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PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
The Pull of the Herd By: Suzan Palumbo My doeskin calls to me from under the woollen blankets in the cedar chest at the foot of our bed. Diya murmurs beside me, eases back to sleep. I cling to her, try to calm the panic welling in my chest by inhaling her cardamom scent. The […]
PodCastle 568: The Pull of the Herd - PodCastle
PodCastle 868: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART ONE - PodCastle
PodCastle 868: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART ONE - PodCastle
Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold by S.B. Divya   My parents taught me to lie as soon as I could speak. Before I knew the meaning of the words, before I understood heat or fire, and long before I felt the pain of singed flesh, I learned to tell strangers that I burned myself by […]
PodCastle 868: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART ONE - PodCastle
PodCastle 870: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART THREE - PodCastle
PodCastle 870: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART THREE - PodCastle
Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold by S.B. Divya I was hidden in a tree near the mill when the Duke of Bavaria arrived in Talgove. I had never seen the man before, but the coat of arms matched the hangings I’d seen in Salzburg. The sizeable retinue stopped by the water wheel. Blasius emerged from […]
PodCastle 870: Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold - PART THREE - PodCastle
PodCastle 805: The Somnambulant - PodCastle
PodCastle 805: The Somnambulant - PodCastle
The Somnambulant by Sam W. Pisciotta   The moon sits plump within a windowpane as if plucked from the sky and framed for safekeeping. Bound by forces beyond our control, the moon and I share a yearning to pull free. I touch my finger on the icy glass and dream of leaving this place. But […]
PodCastle 805: The Somnambulant - PodCastle