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2080: at a remote site on the edge of the Arctic Circle, a group of scientists, engineers and physicians gather to gamble humanity’s future on one last-ditch experiment.
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask
via FREE Fiction / The first contestant worth mentioning wore manticore fur. The fibers, a deep shade of gunmetal, tapered to points of polished basalt. Ruffs of black cockatrice feathers bounced at his collar and cuffs as he swaggered down an aisle lined with twisted… Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask via Instapaper
Strange Horizons - The Skinwalkers Ball By Hammond Diehl, Art by Helen Mask
Why I’m Counting on Captain Marvel
Why I’m Counting on Captain Marvel
I didn’t grow up reading superhero comics. There wasn’t any real reason why, except perhaps that none of the adults around me did. It does mean, though, that when I talk to people about comics, and…
Why I’m Counting on Captain Marvel
Five Fictional Books Inside of Real Books
Five Fictional Books Inside of Real Books
Writers are book-lovers. It’s not surprising that the plots they devise often have to do with reading, storytelling, or the creation of works of literature. Sometimes, writers just namecheck fictio…
Five Fictional Books Inside of Real Books
Deriving Life |
Deriving Life |
Love has no time limits, but life does. Elizabeth Bear gives us a future where life and love and identity have so many more options than they do today.
Deriving Life |
Trapped in a damaged tin can floating in space, Roberto has to resort to desperate measures to survive, A Gernsback Contest winning short story.Everything that Isn’t Winter
Trapped in a damaged tin can floating in space, Roberto has to resort to desperate measures to survive, A Gernsback Contest winning short story.Everything that Isn’t Winter
Does a renewed world still have a place for those who only know how to destroy? While defending a tea-growing commune in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest, one person seeks an answer.
Trapped in a damaged tin can floating in space, Roberto has to resort to desperate measures to survive, A Gernsback Contest winning short story.Everything that Isn’t Winter
The Starship Mechanic |
The Starship Mechanic |
This story is also available for download from major ebook retailers. The floor of Borderlands Books had been polished to mirror brightness. A nice trick with old knotty pine, but Penauch would have been a weapons-grade obsessive-compulsive if he’d …
The Starship Mechanic |
The Starship Mechanic |
The Starship Mechanic |
Charlie is dealing with complicated grief, and even his therabot is out of ideas. But the back-alley grief counselors might have something to help: it looks like blue asparagus, and it’s call…
The Starship Mechanic |
The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles |
The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles |
This story is also available for download from major ebook retailers. At a time now past, a cat was born. This was not so long after the first cats came to Japan, so they were rare and mostly lived near the capital city. via Pocket
The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles |
The City Quiet as Death |
The City Quiet as Death |
This story is also available for download from major ebook retailers. Hurricanes did not perturb Horacio Gorrión, nor did rumors of an impending government assault on a barbarous drug cartel in the island’s interior rain forest. via Pocket
The City Quiet as Death |
The Strange Case of Mr. Salad Monday |
The Strange Case of Mr. Salad Monday |
This story is also available for download from major ebook retailers. Inspector Wilde was in a fine mood when he arrived at the headquarters of Salmagundi’s Legion of Peace, carrying three paper-wrapped sandwiches and an armload of printed broadshee…
The Strange Case of Mr. Salad Monday |
What Doctor Gottlieb Saw |
What Doctor Gottlieb Saw |
This story is also available for download from major ebook retailers. Gretel was Gottlieb’s most troubling patient. She was clairvoyant. She was also, he feared, quite mad. via Pocket
What Doctor Gottlieb Saw |
The Cockroach Hat |
The Cockroach Hat |
This story is also available for download from major ebook retailers. Sam Gregory woke up one morning and found, to his dismay, that he had turned into a big cockroach. “Oh, no,” he thought. He had some idea of what was happening because of the Kafk…
The Cockroach Hat |