Congratulations to this year’s Winners & Finalists! Best Fiction (Short) "Absolution Insured" (Variant Frequencies) by Matt Wallace Finalists: "Hero" (Escape Pod) by Scott Sigler "Legacies" (Brief Glimpses of Somewhere Else) by Daniel Emery "The Trouble with Death Traps" (Escape Pod) by Daisy James "Truth Is" by The Seanachai, Patrick McLean --- Best Fiction (Long) How…
Congratulations to this year’s Winners & Finalists! Best Speculative Fiction Story (Short Form) No World for Warriors (Variant Frequencies) by Matt Wallace Finalists: "My Caroline" (Pseudopod) by Matt Wallace "I Look Forward To Remembering You" (Escape Pod) by Mur Lafferty "The Watching People" (Escape Pod) by Paul Berger "Sacrifice" (Variant Frequencies) by Jason McDowell…
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They were standing or sitting, hushed or tensely quiet, waiting on the news to finish breaking so someone, anyone, could breathe first. The escape pod creaked and whistled and moaned and begged for some other noise to fill its hollow body but nothing came, just the fuzz of cracked static. But th...