PodCastle 684: In the Dim Below
PodCastle 683: Three for Hers
PodCastle 682: TALES FROM THE VAULTS Without Faith Without Law Without Joy
PodCastle 681: TALES FROM THE VAULTS Wolfy Things
One Last Time
- PodCastle
PodCastle 679: Pull
PodCastle 678: Once and Future
PodCastle 639: Kiki Hernández Beats the Devil - PodCastle
PodCastle 639: Kiki Hernández Beats the Devil
Author : Samantha Mills
Narrator : Sandra Espinoza
Host : Setsu Uzume
Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh
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Previously published by Translunar Travelers Lounge.
Rated PG-13.
The dest…
Kiki Hernández, rock legend of the Southwest, had seven devils on her tail. They scurried through the roadside scrub, not even trying to sneak. She could hear their scrabble-claws and clacker-tails, their dripping maws and teeth. via Pocket
Call for Associate Editors! - PodCastle
Call for Associate Editors!
We’re recruiting! PodCastle is looking to add additional associate editors (also referred to as slush readers) to our team.
PodCastle is an SFWA short fiction market. We’re in need of associate editors who can read and …
We’re recruiting! PodCastle is looking to add additional associate editors (also referred to as slush readers) to our team. PodCastle is an SFWA short fiction market. via Pocket
PodCastle 601: A Thousand Tongues of Silver - PodCastle
A Thousand Tongues of Silver By Kate Heartfield I am a book. My pages are purple. This is how they made me. First, they flayed the calves, stretched and scraped their wet skins. Then they mixed lichen and leaves, rotted in human urine, to mimic the purple that comes of torturing sea snails to force …
PodCastle 601: A Thousand Tongues of Silver - PodCastle
A Thousand Tongues of Silver By Kate Heartfield I am a book. My pages are purple. This is how they made me. First, they flayed the calves, stretched and scraped their wet skins. Then they mixed lichen and leaves, rotted in human urine, to mimic the purple that comes of torturing sea snails to force […]
PodCastle 596: The Satyr of Brandenburg — Part 1
The Satyr of Brandenburg By Charlotte Ashley By the inebriated light of dawn, October the 23rd, 1700, a swarthy figure skulked in the rosebushes lining the Villa del Sulcis, outside the Sardinian town…
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary - PodCastle
Labyrinth, Sanctuary By A.E. Prevost Constance carves her timeworn tracks into the thirsty rock. With silent steps her footfalls smooth the stone, century into century, grooves and gullies growing green as time and seed take hold. Stone after stone, her hands build battlements and balconies, repair time-ragged trusses, stack spires towards the sun. Deep in […]
PodCastle 431: La Héron - PodCastle
La Héron by Charlotte Ashley In the grayest hour of the evening of April 16th, 1699, when the sun had just vanished behind the great château that embraced the city of Caen but before her lantern-bearers had taken up the hooks of their trade, a gargantuan woman stooped to fit through the door of the Trois …
Call for Associate Editors! - PodCastle
Call for Associate Editors!
We’re recruiting! We’re looking to add additional associate editors (also referred to as slush readers) to our team.
PodCastle is an SFWA short fiction market. We’re looking for associate editors who can read and commen…
We’re recruiting! We’re looking to add additional associate editors (also referred to as slush readers) to our team. PodCastle is an SFWA short fiction market. via Pocket
PodCastle 565, ARTEMIS RISING: I Am Fire; I Am Tears - PodCastle
Ulykke crouched in the darkness, just beyond the sunray’s reach. Before her, along the forest path, an entourage of huntresses passed on horseback, armed with arrows and blades of finest silver and armor too strong for even Ulykke’s teeth to pierce. Among them, on a dappled-gray mare, rode the princess Dania herself: beloved ruler of …
PodCastle 564, ARTEMIS RISING: One More Song - PodCastle
One More Song By Eliza Chan After Mira closed the door the selkie shed her skin, leaving the mottled grey fur in a heap like stepped-out-of work clothes. Mira handed her one of the many robes hanging on the hat stand and kept her eyes on her blue and green rug, only catching glimpses of …
PodCastle 563: El Cantar de la Reina Bruja - PodCastle
PodCastle 563: El Cantar de la Reina Bruja
PodCastle 562: Cooking Creole - PodCastle
PodCastle 562: Cooking Creole
PodCastle 561: Baby Teeth - PodCastle
PodCastle 561: Baby Teeth
PodCastle 560: Suddenwall - PodCastle
PodCastle 560: Suddenwall
PodCastle 559: Dying Lessons - PodCastle
PodCastle 559: Dying Lessons
PodCastle 504: Words Never Lost - PodCastle
Words Never Lost by DaVaun Sanders Imala spat on the schoolhouse’s brittle timbers as she passed, slipping behind the Tyre Orphan School’s woeful outbuildings and through the fence. A lashing awaited anyone caught here, but she had broken her promise to meet Vachaspah one too many times. The soft crack of fledgling bone pulled her …
PodCastle 519: Burning Season - PodCastle
Burning Season By C. L. Clark It was burning season in Rashid. Again. Even in the shop, I could smell the smoke. Can you believe I used to like the smell of burning paper? With my eyes closed, I can still see pages glow red before they burst into flame and curl into ash until …
PodCastle 520: One Day, My Dear, I’ll Shower You with Rubies - PodCastle
One Day, My Dear, I’ll Shower You With Rubies by Langley Hyde “Elusia Cooper,” she said. “I’m the only child of the accused, Verus Bloodrain.” Her father, clean-shaven and dark-haired, sat at the defendant’s bench. He looked exactly as he had when Fort Beatitude had fallen, about thirty years old, but then magic would do …
PodCastle 526: When Shadow Confronts Sun - PodCastle
When Shadow Confronts Sun By Farah Naz Rishi [Allah] will say, “Enter among nations which had passed on before you of jinn and mankind into the Fire.” Every time a nation enters, it will curse its sister until, when they have all overtaken one another therein, the last of them will say about the first …
PodCastle 558: A Place to Grow - PodCastle
PodCastle 558: A Place to Grow
PodCastle 557: The Griffin and the Minor Canon - PodCastle
PodCastle 557: The Griffin and the Minor Canon
PodCastle 556: Shadow Boy - PodCastle
PodCastle 556: Shadow Boy