“Resistentialism,” by Brooke Boveri - Defenestration
It started when Walt’s wife, Eve, left him. After she moved out, there was nobody around to push it back under the desk. Walt had never understood the importance of pushing it back under the desk. via Pocket
“The Goddess’s Resignation,” by Laurie Brown-Pressly - Defenestration
I read through the company-wide email and my hands tremble. Although I recognize the entire middle section as my work, I read it through four more times to be sure. My work has Reginald Douchebag O’Donald’s name on the by-line. Then, I remembered. O…
“A Short Temper For Tall Tales,” by Michael Augustine Dondero - Defenestration
Lunar Base Commander Raines reporting to Houston. I’m not sure what you witnessed on your end, but we’ve got a bit of an issue up here. I’m fairly certain that Command Module Pilot Aikman is a werewolf. via Pocket
Strange Horizons - What Man Knoweth By Russell Nichols
Yellow caution tape around the crucifix says: DO NOT CROSS. The irony’s not lost on me. Neither is the stench—a nauseous mix of worn hymnals, wooden pews, and the dried blood of a slain deacon. via Pocket
Author: Lance J. Mushung I tightened my grip on my black mini tote and stepped out of the elevator on the top floor of Parasol Corporation’s headquarters. The CEO, Kal Shakti, used the entire floor for his office. via Pocket
Jodie climbed into the passenger seat of the big sedan, the door closing itself with enough force to remind her never to leave anything in its way too long. via Pocket
The bulb swings in lazy figure eights on its long cable. Somewhere in the darkness above, there must be a breeze. The shifting light is doing more to soften me up than the ministrations of the knuckledragger dancing round my chair like he’s fighting…
“Diary of a Facebook Parent Group Post,” By Kristen Hansen Brakeman - Defenestration
Hi CCHS parents! It’s Sheila Rasmusen, new PTA president. The Varsity Football fundraiser is this Saturday! 1PM – 6PM Car wash, bake sale, raffle & FUN!! Support our varsity boys! GO TIGER FOOTBALL!! via Pocket
Author: Leanne A. Styles The day the parade came to town was the best day of my life. I remember jostling through the crowd to reach the front, before begging my mother to lift me onto her shoulders to get a better look. My idols were even more beau…
The bullet that didn’t kill my distant ancestor struck him just above the peak brim of his steel helmet. Our histories are boxed and sent and folded for us so neatly. I received my past on my ninth birthday, no surprise everyone does. via Pocket
Verity was broken, fractured in a way that Hester alone could never hope to mend. Dissatisfied with her appearance, Verity would disappear for months on end, only to return bruised and bleeding from yet another endeavor in the name of obsessive self…
Beneath Ceaseless Skies - Periling Hand by Justin Howe
The game’s not played to win but to see how long you can last. The Wit MacMahajan taught Morholt that, after his accident, while he was in Rexhame’s hospital and she was growing him a new arm from sculptwood. Only he didn’t realize the truth of her …
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Othermother (Annex Excerpt) by Rich Larson
The sky was a thick nuclear gray over the parkade where Bo and Violet were scanning the streets for Bo’s othermother. Violet sat on the hood of a battered white Nissan, while Bo watched from the edge with his elbows hooked over the railing. via Pock…
In the cool of the morning, I walk between my rows of peppers, brushing my fingers against the glossy leaves of Anaheims, Brazilian Starfishes, and Carolina Reapers. I grow peppers the way my mother and grandmother before me did—I grow them for the …
He climbs the spiraling stairs. Bowtie dangling from his fist, he climbs and sits atop the castle wall, where the torch-dotted city folds to dark shapes. Below, vastness, empty, as he feels sitting here. His feet are heavy, pulling downward. He does…
A beautiful woman robed all in white, lips red as rubies, followed the young, pale-skinned priest as he walked though the forest. The priest knew she was a yakshi, a demon that tore men’s throats out and drank their blood to quench her thirst. She w…
Ice Cream and English Summers - Flash Fiction Online
Six months pregnant, and I should have been happy. Six words to fire me, and I should have been angry. Instead, I drifted in a fugue. Spring faded, summer swelled, and our lives were falling apart. So we went for ice cream. June heat, dirty pavement…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : How and Why CRISPR Will Change the World by Doug Dluzen
There is a silent war that is waging on every surface of the planet, in every droplet of water, and on the skin and within the bodies of everyone you know. It’s hypothesized by some that this war began near the dawn of life on Earth. via Pocket
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Mayfly by Peter Watts and Derryl Murphy
Little fists, clenching: one of the cameras, set to motion-cap, zoomed on them automatically. Two others watched the adults, mother, father on opposite sides of the room. The machines watched the players: half a world away, Stavros watched the machi…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Foodie Federation’s Dinosaur Farm by Luo Longxiang
A Lei was a young worker at the 045 Meat Union factory on Continent Three in starship Rhea. When the dinosaur uprising overwhelmed the factory, he used a hunting rifle to drop two great beasts that got in his way. via Pocket
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Waves of Influence by D.A. Xiaolin Spires
“You sent this good for nothing wimp to me?” Her pointed finger inched upwards in the air until it settled on my face. Meixiu pulled back her finger and formed her other hand into a cup, tracing her right finger along the inside of the palm of her l…
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : A Study in Oils by Kelly Robson
Halfway up the winding cliffside guideway, Zhang Lei turned his bike around. He was exhausted from three days of travel and nauseated, too, but that wasn’t the problem. He could always power through physical discomfort. via Pocket
Fill in the Blanks’ I’d had enough. And it was getting dark. And he was still talking. “They have no concern for our well-being. Why should we? After seeing that. You saw it, right? What are we supposed to do?” he said. via Pocket
“How Following the Weight Watchers Diet Turned Me into a Ring Wraith,” by David Elliott - Defenestration
It was the little things, really; lack of energy, clothes that didn’t fit anymore, excessive perspiration, the fact that I hadn’t seen my penis since 1973. via Pocket
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Ninety-eight gazillion miles from anywhere I want to be and some teenage alley-captain and his squad manages to get the drop on me. That’ll teach me for daydreaming…
She didn’t walk every day. Only when she had time and they didn’t need her. Only when her weary body could force itself out the door to walk below the ridgeline. She told herself she walked for fitness. She knew she really walked for the fitness of …