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Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Last Boat-Builder in Ballyvoloon by Finbarr O’Reilly
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Last Boat-Builder in Ballyvoloon by Finbarr O’Reilly
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Last Boat-Builder in Ballyvoloon by Finbarr O’Reilly
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Last Boat-Builder in Ballyvoloon by Finbarr O’Reilly
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Nightingales in Plátres by Natalia Theodoridou
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Nightingales in Plátres by Natalia Theodoridou
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Nightingales in Plátres by Natalia Theodoridou
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Nightingales in Plátres by Natalia Theodoridou
Shoggoths in Traffic - Lightspeed Magazine
Shoggoths in Traffic - Lightspeed Magazine
We stole the cherry red 1984 Corvette at noon, when Random was inside the strip club for Tuesday’s Wings and Things and otherwise occupied. At one, we stopped behind a Denny’s to swap the plates, even though it felt dangerous to have paused knowing that Random would be standing in the badly maintained asphalt parking lot staring at where he’d left the ’vette and coming to certain conclusions. “It’s okay,” Abony said as I held the license plate in place and she screwed it on. “Take deep breaths.”
Shoggoths in Traffic - Lightspeed Magazine
Ugo - Lightspeed Magazine
Ugo - Lightspeed Magazine
That’s how Cynthia and Ugo met. The Easter egg hunt had just started when little Cynthia noticed a dark, short-haired nine-year-old boy, all alone, sitting by the church steps. Her first impression of him was his quietness, and the way he stared at her. When she told him (well, shouted) that it was impolite to stare at strangers, and why wasn’t he running like all others?---the dark-haired boy walked quietly over and told her that they didn’t need to hurry.
Ugo - Lightspeed Magazine
A Citizen In Childhood’s Country - Lightspeed Magazine
A Citizen In Childhood’s Country - Lightspeed Magazine
It was always a relief on the ward when midnight came, bringing the late-night caretakers in their faded scrubs and sensible shoes, carrying their little trays of sweet oblivion from bed to bed and room to room. They passed among the patients like the Sandman himself, leaving even the most devoted screamers sleeping peacefully. The silence wouldn’t last, but oh, it was sweet for a little while. The more damaged patients—the ones who’d been waiting years for sanity to make a house call.
A Citizen In Childhood’s Country - Lightspeed Magazine
A Touch of Heart - Lightspeed Magazine
A Touch of Heart - Lightspeed Magazine
Many years ago, in Shangdong Province, there lived an unfortunate farmer by the name of Dou Zhuo. Like most of us who walk this teeming Earth, he was trapped in the circumstances that fortune had provided him. He owned a patch of land that supported crops only after backbreaking effort, and then with results that betrayed its resentment of the demands he put on it. His cucumbers were bitter, his cowpeas difficult to boil, his leeks over-pungent, his pak choi stiff, and his edible amaranth hardly deserving of its name.
A Touch of Heart - Lightspeed Magazine
Mix Tapes From Dead Boys - Lightspeed Magazine
Mix Tapes From Dead Boys - Lightspeed Magazine
The derelict hangs in Neptune’s blue orbit, a chip of shadowy flint from a distance. Up close, it’s old and rusting, myriad old systems cobbled together, and Hadley swallows her nervous and exhilarated heart a dozen times as she latches the pod to its belly, makes a hard seal at the airlock, and geckos her team inside. The exterior of their spatulae suits—hands and knees and hips—permits them freedom of movement even in zero gee. Especially in zero gee. She glances back at their pod once.
Mix Tapes From Dead Boys - Lightspeed Magazine
The Last Flight of Doctor Ain - Lightspeed Magazine
The Last Flight of Doctor Ain - Lightspeed Magazine
Dr. Ain was recognized on the Omaha-Chicago flight. A biologist colleague from Pasadena came out of the toilet and saw Ain in an aisle seat. Five years before, this man had been jealous of Ain’s huge grants. Now he nodded coldly and was surprised at the intensity of Ain’s response. He almost turned back to speak, but he felt too tired; like nearly everyone, he was fighting the flu. The stewardess handing out coats after they landed remembered Ain, too: a tall, thin, nondescript man with rusty hair.
The Last Flight of Doctor Ain - Lightspeed Magazine
Rubbing is Racing - Lightspeed Magazine
Rubbing is Racing - Lightspeed Magazine
bing bing bing / The lights speak to me as they flash red, red, red. They’re saying wait, wait, wait, then ready as yellow flashes, then get the fuck going as greens turns the sky into a maelstrom of steel and fire and I’m rising, pushed into the back of my navpod so hard I fear I’ll break through. The first three seconds are the most dangerous, the powers of heaven and earth look away as a hundred ships fight for the same small stretch of sky.
Rubbing is Racing - Lightspeed Magazine
Acres of Perhaps - Lightspeed Magazine
Acres of Perhaps - Lightspeed Magazine
If you were a certain kind of person with a certain kind of schedule in the early sixties, you probably saw a show that some friends of mine and I worked on called Acres of Perhaps. By “certain kind of person,” I mean insomniac or alcoholic; by “certain kind of schedule,” I mean awake at 11:30 at night with only your flickering gray-eyed television for company. With any luck, it left you feeling that however weird your life was, it could always be weirder.
Acres of Perhaps - Lightspeed Magazine