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For Sale: Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine
For Sale: Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine
The sign outside Hello Design Coffin Works read, FOR SALE: FANTASY COFFINS. But the little girl imagined more ominous words floating just below the other letters, “Ababuo Need Not Apply.” via Pocket For Sale Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
For Sale: Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine
Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine
Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine
Not everything that’s missing was taken, but once it’s gone, it’s gone, ain’t it? There’s nothing to be done about it now. What isn’t dead is burned to the ground. What isn’t mourned is barely remembered. Forward, then. Since you think you know defe… Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine
1957 | Apex Magazine
1957 | Apex Magazine
1957 | Apex Magazine via Instapaper It was a bright day in May, and the clocks were striking twelve. I had no idea why I’d been summoned to the Head’s study. Dr. Treadwell had four clocks there, each a present from a grateful pupil. We heard the chapel clock everywhere in Dean House, …
1957 | Apex Magazine
Cottage Country | Apex Magazine
Cottage Country | Apex Magazine
Cottage Country | Apex Magazine via Instapaper I had come into some money and with it, purchased four hundred acres of land. I signed the lease in early fall, when the forest was a patchwork quilt of color. It was old-growth outside of Sudbury, east of the airport. via Pocket
Cottage Country | Apex Magazine
Hurt Me | Apex Magazine
Hurt Me | Apex Magazine
There weren’t many three-bedroom houses that a single woman could afford.  1532 Lachmont Drive was an exception.  Built in the 1930s from masonry block, it sat in the middle of a line of houses that had once been very similar to it. via Pocket
Hurt Me | Apex Magazine
The Tomato Thief | Apex Magazine
The Tomato Thief | Apex Magazine
RT @apexjason: Nothing worse than a tomato thief. Read Ursula Vernon's Hugo-nominated novelette at @apexmag Nothing worse than a tomato thief. Read Ursula Vernon's Hugo-nominated novelette at @apexmag – Jason Sizemore (apexjason)
The Tomato Thief | Apex Magazine