And in That Sheltered Sea, a Colossus, by Michael Matheson | Shimmer
Dreadful Young Ladies | Shimmer
The Mothgate, by J.R. Troughton | Shimmer
You Can Do It Again, by Michael Ian Bell | Shimmer
Fiction | Shimmer
Dustbaby, by Alix E. Harrow | Shimmer
A July Story, K.L. Owens | Shimmer
Black Planet, by Stephen Case | Shimmer
The Law of the Conservation of Hair by Rachael K. Jones | Shimmer
In the Pines, by K.M. Carmien | Shimmer
To Sleep In the Dust of the Earth, by Kristi DeMeester | Shimmer
A Drop of Ink Preserved In Amber, by Marina J. Lostetter | Shimmer
Palingenesis, by Megan Arkenberg | Shimmer
The Fifth Gable, by Kay Chronister | Shimmer
The Block, by Kostas Ikonomopoulos | Shimmer
Another Beginning, by Michael McGlade | Shimmer
Red Mask, by Jessica May Lin | Shimmer
Blackpool, by Sarah Brooks | Shimmer
Indigo Blue, by Rachael K. Jones | Shimmer
All the Red Apples Have Withered to Gray, by Gwendolyn Kiste | Shimmer
All the Colors You Thought Were Kings, by Arkady Martine | Shimmer
Suicide Bots, by Bentley A. Reese | Shimmer
Define Symbiont, by Rich Larson | Shimmer
An Atlas in Sgraffito Style, by A.J. Fitzwater | Shimmer
.subroutine:all///end, by Rachael Acks | Shimmer
Shadow Boy, by Lora Gray | Shimmer
The Invisible Stars, by Ryan Row | Shimmer
Now We鈥檝e Lost, by Natalia Theodoridou | Shimmer
Spirit Tasting List for Ridley House, April 2016, by Rachael Acks | Shimmer
Number One Personal Hitler, by Jeff Hemenway | Shimmer