Found 282 bookmarks
Dragon Fruit – Luna Station Quarterly
Dragon Fruit – Luna Station Quarterly
The ship listed to the side as they tacked, the crew busy yelling and pulling ropes and cursing every swell of wind, until they managed to make the turn. The overcast sky sagged overhead like a sai…
Dragon Fruit – Luna Station Quarterly
A Dream of This Life – Luna Station Quarterly
A Dream of This Life – Luna Station Quarterly
The shadows are thicker than they should be. They fill up the corners of the room, pool under the crate that serves as a TV stand, nestle into the discarded clothing and wadded up fast food wrapper…
A Dream of This Life – Luna Station Quarterly
Checkmate – Luna Station Quarterly
Checkmate – Luna Station Quarterly
Umam Preth was preparing a deadly concoction of 3 parts jaffiger and 2 parts sillin when the robot slammed through the window. “Hey, Professor,” the Vee3 said. Its manipulator field rolled it uprig…
Checkmate – Luna Station Quarterly
The Ghol – Luna Station Quarterly
The Ghol – Luna Station Quarterly
“Is the ghol coming back tonight, Mama?” Violet asked anxiously. Miranda continued pouring her daughter a drink. “Probably, Violet. But don’t worry: we still have lots of Papa’s poems left.” Violet…
The Ghol – Luna Station Quarterly
Faithful – Luna Station Quarterly
Faithful – Luna Station Quarterly
The dog did not know he was famous. But he knew people stopped to look at him, and once a photographer came and took his picture for a newspaper. He whistled and called and tried to get the dog to …
Faithful – Luna Station Quarterly
Rain Like Diamonds – Luna Station Quarterly
Rain Like Diamonds – Luna Station Quarterly
The queen hoarded the barrels of seed, keeping them locked within her coffers among the diamonds and gold and strings of perfect pearls, remnants of the former days of prosperity and excess. The se…
Rain Like Diamonds – Luna Station Quarterly
Morph – Luna Station Quarterly
Morph – Luna Station Quarterly
Dr. Audra Grissom stretched as she woke from her hyper-sleep, groaning as each vertebra popped and clicked back into alignment. She flinched as she placed a bare foot on the floor outside her sleep…
Morph – Luna Station Quarterly
Frost – Luna Station Quarterly
Frost – Luna Station Quarterly
So: she came. Hu Tao, the dissident’s daughter. In reality she didn’t have much choice. If the city’s Magnate sends you an invitation to his New Year party, you need a good reason to refuse it. Tho…
Frost – Luna Station Quarterly
Campfire Songs – Luna Station Quarterly
Campfire Songs – Luna Station Quarterly
The woods grew darker as the sun slipped behind the horizon. This meant that maybe the howling band that chased me would drift off in search of easier prey. But it also meant howling creatures of a…
Campfire Songs – Luna Station Quarterly
Time and Space – Luna Station Quarterly
Time and Space – Luna Station Quarterly
1. When Mira sees the library for the first time, it is exactly as she remembers it. It’s not much to look at, but it’s still nice that this facility has one. Mira’s second facility had a dance stu…
Time and Space – Luna Station Quarterly
The Volcano Keeper – Luna Station Quarterly
The Volcano Keeper – Luna Station Quarterly
The Ujimi pine forest reaches up towards the moon, luring pale light to trickle down between jagged treetops and rest on soft powdered snow. Ari follows no path, wandering around the thickened shad…
The Volcano Keeper – Luna Station Quarterly
The Palm Bride – Luna Station Quarterly
The Palm Bride – Luna Station Quarterly
Some said, disapproving, that more accurately she was the Palmer’s Bride, the dolly created by lonely pilgrims en route to the flowering coast—holy men, so called, who after all were only mortal, c…
The Palm Bride – Luna Station Quarterly
On Your Honor – Luna Station Quarterly
On Your Honor – Luna Station Quarterly
Paseia takes care to observe her supplicants before every consultation; a successful interpreter must read and accommodate any mood. Fortunately, Lady Ouridia Diphan and Lady Biota Leanax descend f…
On Your Honor – Luna Station Quarterly
Heart Proof – Luna Station Quarterly
Heart Proof – Luna Station Quarterly
Kamik heaved the iron box onto the cart, her muscles aided by anger as well as decades of blacksmithing. Her next push centered its weight on the polished boards. As she threw a rope over the box w…
Heart Proof – Luna Station Quarterly