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Bargains by the Slant-Light | Apex Magazine
Bargains by the Slant-Light | Apex Magazine
Every night, the devil sits himself on the lip of her bed and every night, she sighs and whispers the same word over and again. Yes, she murmurs. Yes, yes, of course. via Pocket Bargains by the Slant-Light | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Bargains by the Slant-Light | Apex Magazine
Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man | Apex Magazine
Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man | Apex Magazine
It’s like poking at an open wound. Every time I read about it, every time I return to it, over and over and over again, I can feel that pain well up. Emotional pain so strong it’s almost physical, you know? And it’s gotten worse since I’ve had kids.… Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man | Apex Magazine
Coyote Now Wears a Suit | Apex Magazine
Coyote Now Wears a Suit | Apex Magazine
I don’t really know why they called me, except that Auntie claims I “speak haole” better than the rest of the family. The guy’s not even in our ‘aumakua—hell, he’s not even in our pantheon. via Pocket Coyote Now Wears a Suit | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Coyote Now Wears a Suit | Apex Magazine
River Street | Apex Magazine
River Street | Apex Magazine
River Street’s never hard to find; in fact, you’re likely to stumble into it while looking for somewhere else entirely. Once you’re in, though, it’ll seem like a good idea to stay. It’s so easy to keep walking down this pleasant lane, with your face… River Street | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
River Street | Apex Magazine
Talking to Cancer | Apex Magazine
Talking to Cancer | Apex Magazine
It had metastasized, and my mother’s belly was swollen with tumors. I took care of her because she needed me and I needed her, and also because Father was always at work or visiting his friends or Aunt Diane. I tried to feed my mother. via Pocket Talking to Cancer | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Talking to Cancer | Apex Magazine
Gasping | Apex Magazine
Gasping | Apex Magazine
When he learn he couldn’t have one, he did find a child in the water. You figure this part goes without saying, ent? That a girl found gasping on the beach would be taken in by a kindly white couple once the husband learn how he infertile. via Pocket Gasping | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Gasping | Apex Magazine
Jewel of the Vashwa | Apex Magazine
Jewel of the Vashwa | Apex Magazine
I watched my love die in the claw of a Scorpion Man. I watched him sever her in half; watched as her long hair dripped down to the ground; watched as her hand let go of her spear; as her long legs folded under her; as the Scorpion Man’s tail rose in… Jewel of the Vashwa | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Jewel of the Vashwa | Apex Magazine
The Sharp Edges of Anger | Apex Magazine
The Sharp Edges of Anger | Apex Magazine
Rose is ten when the blacksmith’s son pushes her into the river. She lands badly, rocks scraping her knees, tearing her palms. Her dress is cold and wet against her skin as she drags herself out of the water.  Her anger forms a hard lump in her thro… The Sharp Edges of Anger | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
The Sharp Edges of Anger | Apex Magazine
With Lips Sewn Shut | Apex Magazine
With Lips Sewn Shut | Apex Magazine
My brothers imagined themselves the first to speak without mouths—their fingers blood-pricked from learning how to pass a needle through lace—but it was only my mother and I who could understand the heaviness of the things we could not say. via Pock…
With Lips Sewn Shut | Apex Magazine