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The Emerald Coat and Other Wishes - Lightspeed Magazine
The Emerald Coat and Other Wishes - Lightspeed Magazine
I met Violet for the first time when she tiptoed through the museum door in her gray schoolteacher’s dress, trailing the smell of autumn leaves into the antechamber. She pulled her faux-kid gloves off finger by finger as she craned her neck around the mahogany-paneled room. Then her eyes fell on me, sitting at the podium that bars the door leading to the exhibits. “Excuse me, do you know the way to the Bethnal Green Tube stop?”
The Emerald Coat and Other Wishes - Lightspeed Magazine
With Teeth Unmake the Sun - Lightspeed Magazine
With Teeth Unmake the Sun - Lightspeed Magazine
Io Destiny is a rich planet, home to three billion lives, built as a faceted gem to honor the Seven Suns. All the gods are worshiped equally here in peace. Temples caress the lower atmosphere and ships dance in celestial orbit; the Seven Suns are honored in effigy in great statues and holograms that mortals adore. Io Destiny is the only neutral world. While the gods chafe and feud with each other, hovering on the cusp of war, this planet is sacrosanct.
With Teeth Unmake the Sun - Lightspeed Magazine
The Counsellor Crow - Lightspeed Magazine
The Counsellor Crow - Lightspeed Magazine
When Cole Franklin, Chief Counsellor of the Royal Court of Ildcrest, decided to resign, he did so by putting on his black boots, black trousers, black tunic, and black ceremonial robes, and walking out into the black night. He walked up to Ashbridge to wait on the tracks for the passing of the midnight freight train. The spot he chose was one hundred feet out from the western bank of the gorge and two hundred feet up from the River Ash.
The Counsellor Crow - Lightspeed Magazine
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
We have traveled here, to this most innocuous of country landscapes, to make good on a promise made by my grandfather, Carlton Whitmore, to a girl he loved in his youth. How foolish that sounds, writ down so! But it is true. Grandfather met her on the banks of the Bolton Strid, where she stood naked and confused, water drying on her skin. His notes state that she knew no modesty, and that “she was pale as the belly of a deep-river fish."
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home by Genevieve ValentineVade Retro Satana - Lightspeed Magazine
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home by Genevieve ValentineVade Retro Satana - Lightspeed Magazine
::SO-COMMAND\TEMPLAR-NAVCOM-INFO: All systems functioning within normal parameters:: Peacekeeping missions were always the most difficult assignment for Lieutenant Macia Branson. Not that she longed for the combat which had been much of her duty in the Service of the Order, but the reality was that it was still war conditions, only with the setting lowered to a slow broil.
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home by Genevieve ValentineVade Retro Satana - Lightspeed Magazine
“Is that the collapsible, carbon fiber ten-foot pole from TrunchCo---” I slammed my locker door and spun the combo lock, but it was too late; the fanboy already seen my gear. I didn’t know what his interest was, but I didn’t want to encourage him. I said nothing. He continued: “I’ve got the oneGame Night at the Fox and Goose - Lightspeed Magazine
“Is that the collapsible, carbon fiber ten-foot pole from TrunchCo---” I slammed my locker door and spun the combo lock, but it was too late; the fanboy already seen my gear. I didn’t know what his interest was, but I didn’t want to encourage him. I said nothing. He continued: “I’ve got the oneGame Night at the Fox and Goose - Lightspeed Magazine
Alison called all over the city trying to find a restaurant that served blowfish, but there wasn’t one. She settled for Chinese. She would court an MSG attack. And if none came, then she’d been craving red bean sauce anyway. On the way to the restaurant, Alison chose not to wear her seat belt.
“Is that the collapsible, carbon fiber ten-foot pole from TrunchCo---” I slammed my locker door and spun the combo lock, but it was too late; the fanboy already seen my gear. I didn’t know what his interest was, but I didn’t want to encourage him. I said nothing. He continued: “I’ve got the oneGame Night at the Fox and Goose - Lightspeed Magazine
Author : Jordan Altman Weightlessly floating in the blue liquid of my suspended animation pod, a queasy feeling stirred in my stomach. The tubes down my throat feeding me air, water, and food didn’…The Cavern of the Screaming Eye - Lightspeed Magazine
Author : Jordan Altman Weightlessly floating in the blue liquid of my suspended animation pod, a queasy feeling stirred in my stomach. The tubes down my throat feeding me air, water, and food didn’…The Cavern of the Screaming Eye - Lightspeed Magazine
“Is that the collapsible, carbon fiber ten-foot pole from TrunchCo---” I slammed my locker door and spun the combo lock, but it was too late; the fanboy already seen my gear. I didn’t know what his interest was, but I didn’t want to encourage him. I said nothing. He continued: “I’ve got the one from a couple of years ago that folds up. It sucks."
