- A Knight of the Enchanted Forest
- Marius
- Small Problems
- Border Guards
- Border Guards via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2vWqSrA
- Old Hundredth
- Old Hundredth via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2MAKzi4
- Rogue Farm
- Rogue Farm via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2OMzk3t
- Border Guards
Looking back at the century that's just ended, it's obvious that Australian writer Greg Egan was one of the Big New Names to emerge in SF in the nineties and is probably one of the most significant talents to enter the field in the last several deca…
- Old Hundredth
Brian W. Aldiss The far future seems to hold a special fascination and allure for Brian W. Aldiss, and in a field where such stories are relatively rare, he has almost made a specialty out of writing about it. via Pocket
- Rogue Farm
Rogue Farm Back | Next Contents Rogue Farm Charles Strass Although he made his first sale back in 1987, it's only recently that British writer Charles Stross has begun to make a name for himself as a Writer to Watch in the new century ahead (in fact…
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- THE EASTHOUND via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2F8mzhR
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Christopher Rowe [christopherrowe.typepad.com] has published more than twenty short stories, and has been a finalist for the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, and Theodore Sturgeon awards. via Pocket
- THE CONTRARY GARDENER via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2NZbcvq
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- THE WOMAN WHO FOOLED DEATH FIVE TIMES via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2F7rMqa
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- GREAT-GRANDMOTHER IN THE CELLAR via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2NZbani
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- CLOSE ENCOUNTERS via Instapaper https://ift.tt/2NX8SVC
- 1 Unvasion
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Guns and bombs, or spears and arrows, or rocks and clubs: all variations on the same theme, and all of them outdated. Why, historically, has one country, or tribe, or fiefdom sought to overthrow another? To control its population and its resources, …
- Spectrum — Mike Massa
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The muted whirring of the carefully padded bells from the wind-up alarm clock was enough to wake Enoch. Though he came awake slowly, he was immediately and acutely aware of the loose sheets that lay about him. Rather than rewrap the sheets snugly he…
- 3 Perception
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You can’t hurry love, no you’ll just have to wait.…” So sang the Supremes. As humans we have been able to quantify a good many things. Love is not one of them. It remains as mysterious and fascinating as it ever was, likely since before the dawn of …
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If you eat regularly at a restaurant, eventually the waiters and waitresses will come to know what you typically order. Especially if it’s breakfast or lunch. There used to be such a place here in my hometown called TRISH’S. via Pocket
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Sometimes you wonder what a particular dream might be like. Or even if it is a dream. The whole “the waking world is really a dream,” as typified by films like The Matrix, is a bit of an overdone trope now. That doesn’t mean you can’t imagine what o…
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In the Spring of 2003 I and an Indian driver soon-to-be-friend spent a month driving 2,000 miles across northern India. via Pocket
- Recruiting Exercise by David Weber
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ROCHEFORT: Cheez, Boss! I thought they’d never cut you loose! Are you all right? BECQUEREL: Do I look all right? Pour me another one, damn it. via Pocket
- Ain’t No Sunshine by Michael J. Ferguson and Christopher L. Smith
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Michael J. Ferguson and Christopher L. Smith Flavor burst onto his palate like a mouthful of fireworks. Yes! That inevitable and delightful burn of heavenly nectar from an earthbound distillery. via Pocket
- THE WINGMAN by Diane Duane
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He was squinting through the eyeslit of the tank, trying to make out whether that was a boulder five hundred yards in front of him, or just another swirl of dirt lingering in the still air, left by the Mark Ten Centurion in front of him, when the vo…
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Weary beyond weariness, Joklyne rubbed his burning eyes for the ninth time. Bed! If only he could tumble into a soft bed and sleep for a week. But to do that he must have a bed, and his most recent landlord had just evicted him for being too far beh…
- Final Exams by Diane Duane & Peter Morwood
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“One-Niner confirms release. Switching to Launch Control, frequency two-zero-zero-decimal-three-zero. Speedbird One-Niner out.” “One-Niner out. All right. Retract docking booms.” via Pocket
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PRIDE AND PUPPETRY Back | Next Contents PRIDE AND PUPPETRY by Christopher Stasheff “I thought show business was going to be fun,” Cairn muttered as he eyed the gateway to the city—the gateway, and the two huge guards who stood by its pillars, their …
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“I need to know who is trying to poison me.” I tried to keep the anger out of my face. This sorceress, a street magician I did not quite trust even if she did come with a recommendation from Brother Michael, was not responsible. via Pocket
- 2 The Man Who Knew Too Much
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Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451, among other wonderful books, once said that the library was his church. Nowadays we have many more ways to worship. eBooks and browsing the internet have changed the way we absorb knowledge. For many people it…
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via Pocket
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“DID SOMEBODY FART?” Michaels said, too loudly, hitching up his weapons belt as he stood over the aliens’ table. via Pocket