and the people stopped going and the man was nowhere to be seen.
Al-Kahf (الكهف) - Lightspeed Magazine
Brightened Star, Ascending Dawn - Lightspeed Magazine
Brightened Star, Ascending Dawn - Lightspeed Magazine
She sees the universe unfold: color light cold music voice heat passion infinity. It uncurls in waves and song fractals that make up the subatomic fabric of space-time. Melodies of energy sweep her up and spin her into a thousand voices. Colors not yet named and not yet seen paint her mind with joy. The entire universe wraps around her, welcomes her, calls her home.
Brightened Star, Ascending Dawn - Lightspeed Magazine
The Independence Patch - Lightspeed Magazine
The Independence Patch - Lightspeed Magazine
It is exam week, and Donny is 14 years 10 months 15 days 10 hours 16 minutes old. He is bored and hungry and his scalp itches and he hates school more than he’s ever hated anything before in his life. He hates exams in particular, and he hates his math exam most of all. 54 minutes and 20 seconds are left before he can leave, before he can take the damned dunce cap off and be himself again.
The Independence Patch - Lightspeed Magazine
The Dreamers of Alamoi - Lightspeed Magazine
The Dreamers of Alamoi - Lightspeed Magazine
The madman whistled an unfamiliar tune as he walked past the tangle-choked fields along a road in little better shape; before the plague, it had been surfaced with polished brick. Bricks that the dreamers hadn’t pried up or been chewed into gravel by the weeds and weather. The guide followed close behind, scheming again. The madman paused to light his pipe and take a preposterously deep drag from the tight-packed bowl.
The Dreamers of Alamoi - Lightspeed Magazine
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The No-One Girl and the Flower of the Farther Shore by E. Lily Yu
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The No-One Girl and the Flower of the Farther Shore by E. Lily Yu
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The No-One Girl and the Flower of the Farther Shore by E. Lily Yu
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The No-One Girl and the Flower of the Farther Shore by E. Lily Yu
The Eyes of the Flood - Lightspeed Magazine
The Eyes of the Flood - Lightspeed Magazine
The river’s in flood again, and it feels like a blessing from God. You emerge from your home, built with wood and plastic scraps of ancient towns, and stand on the green hill high above the rushing waters. You remember from when you were young that the river would spill over its banks every year, submerging the low-lying land, turning fields that had lain fallow through the darkness and bitter cold of winter into lakes of rushing, wild water. And then when the waters had drained away, the corn could be planted in the deep sediments left behind.
The Eyes of the Flood - Lightspeed Magazine
The Goddess Has Many Faces - Lightspeed Magazine
The Goddess Has Many Faces - Lightspeed Magazine
Pillai expected Kali border security to be much tighter than it was. All he got was a body search that was routinely thorough, and a few old-fashioned tests and checks. It reminded him of a visit he had made as a very young rightwing Hindu activist to an Indian nuclear weapon testing facility back in 1998, after the Pokhran atomic tests. His briefings had been correct in this respect: Kali did not seem to have much use for twenty-first-century Safe Care.
The Goddess Has Many Faces - Lightspeed Magazine
One True Love - Lightspeed Magazine
One True Love - Lightspeed Magazine
It is never lucky for a child to kill her mother in the course of her own birth. Perhaps for this reason, the soothsayer who attended the naming ceremony for Princess Essylt was not a celebrated one. Haidis had barely finished his own apprenticeship when the summons came. He knew that delivering the prophecy for this princess was a thankless job, because no soothsayer in his right mind would attempt to foretell the life of a girl-child born out of death.
One True Love - Lightspeed Magazine
Divine Madness - Lightspeed Magazine
Divine Madness - Lightspeed Magazine
He blew smoke through the cigarette and it grew longer. He glanced at the clock and realized that its hands were moving backwards. The clock told him it was 10:33, going on 10:32 in the p.m. Then came the thing like despair, for he knew there was not a thing he could do about it. He was trapped, moving in reverse through the sequence of actions past. Somehow, he had missed the warning. Usually, there was a prism-effect, a flash of pink static, a drowsiness, then a moment of heightened perception . . .
Divine Madness - Lightspeed Magazine
The Court Magician - Lightspeed Magazine
The Court Magician - Lightspeed Magazine
The boy who will become court magician this time is not a cruel child. Not like the last one, or the one before her. He never stole money from Blind Carel’s cup, or thrashed a smaller child for sweets, or kicked a dog. This boy is a market rat, which sets him apart from the last several, all from highborn or merchant families. This isn’t about lineage, or even talent. He watches the street magicians every day, with a hunger in his eyes that says he knows he could do what they do.
The Court Magician - Lightspeed Magazine
A Coward’s Death - Lightspeed Magazine
A Coward’s Death - Lightspeed Magazine
Well, the 101,201st Emperor needed some levies to build a huge statue of himself, so he said, “Okay, all of my recently subjugated peoples: If you’ve got at least two sons, you need to give me your first-born. But don’t worry, I’ll give him back, assuming he can survive ten years of lifting these big heavy stones.” In some places, people weren’t happy about this. The city of Yashar revolted, and in response the Emperor’s legions killed the men, castrated the boys, and sold all the survivors into slavery.
A Coward’s Death - Lightspeed Magazine
Jamaica Ginger - Lightspeed Magazine
Jamaica Ginger - Lightspeed Magazine
“Damn and blast it!” Plaquette let herself in through the showroom door of the watchmaker’s that morning to hear Msieur blistering the air of his shop with his swearing. The hulking clockwork man he’d been working on was high-stepping around the workroom floor in a clumsy lurch. It lifted its knees comically high, its body listing to one side and its feet coming down in the wrong order; toe, then heel.
Jamaica Ginger - Lightspeed Magazine