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Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine
Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine
Jerena hung up after listening to the on-hold loop six whole minutes. She knew those needle-sharp mini-shrieks ending each repetition were supposed to annoy her. “Well guess what? They worked,” she told her mousy-grey cat. Human Services had won ano… Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Luisah’s Church | Apex Magazine
The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine
The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine
My granddad used to tell me that there were only two things he was afraid of: sharks and somehow finding himself in Iraq. I am on my way to, of all places, Baghdad. For a long time Iraq was synonymous with violence and mayhem. Grandad didn’t live to… The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
The Standard of Ur | Apex Magazine
Cold Blue Sky | Apex Magazine
Cold Blue Sky | Apex Magazine
Current cuts like sunlight. Electrons leap across nanometer gaps. Switches flip and circuits close, triggering a cascade of motors, sensors and other subsystems. Auditory inputs pick up random background noise consistent with the synthetics boutique… Cold Blue Sky | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Cold Blue Sky | Apex Magazine
Irregularity | Apex Magazine
Irregularity | Apex Magazine
The water runs lukewarm with that familiar chemical sting that all recyc water has. It cuts off after exactly one minute, making the pipes knock. It echoes deep inside the station walls. It’s exactly 06.00 hours, Earth-time adjusted. via Pocket Irregularity | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Irregularity | Apex Magazine
La Ciguapa, For the Reeds, For Herself | Apex Magazine
La Ciguapa, For the Reeds, For Herself | Apex Magazine
Have you lost me yet? The trick question, as if I am something to be found and kept, locked in your chest of bones. Yes, I implicate you. But you realize, eventually, that I am but an ellipsis in your running narrative. An unspoken thought. Niño, yo…
La Ciguapa, For the Reeds, For Herself | Apex Magazine
Murders Fell from Our Wombs | Apex Magazine
Murders Fell from Our Wombs | Apex Magazine
In our village, they say evil waits in the uterus like the night cranes before dawn, like a wound in the earth, lying broad between thighs, dropping things made of sunset, as phrased by my poetic sister, who wholly agrees with this. “Mara, this is s… Murders Fell from Our Wombs | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Murders Fell from Our Wombs | Apex Magazine
Symphony to a city under the stars | Apex Magazine
Symphony to a city under the stars | Apex Magazine
The night she came back, the Cut bled dimensions off onto the City … like every other night. Sinclair was ready for that day’s sunset. He’d been ready for the longest time. via Pocket Symphony to a city under the stars | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Symphony to a city under the stars | Apex Magazine
We Are New(s) | Apex Magazine
We Are New(s) | Apex Magazine
Intrigue is our game. We play it well. It is all we have. She steps out of the pub with smoke on her lips, heels in her hands. A flicker of gin hides behind her eyes. Her interest meter is low, except for a seed of fear. She has not posted anything … We Are New(s) | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
We Are New(s) | Apex Magazine
Work, and Ye Shall Eat | Apex Magazine
Work, and Ye Shall Eat | Apex Magazine
I reach the dairy mid-way through my morning rounds, expecting to find Mary hard at work inside. But the simple wood structure is silent. I knock on the door. “Mary? It’s Karen. Are you there?” Nothing. All three milking devons watch me from their p… Work, and Ye Shall Eat | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Work, and Ye Shall Eat | Apex Magazine
Asylum of Cuckoos | Apex Magazine
Asylum of Cuckoos | Apex Magazine
Rhett Walker had always been a creature of unsettled dreams. When he woke on one particular night, somewhere in the dusty nowhere of west Durango, he couldn’t quite remember what had caused him to bolt upright, breathing heavy and screaming his thro… Asylum of Cuckoos | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Asylum of Cuckoos | Apex Magazine
Clap Your Hands | Apex Magazine
Clap Your Hands | Apex Magazine
Five knew two things about Brother Ted Gunderson: The man loved Jesus, and hated his own son. Five was never allowed to call him Father or Pa. via Pocket Clap Your Hands | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Clap Your Hands | Apex Magazine
The Heaven-Moving Way | Apex Magazine
The Heaven-Moving Way | Apex Magazine
When we gaze up at the heavens, we see exactly what one sees from Mother Earth: the resplendent, teeming stars and beacons of civilization flickering in the darkness. via Pocket The Heaven-Moving Way | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
The Heaven-Moving Way | Apex Magazine
For Sale: Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine
For Sale: Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine
The sign outside Hello Design Coffin Works read, FOR SALE: FANTASY COFFINS. But the little girl imagined more ominous words floating just below the other letters, “Ababuo Need Not Apply.” via Pocket For Sale Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
For Sale: Fantasy Coffins (Ababuo Need Not Apply) | Apex Magazine
Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine
Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine
Not everything that’s missing was taken, but once it’s gone, it’s gone, ain’t it? There’s nothing to be done about it now. What isn’t dead is burned to the ground. What isn’t mourned is barely remembered. Forward, then. Since you think you know defe… Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine via Instapaper
Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse | Apex Magazine