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Escape Pod 726: And Never Mind the Watching Ones (Part 1 of 2) | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 726: And Never Mind the Watching Ones (Part 1 of 2) | Escape Pod
He is lying on the splintered, faded-gray wood of the dock, the fingers of one hand dangling in the slough and glitter frogs in his hair. His breath catches and he cups the back of Christian’s head. An airplane is flying far, far overhead. It sounds…
Escape Pod 726: And Never Mind the Watching Ones (Part 1 of 2) | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 727: And Never Mind the Watching Ones (Part 2 of 2) | Escape Pod
Escape Pod 727: And Never Mind the Watching Ones (Part 2 of 2) | Escape Pod
Of course, if someone were systematically scrubbing the Internet of all references to the glitter frogs, then how do you explain the Tumblr gif sets? The audio recordings? The videos that don’t involve illegal firecrackers and animal cruelty? via Po…
Escape Pod 727: And Never Mind the Watching Ones (Part 2 of 2) | Escape Pod
EP402: The Tale of the Golden Eagle – Escape Pod
EP402: The Tale of the Golden Eagle – Escape Pod
The Tale of the Golden Eagle by David D. Levine This is a story about a bird. A bird, a ship, a machine, a woman—she was all these things, and none, but first and fundamentally a bird. It is also a story about a man—a gambler, a liar, and a cheat, b… EP402 The Tale of the Golden Eagle – Escape Pod via Instapaper
EP402: The Tale of the Golden Eagle – Escape Pod