Found 2724 bookmarks
Hapthorn’s Last Case - Lightspeed Magazine
Hapthorn’s Last Case - Lightspeed Magazine
My assistant said, “You have received an invitation from Holk Xanthoulian. He is embarking on a new menu and invites, and I quote, ‘a select coterie of the cognoscenti to sample its superlative assemblage of tastes, textures, and titillations.’” Or …
Hapthorn’s Last Case - Lightspeed Magazine
Oversite - Lightspeed Magazine
Oversite - Lightspeed Magazine
“It doesn’t hurt, Gram,” Renata says. My sixteen-year-old daughter pulls up her t-shirt sleeve to show her bare arm, the skin summer brown and the muscle swelling slightly into smooth biceps, flawless. “I had it done when I was little and see, you c…
Oversite - Lightspeed Magazine
Our Side of the Door - Lightspeed Magazine
Our Side of the Door - Lightspeed Magazine
It isn’t until I realize I can’t find my son—really can’t find him—that I think of all the other things I can’t see in the starlit orchard. “Cruz!” I yell. “Buddy! You win!” There is no moon. The trees are thick with blossoms. I hear Cruz in the tal…
Our Side of the Door - Lightspeed Magazine
America: The Ride
America: The Ride
This story also appears in the anthology RESIST: TALES FROM A FUTURE WORTH FIGHTING AGAINST, edited by Gary Whitta, Hugh Howey, and Christie Yant. (Proceeds from the sale of the anthology go to benefit the ACLU.) via Pocket
America: The Ride
Queen Lily - Lightspeed Magazine
Queen Lily - Lightspeed Magazine
“It is the voice of my child!” the White Queen cried out, as she rushed past the King, so violently that she knocked him over among the cinders. “My precious Lily! My imperial kitten!” and she began scrambling wildly up the side of the fender. via P…
Queen Lily - Lightspeed Magazine
Lighthouse Waiting, by Gwendolyn Clare | Shimmer
Lighthouse Waiting, by Gwendolyn Clare | Shimmer
I am alone now. The gates mostly stand dark against the starscape; you are the first to come this way in some time. I hold myself together, hold myself out, and after so much practice I can do it almost without thinking. I sing my warning song made …
Lighthouse Waiting, by Gwendolyn Clare | Shimmer
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Falls: A Luna Story by Ian McDonald
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Falls: A Luna Story by Ian McDonald
My daughter fell from the top of the world. She tripped, she gripped, she slipped, and she fell. Into three kilometers of open air. I have a desk. Everyone on the atmospheric entry project thinks it’s the quaintest thing. They can’t understand it. v…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Falls: A Luna Story by Ian McDonald
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Thirty-Three Percent Joe by Suzanne Palmer
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Thirty-Three Percent Joe by Suzanne Palmer
[CC] Welcome online, Cybernetic Elbow Model CI953-L. This is your introductory Initial Boot orientation. You are currently in a locked and muted configuration while external medical systems run diagnostics to see that your replacement procedure has …
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Thirty-Three Percent Joe by Suzanne Palmer
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Miracle Lambs of Minane by Finbarr O’Reilly
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Miracle Lambs of Minane by Finbarr O’Reilly
It was midsummer when I arrived in Corcaigh from Sadbhsfort, and the famine parties were in full swing. I don’t know if you remember the posters for them—in a vibrant shawl, a red-headed woman stands, holding a twin in each arm. via Pocket
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Miracle Lambs of Minane by Finbarr O’Reilly
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Othermother (Annex Excerpt) by Rich Larson
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Othermother (Annex Excerpt) by Rich Larson
The sky was a thick nuclear gray over the parkade where Bo and Violet were scanning the streets for Bo’s othermother. Violet sat on the hood of a battered white Nissan, while Bo watched from the edge with his elbows hooked over the railing. via Pock…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Othermother (Annex Excerpt) by Rich Larson
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : How and Why CRISPR Will Change the World by Doug Dluzen
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : How and Why CRISPR Will Change the World by Doug Dluzen
There is a silent war that is waging on every surface of the planet, in every droplet of water, and on the skin and within the bodies of everyone you know. It’s hypothesized by some that this war began near the dawn of life on Earth. via Pocket
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : How and Why CRISPR Will Change the World by Doug Dluzen
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Mayfly by Peter Watts and Derryl Murphy
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Mayfly by Peter Watts and Derryl Murphy
Little fists, clenching: one of the cameras, set to motion-cap, zoomed on them automatically. Two others watched the adults, mother, father on opposite sides of the room. The machines watched the players: half a world away, Stavros watched the machi…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Mayfly by Peter Watts and Derryl Murphy
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Foodie Federation’s Dinosaur Farm by Luo Longxiang
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Foodie Federation’s Dinosaur Farm by Luo Longxiang
A Lei was a young worker at the 045 Meat Union factory on Continent Three in starship Rhea. When the dinosaur uprising overwhelmed the factory, he used a hunting rifle to drop two great beasts that got in his way. via Pocket
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Foodie Federation’s Dinosaur Farm by Luo Longxiang
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Waves of Influence by D.A. Xiaolin Spires
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Waves of Influence by D.A. Xiaolin Spires
“You sent this good for nothing wimp to me?” Her pointed finger inched upwards in the air until it settled on my face. Meixiu pulled back her finger and formed her other hand into a cup, tracing her right finger along the inside of the palm of her l…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Waves of Influence by D.A. Xiaolin Spires
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : A Study in Oils by Kelly Robson
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : A Study in Oils by Kelly Robson
Halfway up the winding cliffside guideway, Zhang Lei turned his bike around. He was exhausted from three days of travel and nauseated, too, but that wasn’t the problem. He could always power through physical discomfort. via Pocket
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : A Study in Oils by Kelly Robson