

"#Stories 📖"
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
Author: Elizabeth Hoyle “There don’t need to be multiple universes for me to fall in love with you over and over again,” Michael said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “One lifetime must be enough, though there is no such thing as too much time with you. I’ve seen you as a daughter, […]
In Every Iteration - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 838: Potemora in the Triad - PodCastle
PodCastle 838: Potemora in the Triad - PodCastle
Potemora in the Triad By Sara S. Messenger   There are always three: the father, the unfather, and the child. That’s why Vriskiaab threw my unfather off his back after she bore my baby sister, or so Vriskiaab tells me when he stops in the shade of a dune, his massive scales warm under my […]
PodCastle 838: Potemora in the Triad - PodCastle
PodCastle 839: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - The Book of May - PodCastle
PodCastle 839: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - The Book of May - PodCastle
The Book of May By C. S. E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez From: Morgan W. Jamwant To: Harry Najinsky Date: January 22, 2015 12:58:59 p.m. est Subject: Death Is the Tree Eliazar, Dude. I wanna be a tree when I die. Make them put me into one of those urn-y things. The biodegradable ones with the seed […]
PodCastle 839: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - The Book of May - PodCastle
The Nightmare - 365tomorrows
The Nightmare - 365tomorrows
Author: Emily Kinsey A high-pitched scream tore into the night air, and Jules, leaning against the battered frame leading into her little brother’s room, uncrossed her arms and reflexively placed her hands over her ears. “Mom, can’t you get him to shut up?” Jules asked. “He’ll wake the neighborhood.” “He has nightmares,” Jules’ mother said […]
The Nightmare - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 798: ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Squalor and Sympathy - PodCastle
PodCastle 798: ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Squalor and Sympathy - PodCastle
Squalor and Sympathy by Matt Dovey Anna concentrated on the cold, on the freezing water around her feet and the bruising sensation in her toes. So cold. So cold. So cold, she thought. A prickling warmth like pins and needles crackled inside her feet. It coursed through her body to her clenched hands and into the lead alloy […]
PodCastle 798: ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Squalor and Sympathy - PodCastle
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
Author: Dave Ludford He reached the brow of the steep hill just before noon with the blazing sun at its apex making him feel drowsy and slightly nauseous. He dismounted from the equus and the sure-footed but cumbersome beast grunted in relief. The sense of unease he’d felt all morning seemed to be getting stronger […]
City In Dust - 365tomorrows
In the Ruins - 365tomorrows
In the Ruins - 365tomorrows
Author: J David Singer Alex hummed as she crossed the desert. Not with any kind of tune, just a prolonged contented sigh; almost a purr. In her arms, she held a small, rectangular, steel container with ridges on two sides. These ridges, she knew from long experience, should fit into the racks of the mainframe […]
In the Ruins - 365tomorrows
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Author: David Penn On this planet in the Emerson V system, sardonically named Jacob’s Ladder by its first explorers, the dominant species looks superficially like an Earth stick insect. However, these creatures are as large as our blue whales, have ten minutely-jointed legs, each ending in an eye, and mouths which operate more like ancient […]
Jacob's Ladder - 365tomorrows
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I thought the skinny functionary nodded my way. The two of them are approaching, all eager smiles, curious glances, and whispered asides. “Are these seats taken? The server said they weren’t, but you know, they sometimes get things wrong. So, are they?” At least there’s two of them. Hopefully they’ll […]
Waiting for a Being - 365tomorrows
Alphabet of Swans
Alphabet of Swans
This week we are delighted to be present as E. Lily Yu’s startling, gorgeous “Alphabet of Swans” makes its revelations. ~ Julian and Fran, August 27, 2023 Alphabet of Swans​ By E. Lily Yu “No major issues, I’m happy to say. A little myopia in the left, some astigmatism in the right.”
Alphabet of Swans
The Axe Forgets, The Tree Does Not - 365tomorrows
The Axe Forgets, The Tree Does Not - 365tomorrows
Author: David Barber The final part of the plan involved capturing a Jirt Princess. Morgan led one assault team, a band of Earthers who took terrible losses before the Jirt security swarm was destroyed. A last Jirt warrior blocked the way down into the palace. Evolution had selected the soldier caste for single combat with […]
The Axe Forgets, The Tree Does Not - 365tomorrows
Always Be Returning
Always Be Returning
This week, we hope our free August story, Eugenia Triantafyllou‘s beautiful “Always Be Returning,” will transport all our readers to mythical and strikingly heartfelt shores. ~ Julian and Fran, August 6, 2023 Always Be Returning by Eugenia Triantafyllou
Always Be Returning
Those Hitchhiking Kids
Those Hitchhiking Kids
What does wanderlust mean when you’re a ghost? Find out by joining Darcie Little Badger’s wonderfully intrepid Corey and Jimena on the road. ~ Julian and Fran, April 2, 2023 Those Hitchhiking Kids By Darcie Little Badger They hadn’t died while hitchhiking, and ghosts couldn’t own a car, but Corey and Jimena shared the condition of wanderlust, so something had to be done. In high school, they’d ditch class to bus-hop through Houston, losing themselves in mazes of hot streets. Death hadn’t extinguished the urge to travel without aim, although it made the process trickier, more frustrating.
Those Hitchhiking Kids
Such an Honor
Such an Honor
We kick off May with a new, free-to-read, Sarah Gailey story, set in a world where awards have a powerfully lasting effect. ~ Julian and Fran, May 7, 2023 Such an Honor by Sarah Gailey The Ganymede Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Composition was warm in Leonard’s hand, not that he could feel it. Maybe if it had been piping hot or freezing cold, the sensation would have made it through the calloused landscape of his palm—but it was only as warm as the dozens of hands it had passed through over the course of the evening. It felt like nothing. Everyone wanted to touch the damn thing so they could say they’d touched it, so that later, in some way, they could convince themselves that they’d touched him.
Such an Honor
A Timely Horizon
A Timely Horizon
Karen Lord’s story this week asks what would we do if we could hear the echoes of all the choices we’ve made in other lives, but haven’t made in this one. It is a stunning meditation on time and choices. ~ Julian and Fran, March 5, 2023 A Timely Horizon
A Timely Horizon
The In-Between
The In-Between
This week’s story from James Patrick Kelly connects art, memory and experience in entirely new and unexpected ways. In keeping with that ideal, you’ll find a link to the art that inspired the story at the end! ~ Julian and Fran, March 12, 2023 The In-Between
The In-Between
To the Mean
To the Mean
Thank you for traveling with us today as Rick Wilber’s “To the Mean,” transports us to the past and the future in this epic story of connection. ~ Julian and Fran, February 26 To the Mean By Rick Wilber Karolina di Chun, 211 Anno Domini, Roman Britain
To the Mean