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Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine via Instapaper In the Great American Indian novel, when it is finally written, all of the white people will be Indians and all of the Indians will be ghosts. You maintain a menu of a half dozen Experiences on your digital blackboard, but Vision Quest is the one th…
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ | Apex Magazine
Godzilla vs Buster Keaton, Or: I Didn’t Even Need a Map | Apex Magazine
Godzilla vs Buster Keaton, Or: I Didn’t Even Need a Map | Apex Magazine
The little girl reached up and tugged on her mother’s sleeve. “Mommy. That man’s here again!” The woman looked over at the odd man who’d been at the park for the last several weekends to see that he was, indeed, smiling at them and waving. via Pocket Godzilla vs Buster Keaton, Or I Didn’t Even Need a Map | Apex Magazine via Instapaper via FREE Fiction /
Godzilla vs Buster Keaton, Or: I Didn’t Even Need a Map | Apex Magazine
Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine
Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine
Each morning is a decision. Should I put on the brown mask or the blue? Should I be a tradesman or an assassin today? Whatever the queen demands, of course, I am. But so often she ignores me, and I am left to figure out for myself who to be. via Poc… via FREE Fiction / Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast | Apex Magazine
The Prison-house of Language | Apex Magazine
The Prison-house of Language | Apex Magazine
via FREE Fiction / My parents were offered the usual platitudes: Einstein did not speak until he was in primary school(not true); did you try a body-based therapy(the answer a horrified “no!”); she will never shut up when she starts(in high school, I would often go fo… The Prison-house of Language | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
The Prison-house of Language | Apex Magazine
Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine
Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine
Black stone lying on a white stone. César Vallejo, the author of the poem “Black stone lying on a white stone,” was a Peruvian writer living in Spain in the 1930s when he succumbed to an infection turned totalitarian. via Pocket Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine via Instapaper via FREE Fiction /
Toward a New Lexicon of Augury | Apex Magazine
Ghosts of New York | Apex Magazine
Ghosts of New York | Apex Magazine
via FREE Fiction / Poets and sages like to say that there is clarity in certain death. That a calm resignation settles over the nearly deceased, and they embrace the inevitability of the end of life with dignity and grace. via Pocket Ghosts of New York | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Ghosts of New York | Apex Magazine
The Green Book | Apex Magazine
The Green Book | Apex Magazine
via FREE Fiction / MS. Orre. 1013A Miscellany of materials copied from within Master Leuwin Orrerel’s (d. Lady Year 673, Bright Be the Edges) library by Dominic Merrowin (d. Lady Year 673, Bright Be the Edges). via Pocket The Green Book | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
The Green Book | Apex Magazine
A Siren’s Cry Is a Song of Sorrow | Apex Magazine
A Siren’s Cry Is a Song of Sorrow | Apex Magazine
A Siren’s Cry Is a Song of Sorrow | Apex Magazine via Instapaper My first memory is of orderly rows of human skulls placed on glass shelves. Little white cards that I cannot read rest in front of each. My parents had taken me to the Museum of Natural History as a means of expanding my educational horizons. via Po…
A Siren’s Cry Is a Song of Sorrow | Apex Magazine
All Clear | Apex Magazine
All Clear | Apex Magazine
All Clear | Apex Magazine via Instapaper Translated by R. Orion Martin When the security alarm rang out, Zhang Dong was at the very peak of the village, thinking about family. Recent bickering with his father had left him smoldering with resentment. Maybe it was just as Liang said—time to …
All Clear | Apex Magazine
Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine
Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine
Jerena hung up after listening to the on-hold loop six whole minutes. She knew those needle-sharp mini-shrieks ending each repetition were supposed to annoy her. “Well guess what? They worked,” she told her mousy-grey cat. Human Services had won ano… Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine
The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine
The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine
My granddad used to tell me that there were only two things he was afraid of: sharks and somehow finding himself in Iraq. I am on my way to, of all places, Baghdad. For a long time Iraq was synonymous with violence and mayhem. Grandad didn’t live to… The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine