Skills To Keep the Devil In His Place, by Lia Swope Mitchell | Shimmer
Trees Struck by Lightning Burning From the Inside Out, by Emily Lundgren | Shimmer
Shadow Man, Sack Man, Half Dark, Half Light, by Malon Edwards | Shimmer
The Singing Soldier, by Natalia Theodoridou | Shimmer
glam-grandma, by Avi Naftali | Shimmer
The Wombly, by K.L. Morris | Shimmer
Hic Sunt Leones, by L.M. Davenport | Shimmer
Extinctions, by Lina Rather | Shimmer
The Cold, Lonely Waters, by Aimee Ogden | Shimmer
Birds On An Island, by Charlie Bookout | Shimmer
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Some Remarks on the Reproductive Strategy of the Common Octopus by Bogi Takács
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Some Remarks on the Reproductive Strategy of the Common Octopus by Bogi Takács
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Ancient Engines by Michael Swanwick
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Ancient Engines by Michael Swanwick
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Thing and Sick by Adam Roberts
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Thing and Sick by Adam Roberts
Soccer Fields and Frozen Lakes - Lightspeed Magazine
Dear Sara: The official verdict that I am no longer classified as human arrived in a windowed envelope bearing the return address of the Bureau of Lineage Affairs. There is one envelope for me and one for you, although I haven’t opened yours. Except for the return address, these envelopes look like something from the bank, or perhaps an offer for home insurance, the kind we throw away.
La Peau Verte - Lightspeed Magazine
In a dusty, antique-littered back room of the loft on St. Mark’s Place, a room with walls the color of ripe cranberries, Hannah stands naked in front of the towering mahogany-framed mirror and stares at herself. No---not her self any longer, but the new thing that the man and woman have made of her. Three long hours busy with their airbrushes and latex prosthetics.
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Left of Bang: Preemptive Self-Actualization for Autonomous Systems by Vajra Chandrasekera
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Left of Bang: Preemptive Self-Actualization for Autonomous Systems by Vajra Chandrasekera
Death Every Seventy-Two Minutes - Lightspeed Magazine
Negelein is at his workstation working on the Lafferty file when the bone spear arcs over the sea of cubicles and strikes just above his right ear, penetrating his skull with a wet crunch. Oblivion is not quite instantaneous; his neurons all fire at the moment his brain goes soggy with blood, giving him, in his last instant, an overwhelming taste of peppermint.
Remote Presence - Lightspeed Magazine
As usual, Win was late to work. Since he hadn’t had time to eat breakfast at home, he arrived at his office—tucked into the old wing of the hospital, now a maze of ancient files and obscure personnel—clutching a styrofoam vat of cafeteria coffee, a donut balanced atop it. He wore jeans and hiking boots and a wrinkled pinstripe dress shirt, from which his ID badge hung crookedly. “Winston Z, MDiv, LCSW, BCC,” it read.
If Lions Could Speak: Imagining the Alien - Lightspeed Magazine
Many have written on this subject to confess failure; who am I to claim success? The objections line up like policemen: Alien intelligence does not, in fact, exist. So when we try to describe it, our thoughts do not connect to any object except ourselves. The words we put into an alien mouth, the feeling into an alien heart, the tools into alien hands, what can they be but imitations of our words, feelings, tools?
Ghost Days - Lightspeed Magazine
Ona watched her Teacher turn around. The helmetless Ms. Coron wore a dress that exposed the skin of her arms and legs in a way that she had taught the children was beautiful and natural. Intellectually, Ona understood that the frigid air in the classroom, cold enough to give her and the other children hypothermia even with brief exposure, was perfectly suited to the Teachers. But she couldn’t help shivering at the sight. The airtight heat-suit scraped over Ona’s scales, and the rustling noise reverberated loudly in her helmet.
None Owns the Air - Lightspeed Magazine
“Push! Push! Damn it, put your backs into it!” Kino Ye’s voice rose to a panicked screech as the four sweat-drenched soldiers strained against the spokes of the giant winch. “Push!” But one of the spokes snapped as the man leaning against it fell face-first into the sand, and the winch whipped around and tossed the other three men through the air to land sprawling on the beach a few paces away.
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : The Clockwork Soldier by Ken Liu
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: The Clockwork Soldier by Ken Liu
The Ussuri Bear - Lightspeed Magazine
February 11, 1907 By the time we arrived in the Manchu settlement of Tanbian, the Russian expedition had already left a day earlier. For the last five days, we have been moving through deep snow and dense primeval forest in the Changbai Mountains, trying to catch up. The superiority of the mechanical horse is becoming […]
Werewolf Loves Mermaid - Lightspeed Magazine
Read—or hear Harlan Ellison narrate—“Werewolf Loves Mermaid” by Heather Lindsley/@random_jane
Given the Advantage of the Blade - Lightspeed Magazine
Read (or listen to) “Given the Advantage of the Blade” by Genevieve Valentine (@GLValentine).
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Wine by Yoon Ha Lee
today in #diversestories: Wine by Yoon Ha Lee @motomaratai in @clarkesworld Jan 2014 -
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Tongtong’s Summer by Xia Jia
today on #diversestories - *another* great story by Xia Jia & trans. by @kyliu99,Tongtong's Summer in @clarkesworld -
The Pragmatical Princess by Nisi Shawl | Fantasy Magazine
Today's delightful #lunchread was @NisiShawl's The Pragmatical Princess (via @bogiperson and #diversestories):
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Cassandra by Ken Liu
Subscribe to Clarkesworld and never miss an issue of our World Fantasy and Hugo Award-Winning Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine. This page: Cassandra by Ken Liu
Simulacrum - Lightspeed Magazine
[A] photograph is not only an image (as a painting is an image), an interpretation of the real; it is also a trace, something directly stenciled off the real, like a footprint or a death mask. —Susan Sontag