Author : Jordan Altman Weightlessly floating in the blue liquid of my suspended animation pod, a queasy feeling stirred in my stomach. The tubes down my throat feeding me air, water, and food didn’…The Cavern of the Screaming Eye - Lightspeed Magazine
On the last night before the end of everything, the stars shine like a fortune in jewels, enriching all who walk the quaint cobblestoned streets of Enysbourg. It is a celebration night, like most nights in the capital city. The courtyard below my balcony is alive with light and music. Young peoMouths - Lightspeed Magazine
On the last night before the end of everything, the stars shine like a fortune in jewels, enriching all who walk the quaint cobblestoned streets of Enysbourg. It is a celebration night, like most nights in the capital city. The courtyard below my balcony is alive with light and music. Young peoMouths - Lightspeed Magazine
Times were strange, and those who survived the collapse had a jarring mixtape of skills. Plumbers were holy men, exorcising the encampments of the demons of human waste. They brought forth, stored and dispensed the holiest sacrament of all, clean water. Warriors emerged from the strangest of places, sex workers commanded respect and were offered it gladly.
On the last night before the end of everything, the stars shine like a fortune in jewels, enriching all who walk the quaint cobblestoned streets of Enysbourg. It is a celebration night, like most nights in the capital city. The courtyard below my balcony is alive with light and music. Young peoMouths - Lightspeed Magazine
Of a Sweet Slow Dance in the Wake of Temporary Dogs - Lightspeed Magazine
Of a Sweet Slow Dance in the Wake of Temporary Dogs - Lightspeed Magazine
On the last night before the end of everything, the stars shine like a fortune in jewels, enriching all who walk the quaint cobblestoned streets of Enysbourg. It is a celebration night, like most nights in the capital city. The courtyard below my balcony is alive with light and music. Young people drink and laugh and dance. Gypsies in silk finery play bouncy tunes on harmonicas and mandolins. Many wave at me, shouting invitations to join them.
Of a Sweet Slow Dance in the Wake of Temporary Dogs - Lightspeed Magazine
Remaking History - Lightspeed Magazine
Remaking History - Lightspeed Magazine
“The point is not to make an exact replica of the Teheran embassy compound.” Exasperated, Ivan Venutshenko grabbed his hair in one hand and pulled up. “It’s the spirit of the place that we want to invoke here.” “This has the spirit of our storage wa…
Remaking History - Lightspeed Magazine
A Love Story Written on Water - Lightspeed Magazine
A Love Story Written on Water - Lightspeed Magazine
Bhi’ash was a king of the Axe clan. Truthful and courageous, he was renowned for having performed one thousand Black Horse sacrifices and one hundred Fire sacrifices. For his devotion, upon his demise he attained entrance to the heavenly realms and …
A Love Story Written on Water - Lightspeed Magazine
Bhi’ash was a king of the Axe clan. Truthful and courageous, he was renowned for having performed one thousand Black Horse sacrifices and one hundred Fire sacrifices. For his devotion, upon his demise he attained entrance to the heavenly realms and was honored by the Stone Gods. One day, Bhi’asRemaking History - Lightspeed Magazine
Bhi’ash was a king of the Axe clan. Truthful and courageous, he was renowned for having performed one thousand Black Horse sacrifices and one hundred Fire sacrifices. For his devotion, upon his demise he attained entrance to the heavenly realms and was honored by the Stone Gods. One day, Bhi’asRemaking History - Lightspeed Magazine
“The point is not to make an exact replica of the Teheran embassy compound.” Exasperated, Ivan Venutshenko grabbed his hair in one hand and pulled up. “It’s the spirit of the place that we want to invoke here.” “This has the spirit of our storage warehouse, if you ask me.” “This is our storage warehouse, John. We make all our movies here.”
Bhi’ash was a king of the Axe clan. Truthful and courageous, he was renowned for having performed one thousand Black Horse sacrifices and one hundred Fire sacrifices. For his devotion, upon his demise he attained entrance to the heavenly realms and was honored by the Stone Gods. One day, Bhi’asRemaking History - Lightspeed Magazine
The Songs of Distant Earth - Kindle edition by Arthur C. Clarke. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Songs of Distant Earth.A Love Story Written on Water - Lightspeed Magazine
The Songs of Distant Earth - Kindle edition by Arthur C. Clarke. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Songs of Distant Earth.A Love Story Written on Water - Lightspeed Magazine
Bhi’ash was a king of the Axe clan. Truthful and courageous, he was renowned for having performed one thousand Black Horse sacrifices and one hundred Fire sacrifices. For his devotion, upon his demise he attained entrance to the heavenly realms and was honored by the Stone Gods. One day, Bhi’ash---accompanied by many other king-mages and some of the Stone Gods themselves---went to pay homage to Agar, the highest of Stone Gods.
