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MR. AND MRS. ZORDOK • by K.J. Chiles – Every Day Fiction
MR. AND MRS. ZORDOK • by K.J. Chiles – Every Day Fiction
Sheryl frowned. “I think we took the wrong turn. We’re supposed to still be in Spring Grove.” Sheryl flinched as Zordok fired the hovercar’s plasma cannons, blasting the sign and an unlucky squirrel into subatomic particles. She sighed. Nine disinte…
MR. AND MRS. ZORDOK • by K.J. Chiles – Every Day Fiction
THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH • by David McVey – Every Day Fiction
THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH • by David McVey – Every Day Fiction
In my hand I held a knotted pole, about three feet long and two inches wide. You could lean on it, use it as a walking stick, whittle it; most importantly, it had a square of coarse plastic sheeting nailed to one end. via Pocket
THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH • by David McVey – Every Day Fiction
“Remember me? I’m that BioLet Composting Toilet you got as a Wedding Gift for Your First Marriage,” by Stacy Stevenson - Defenestration
“Remember me? I’m that BioLet Composting Toilet you got as a Wedding Gift for Your First Marriage,” by Stacy Stevenson - Defenestration
It’s not every day a highly specialized composting toilet is purchased as a wedding gift. I mean, nothing says “this marriage is forever!” quite like a composting toilet. via Pocket
“Remember me? I’m that BioLet Composting Toilet you got as a Wedding Gift for Your First Marriage,” by Stacy Stevenson - Defenestration