Luminaria | Apex Magazine
Radishes | Apex Magazine
The Faithful Soldier, Prompted | Apex Magazine
The Quiltmaker | Apex Magazine
Useless Things | Apex Magazine
Waste | Apex Magazine
When the Fall is All That’s Left | Apex Magazine
Aunt Dissy’s Policy Dream Book | Apex Magazine
Hiraeth: A Tragedy in Four Acts | Apex Magazine
How Lovely Is the Silence of Growing Things | Apex Magazine
Jesus Christ, Reanimator | Apex Magazine
Masked | Apex Magazine
Paperclips and Memories and Things That Won’t Be Missed | Apex Magazine
Radishes | Apex Magazine
Repairing the World | Apex Magazine
The Button Bin | Apex Magazine
The Button Bin | Apex Magazine
The Quiltmaker | Apex Magazine
The Selkie Wives | Apex Magazine
The Three-tongued Mummy | Apex Magazine
The Tomato Thief | Apex Magazine
RT @apexjason: Nothing worse than a tomato thief. Read Ursula Vernon's Hugo-nominated novelette at @apexmag Nothing worse than a tomato thief. Read Ursula Vernon's Hugo-nominated novelette at @apexmag – Jason Sizemore (apexjason)
Tumbledown | Apex Magazine
«Légendaire.» | Apex Magazine
Aunt Dissy’s Policy Dream Book | Apex Magazine
Back Issues – Apex Magazine
Before and After | Apex Magazine
Butterfly Man | Apex Magazine
Cut, Cut, Cut | Apex Magazine
Issue 95 — April 2017 | Apex Magazine
Queen of Dirt | Apex Magazine