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PodCastle 840: The Sound of Children Screaming - PodCastle
PodCastle 840: The Sound of Children Screaming - PodCastle
The Sound of Children Screaming by Rachael K. Jones     THE GUN   You know the one about the Gun. The Gun goes where it wants to. On Thursday morning just after recess, the Gun will walk through the front doors of Thurman Elementary, and it won’t sign in at the front office or […]
PodCastle 840: The Sound of Children Screaming - PodCastle
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
En Plein Air by J. T. Glover A gust of wind boiled off the James without warning, flattening cattails and clumps of spikerush as it swirled around the inlet where I was painting, and of course it caught my canvas. The morning’s work rushed away from me like a sailboat before a storm, taking my […]
FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO, FROM ZERO EVERY TIME By ANDREW DARLINGTON Ransom is out there. He has a gun. He’s dangerous. Logically, thi...PseudoPod 622: En Plein Air - PseudoPod
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt “You ever can’t sleep?” the trucker said. Forsyth glanced up out of his thoughts. The man standing at his table was big and worn out, his eyes raw and heavy even in the shadow of his cap’s bill. He had a young face with an old beard matted on the […]
"Who Dares Call It Murder?" By Walt Giersbach Damn you, Danaë, you were the colossus of my life, the thing that gave meaning to the...PseudoPod 623: Greener Pastures - PseudoPod
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod
Ten Things I Didn’t Do By Maria Haskins I didn’t die. I promised you I wouldn’t, so I didn’t. I know you said the words in jest when you dropped me off at school, “Don’t die, honey!”, with that hoarse laugh and sideways wink you do, but I rolled my eyes and said “OK, mom, […]
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Modern Search for the Fountain of Youth by Douglas F. Dluzen, PhDPseudoPod 624: Flash On The Borderlands XLV: Personal Narratives - PseudoPod