

"#365 Tomorrows"
Shape Shifters
Shape Shifters
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The shapeshifting aliens are untrustworthy. It’s not their fault. They see the world for what it is, through a kaleidoscope. Us humans, we only get to see one viewpoint of the world. People react to our outer shell with no variation. We can get fat or thin or muscled […]
Shape Shifters
Future War 3
Future War 3
Author : Mordecai J Banda Michael had come back from his daily walk. He had eaten his breakfast and attended to various things to keep himself healthy. Now it was gaming time. This past month the Future Warfare 3 had had a special event that called on worldwide cooperative multiplayer event. Michael personally didn’t like […]
Future War 3
Love Conquers All
Love Conquers All
Author : Dina Leacock I sat at the table for two and waited for my date to arrive. We’d been emailing since we first “met” on “ and now we were finally going to meet. Taking the mirror from my purse I nervously adjusted my face. Would he like me? Would I like him? Does […]
Love Conquers All
Silent Partner
Silent Partner
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer The cigar from the dead guard’s pocket has a red and gold band that says it’s from Havana, the first pleasant surprise of tonight. “Ricky. Help me.” I look across to where Estevez lies in a pool of his own blood, his eyes over-bright with pain and anger. Nodding […]
Silent Partner