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Velaya, the Dreaming City – Beston Barnett – Metaphorosis Magazine
Velaya, the Dreaming City – Beston Barnett – Metaphorosis Magazine
I set out for Velaya as a young man, having only just pledged to wed. I was to marry Belqis, flower of our village and light of my eyes, in whose father’s orchards I had played since my childhood. Our marriage should have been enough for a lifetime …
Velaya, the Dreaming City – Beston Barnett – Metaphorosis Magazine
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Anchorite Wakes by R.S.A. Garcia
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Anchorite Wakes by R.S.A. Garcia
Sister Nadine’s first true thought is of beauty. Father Paul is delivering a sermon on sacrifice in his deep voice, pausing for emphasis every so often, when the bird lands on the ledge of her squint with a silent flutter of wings. via Pocket
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Anchorite Wakes by R.S.A. Garcia
Angels - Lightspeed Magazine
Angels - Lightspeed Magazine
The creature she’d had them make cost her the last piece of forest outside Siena. The one with the little medieval chapel in it, the tall umbrella pines shading a forest floor no tourist had ever walked upon. It cost her the two rocky islands just south of Elba, and the lead mines at Piombino, which she had never cared about, and the villa on Lake Garda, which she had, because, so small and intimate, it had been one of her father’s favorites.
Angels - Lightspeed Magazine
PodCastle 534: The Lamentation of Their Women - PodCastle
PodCastle 534: The Lamentation of Their Women - PodCastle
β€œHello,” answered some whiteman. β€œGood morning! Could I speak withβ€”?” He mispronounced her last name and didn’t abbreviate her first, as nobody who knew her would do. β€œYoung lady,” he said. β€œCan you please tell me whether Miss Jean-Louis is there or…
PodCastle 534: The Lamentation of Their Women - PodCastle