Found 3353 bookmarks
Lines and Circles: The Comet's Tail - 365tomorrows
Lines and Circles: The Comet's Tail - 365tomorrows
Author: Philip G Hostetler Maggie’s been gone for a while now. But not into a black hole this time. Normally she’d discorporate into the metaphysical unknown but this time, she’s just been… …happily traveling. I miss her, like a solar system misses it’s rogue planetoid, flung out beyond and returning every 4,000 years as a […]
Lines and Circles: The Comet's Tail - 365tomorrows
Killer App - 365tomorrows
Killer App - 365tomorrows
Author: Daniel Aceituna The new AI phone app used the latest research in non-linear regression to predict the future. Local data combined with GPS and relevant global data was all it took to give a remarkably accurate prediction of what would happen within the next minute. One billion downloads occurred in the first week alone. […]
Killer App - 365tomorrows
Anyow - 365tomorrows
Anyow - 365tomorrows
Author: Mina ALENA’S ADOPTED MOTHER, CAROL: We consider ourselves blessed with our adopted daughter. It hasn’t always been easy – we had to teach her not to stand out. It’s hard to dim your light, but she understood by the age of three that she would be taken away from us if her gifts were […]
Anyow - 365tomorrows
Tango - 365tomorrows
Tango - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The little lights bob and weave, but they’re definitely getting closer. I check behind me – the remains are unidentifiable: just more victims of this horrific incident. How close should I let them get? No, wait. I sit down, putting my back against an upturned desk. Oh, yes: I take […]
Tango - 365tomorrows
Altalive Blues - 365tomorrows
Altalive Blues - 365tomorrows
Author: David C. Nutt Dear Alive, To begin with, I absolutely hate the word zombie. I also hate the terms walking dead, animate corpse, and un-dead. I prefer the more PC term altalive. Look, I don’t know who is tapping into this- a researcher, psychic, or hacker, just get the word out. We ain’t dead. […]
Altalive Blues - 365tomorrows
Relief - 365tomorrows
Relief - 365tomorrows
Author: Haley DiRenzo They asked when I would get tested, surprised I’d put it off. I’d tied myself to him with legal contracts and witnessed vows, and I always jumped at the opportunity to relieve him. But I waited for his mother, his brother, his cousins, his friends. All these people willing to give something […]
Relief - 365tomorrows
Nowhere Planet - 365tomorrows
Nowhere Planet - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Nineteen hundred tomorrows, and of them, only I got to see a dawn. The world below is still burning in places: unfortunate for the natives that their home arrived at the same strategically important position as the main battle fleets of two conflicting interstellar empires. I’ve tuned into their broadcasts. […]
Nowhere Planet - 365tomorrows
When Gremory Hits the Keyhole - 365tomorrows
When Gremory Hits the Keyhole - 365tomorrows
Author: Robert White “I always thought the Kremlin or the White House would start it, you know, trip over that whatchamacallit, the nuclear football,” Erik said. “I don’t think it’s actually a football,” Alan said. “It’s a suitcase with a bunch of buttons.” “Cops jumped ship like everybody else,” Erik said. “Half the town’s looting […]
When Gremory Hits the Keyhole - 365tomorrows
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Author: Michael T Schaper Serena felt a little strange as she stepped out of the clinic and into the street. Not surprising, since she’d just made herself immortal. She stopped to check the road before going any further. It was full of people going about their business. She thought she might recognise some of them, […]
Downloaded - 365tomorrows
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The loading bay is spotlessly clean – the sort of polish only drone cleaners can achieve. Of all the things officers love, shiny metal in any form still wins. “Captain Reese.” I turn to Sarah. She’s shiny too, but only in places. By the time she’s finished, she won’t reflect […]
Siren Call - 365tomorrows
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki Snug in my craft, taking each spacetime curve to a smooth jazz arrangement of “Just My Imagination,” it became clear. Things were slowing. We were winding down. It’d been a good ride. Not in every age and not for everybody, but for enough of humanity, we’d experienced amazing things. In the process we’d […]
Winding Down - 365tomorrows
On Bonding and Unbinding - 365tomorrows
On Bonding and Unbinding - 365tomorrows
Author: Don Nigroni I’m using pen and paper to write this for a reason. Please excuse my poor penmanship. My brother, James, was quite the success. I wasn’t jealous, just proud. Of course, it wasn’t easy being second best out of two, namely, in last place. James was a respected neuroscientist, while I’m just a […]
