

Shopping, Later | Spelk
Shopping, Later | Spelk
by Steve Cushman The father and son walk silently through the grocery store buying what needs to be bought: mac n’ cheese, milk, cheerios, bread and beer and pretzels, two pounds of hamburger. The …
Shopping, Later | Spelk
Hummingbird | Spelk
Hummingbird | Spelk
by Barbara Renel Edinburgh. A scorching day. The man is stripped to the waist, his decorated torso worn as a garment. “Olá,” he says. And she falls in love. In his studio, a skeleton wearing a suit…
Hummingbird | Spelk
Fairy Tales | Spelk
Fairy Tales | Spelk
by Kate Jones She’s caught the 3.15 train, as instructed by her father. As trees and fields give way to the concrete blocks of the city, the muscles of her stomach tighten. She pulls out a book fro…
Fairy Tales | Spelk
Left-Overs | Spelk
Left-Overs | Spelk
by Stephanie Hutton My mother-who-never-mothered-me has died and I don’t know what feelings to have, so decide not to have any. Lily sits on my knee in this council flat as we rummage in tatty boxe…
Left-Overs | Spelk
Salesman | Spelk
Salesman | Spelk
by Mark Renney “Door-to-door sales is a dying art,” he says. I don’t want to answer, to be pulled into this again but the others around the table are looking at me, waiting. “It’s just a job,” I sa…
Salesman | Spelk
At Liberty | Spelk
At Liberty | Spelk
by Iris N. Schwartz Belle never should have married a man who didn’t know how to kiss. Benjy’s sloppy, aimless probing of her mouth felt as erotic as a session in a dentist’s chair. He was dyslexic…
At Liberty | Spelk
The End | Spelk
The End | Spelk
by Nicholas Rixon They came, just like they always did, early in the morning. The collective sound of their hooves perfectly suited for that time of day. The shepherds, one at the back of the herd …
The End | Spelk
The Circle | Spelk
The Circle | Spelk
by Kathy Hoyle Fish looked at Man through an ancient, grey eye. Man was silhouetted, dark and looming, with the sun as a halo. Man proclaimed himself. “I am Man and you are Fish and you have no rig…
The Circle | Spelk
Arrivals | Spelk
Arrivals | Spelk
by Kate Jones She keeps her eyes lowered, as she’s been brought up to do. She remembers the strap her father used the time her older sister dared to meet his eye during a conversation on marriage. …
Arrivals | Spelk
Would You Help Her? | Spelk
Would You Help Her? | Spelk
by Janelle Hardacre She doesn’t cry. She didn’t when she was attacked by a punter last week or when another woman stole the trainers off her feet. She didn’t cry when she was rattling and only had …
Would You Help Her? | Spelk
Intimacy as Currency | Spelk
Intimacy as Currency | Spelk
by Adam Lock The toilet seat was cold and wet beneath her; he’d been pissing on it for months — for as long as the lightbulb had blown. She sighed, imagined him standing over the toilet, his eyes c…
Intimacy as Currency | Spelk
Lights Out | Spelk
Lights Out | Spelk
by Rebecca Williams The hockey stick cracks down on his head like a spoon bashing an egg, blood oozes out like yolk. The look on his face is one of extreme surprise, as if he’d found his passport a…
Lights Out | Spelk
Once Upon an Echo | Spelk
Once Upon an Echo | Spelk
by Meg Tuite Words do everything but shut-up. Many times once over is never the same once. Ester loses a spelling bee twice to Thomas the earwig. Three times Ester hooks a backpack around her arms …
Once Upon an Echo | Spelk
A New Hat | Spelk
A New Hat | Spelk
by Rebecca Field I cried in the bank that day. Fat tears slid down my cheeks, making dark spots on my corduroy skirt. Lord knows what they must have thought of me. Maybe that I was grieving; that I…
A New Hat | Spelk