Found 311 bookmarks
Love at the Event Horizon - Uncanny Magazine
Love at the Event Horizon - Uncanny Magazine
I never thought I’d want to make a film about the Lost Countrymen and the ghosts that haunt their ship. It’s been years since my brief time with them, but how could I forget them, the ghosts muttering to themselves about worlds long gone? Eyes starry wide, dreaming of a future Earth that would receive […]
Love at the Event Horizon - Uncanny Magazine
Across the Street - Uncanny Magazine
Across the Street - Uncanny Magazine
Much like Ishmael, I have experienced a fair number of damp, drizzly Novembers in my soul. And I, too, have required a strong moral principle to prevent me from stepping into the street and methodically knocking people’s hats off. But unlike Ishmael, I can’t quietly take to sea because my lunch break is only forty-five […]
Across the Street - Uncanny Magazine
The Worms that Ate the Universe - Uncanny Magazine
The Worms that Ate the Universe - Uncanny Magazine
The planet of the worms is a cold, barren, sunless place. The worms do not think. They feel nothing but hunger, and so they eat. They eat through the planet’s surface. They eat through the planet’s molten core. Over time, the planet grows speckled and spongelike, riddled with tunnels and holes. But the worms don’t […]
The Worms that Ate the Universe - Uncanny Magazine
Signs of Life - Uncanny Magazine
Signs of Life - Uncanny Magazine
If you were to drive to my sister Violet’s house today, you would find yourself at a very different place from the one I encountered on my first trip. The road up the mountain has been paved, for one thing, to make it more accessible to the tourists who now support it. Back then if […]
Signs of Life - Uncanny Magazine
One Man's Treasure - Uncanny Magazine
One Man's Treasure - Uncanny Magazine
Aden had never once forgotten his gear for bulk trash day, but he found it touching that Nura still taped a monthly reminder note on the door from the kitchen to the garage. Sweet of her to remember, given how exhausted med school had her these days. He ducked out to the garage to toss […]
One Man's Treasure - Uncanny Magazine
Happily Ever After Comes Round - Uncanny Magazine
Happily Ever After Comes Round - Uncanny Magazine
Content Note: All Possible Warnings Apply click here for full note Warnings: violence, incest, cannibalism, fratricide, attempted infanticide just as in the original…   Children don’t generally assume their father will abandon them to die in the snow. But under certain circumstances, they might get an inkling. If their mother had died the year before, […]
Happily Ever After Comes Round - Uncanny Magazine
Hands Like Gold and Starlight - Uncanny Magazine
Hands Like Gold and Starlight - Uncanny Magazine
Author’s Note: I’ve taken liberties here somewhat with both place and time so that the rise of Martha’s Vineyard as a safe place to travel for Black Americans intersects with the peak Deaf population of the island. Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language, which originated in the relatively isolated village of Chilmark, is distinct from American Sign […]
Hands Like Gold and Starlight - Uncanny Magazine
Loneliness Universe - Uncanny Magazine
Loneliness Universe - Uncanny Magazine
From: To: Cara Hasani September 18, 2015, 5:36 am Subject: I am drifting, but thank you for the photos My dear Cara, Thank you for sending me the photos, I never thought I’d feel this way again. But the pictures help. They really do. I can’t stop looking at them. Thank you for […]
Loneliness Universe - Uncanny Magazine
Six Versions of My Brother Found Under the Bridge - Uncanny Magazine
Six Versions of My Brother Found Under the Bridge - Uncanny Magazine
Content note: Child death   It was half past midnight when Olga heard the Devil cry.  They were supposed to be wild tonight, the three of them. Cassandra had led the way and Maria and Olga didn’t put up much of a fight. They would visit the Devil’s bridge—anything that claimed to be even remotely […]
Six Versions of My Brother Found Under the Bridge - Uncanny Magazine
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine
During one of the much smaller disasters that preceded the really big disaster, I met a lot of my neighbors online. I can’t remember if we set up the WhatsApp group because of the pandemic or the civil disorder or both. My Minneapolis block had always been reasonably friendly—people would take their kids around on […]
The Year Without Sunshine - Uncanny Magazine