On Bonding and Unbinding - 365tomorrows
The Wish - 365tomorrows
The Wish - 365tomorrows
Author : Jason X. Bergman “You hold my amulet. I am bound to grant you three wishes. Three wishes and no more,” spoke the jinn. “I need only one,” said the prince. “My beloved Meredith, killed by the dark wizard Neirin. I want her back.” “This I cannot do,” said the jinn, shaking his head. […]
The Wish - 365tomorrows
Two Girls Watching Hyper Lane Traffic - 365tomorrows
Two Girls Watching Hyper Lane Traffic - 365tomorrows
Author: Janaya Young In space, hyper lanes operate like traffic lanes but with one important difference: you aren’t entirely in one place or another while traveling through them. Most people can’t tell. Maybe you feel a slight shudder of the ship, or for a moment you look down and your hand is not where you […]
Two Girls Watching Hyper Lane Traffic - 365tomorrows
Lifeline - 365tomorrows
Lifeline - 365tomorrows
Author: Andrew N. McCue I was 15 when I left home. Replacing schoolbooks from my pack with clothes and food, I steal my mother’s favorite can opener, some flatware and a small stash of cash. I walk mostly or hitch. Standing on the side of a road I read stapled, tacked and nailed sheets of […]
Lifeline - 365tomorrows
Celebricide - 365tomorrows
Celebricide - 365tomorrows
Author: David Barber “This is a rare photograph of Christ, taken before time tourism was banned,” said the Director of the Temporal Institute. The Senator stopped to examine it, and his entourage jostled and bumped awkwardly behind him. A picture-lined corridor led to the gallery overlooking the wormhole, and though each picture was an actual […]
Celebricide - 365tomorrows
Dusty Oysters - 365tomorrows
Dusty Oysters - 365tomorrows
Author: Majoki “I’m trying to tell you, Clem, I’m a Dusty Oyster. Just like you and Billy Lee, Davy, Sherm and Stevie. It’s me, Fizzy. You remember, don’t ya?” Clement Ellis stared unbelieving from his wheelchair at the young man jabbering at him. “Dusty Oyster? You? Nonsense. I’m old, but I haven’t lost all my […]
Dusty Oysters - 365tomorrows
Emotional Surgery - 365tomorrows
Emotional Surgery - 365tomorrows
Author: James Flanagan Lying on the gurney, I slowly succumbed to the anesthetics. The last thing I recalled was a bright light and a frantic “Oh, shit.” *** I opened heavy eyelids and blinked. “He’s back.” My wife’s voice, distant, unsure. “Dad?” Andy, my son. They each held one of my hands. Restricted, restrained. I […]
Emotional Surgery - 365tomorrows
Valhalla Expects - 365tomorrows
Valhalla Expects - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The scream of fighters passing overhead fades. Silence resumes. The three sat at the undamaged end of the table return their gazes to rest on the woman sitting at the other end. Minutes pass. Finally, the middle one of the trio speaks. “I’m not sure ‘you’re late’ adequately covers this.” […]
Valhalla Expects - 365tomorrows
What They Don’t Tell You About Being Immortal - 365tomorrows
What They Don’t Tell You About Being Immortal - 365tomorrows
Author: Steve Kemple For one thing, they don’t prepare you for continental drift. How could they? We aren’t equipped to think on a geological time scale. You live eighty, ninety years and the tectonic plates move what. Thirty feet? Try this on for size: “I remember the Himalayas.” Not “I remember when the Himalayas were […]
What They Don’t Tell You About Being Immortal - 365tomorrows
The Review - 365tomorrows
The Review - 365tomorrows
Author: Alastair Millar Heeeeeeey starfolks, it’s me, the Galaxian Gourmet, back to bring you the lowdown on another extraterrestrial eatery! This week, we’re on Marchioness Prime, checking out the famous Black Hole Brasserie, this is an episode you DON’T want to miss! Before we get into that, don’t forget to check out our sponsors, who […]
The Review - 365tomorrows
Clean Slate - 365tomorrows
Clean Slate - 365tomorrows
Author: E.L. Rose There are certain affordances that come with knowing your death can never be permanent. With every new reincarnation, you become a little wiser. The slate never gets wiped completely clean; you’re like a palimpsest of every life you’ve lived before, an old soul being rewritten indefinitely until every fragment of the past […]
Clean Slate - 365tomorrows
The Automotive Revolution - 365tomorrows
The Automotive Revolution - 365tomorrows
Author: James Flanagan Iain opened the car door for his father, Tom, inviting him to exit. “Three decades I worked for those uncouth S.O.B.s,” Tom muttered. “I raised you kids…of all the betrayals…” “I’ve heard great things about this retirement home,” Iain said, pleading with his father to step out of the car. “It’s affordable…” […]
The Automotive Revolution - 365tomorrows