The Songs of Distant Earth - Kindle edition by Arthur C. Clarke. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Songs of Distant Earth.A Love Story Written on Water - Lightspeed Magazine
We are familiar with gold, says Hume, and also with mountains; therefore, we are able to imagine a golden mountain. This idea may serve as an origin myth for Iram, the unconstructed city.Moonboys - Lightspeed Magazine
We are familiar with gold, says Hume, and also with mountains; therefore, we are able to imagine a golden mountain. This idea may serve as an origin myth for Iram, the unconstructed city.Moonboys - Lightspeed Magazine
You ask how my brother died on the moon that day, but that’s the wrong question. Ask instead what he spelled with his bootprints when we first stepped down from the platform. Ask instead the one song he listened to, the whole flight there. Ask why he wanted me there instead of Jess, his wife. It’s because we used to pretend the backyard at night was the moon. That we were astronauts. That gravity was different.
We are familiar with gold, says Hume, and also with mountains; therefore, we are able to imagine a golden mountain. This idea may serve as an origin myth for Iram, the unconstructed city.Moonboys - Lightspeed Magazine
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Ghost Island by E.E. KingMeet Me in Iram - Lightspeed Magazine
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Ghost Island by E.E. KingMeet Me in Iram - Lightspeed Magazine
We are familiar with gold, says Hume, and also with mountains; therefore, we are able to imagine a golden mountain. This idea may serve as an origin myth for Iram, the unconstructed city.
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Ghost Island by E.E. KingMeet Me in Iram - Lightspeed Magazine
Meet Me in Iram - Lightspeed Magazine
Meet Me in Iram - Lightspeed Magazine
We are familiar with gold, says Hume, and also with mountains; therefore, we are able to imagine a golden mountain. This idea may serve as an origin myth for Iram, the unconstructed city. The city has several problems. (1) It is lacking in domestic …
Meet Me in Iram - Lightspeed Magazine
Moonboys - Lightspeed Magazine
Moonboys - Lightspeed Magazine
You ask how my brother died on the moon that day, but that’s the wrong question. Ask instead what he spelled with his bootprints when we first stepped down from the platform. Ask instead the one song he listened to, the whole flight there. Ask why h…
Moonboys - Lightspeed Magazine
Hapthorn’s Last Case - Lightspeed Magazine
Hapthorn’s Last Case - Lightspeed Magazine
My assistant said, “You have received an invitation from Holk Xanthoulian. He is embarking on a new menu and invites, and I quote, ‘a select coterie of the cognoscenti to sample its superlative assemblage of tastes, textures, and titillations.’” Or …
Hapthorn’s Last Case - Lightspeed Magazine
Oversite - Lightspeed Magazine
Oversite - Lightspeed Magazine
“It doesn’t hurt, Gram,” Renata says. My sixteen-year-old daughter pulls up her t-shirt sleeve to show her bare arm, the skin summer brown and the muscle swelling slightly into smooth biceps, flawless. “I had it done when I was little and see, you c…
Oversite - Lightspeed Magazine
Our Side of the Door - Lightspeed Magazine
Our Side of the Door - Lightspeed Magazine
It isn’t until I realize I can’t find my son—really can’t find him—that I think of all the other things I can’t see in the starlit orchard. “Cruz!” I yell. “Buddy! You win!” There is no moon. The trees are thick with blossoms. I hear Cruz in the tal…
Our Side of the Door - Lightspeed Magazine
America: The Ride
America: The Ride
This story also appears in the anthology RESIST: TALES FROM A FUTURE WORTH FIGHTING AGAINST, edited by Gary Whitta, Hugh Howey, and Christie Yant. (Proceeds from the sale of the anthology go to benefit the ACLU.) via Pocket
America: The Ride
Queen Lily - Lightspeed Magazine
Queen Lily - Lightspeed Magazine
“It is the voice of my child!” the White Queen cried out, as she rushed past the King, so violently that she knocked him over among the cinders. “My precious Lily! My imperial kitten!” and she began scrambling wildly up the side of the fender. via P…
Queen Lily - Lightspeed Magazine