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Nine - Lightspeed Magazine
Nine - Lightspeed Magazine
Tanner named the motel Star Motel because calling the place North Star Motel would’ve been asking for it. Colored folks recognized that “star” and the little lights Jessie insisted they burn in the windows. Most of their customers were hungry, travel-weary young men who did not believe the VACANCY sign as they approached the motel and did not believe that Tanner, round as a dishpan, wide as the door, was its owner.
Nine - Lightspeed Magazine
Nine-Tenths of the Law - Lightspeed Magazine
Nine-Tenths of the Law - Lightspeed Magazine
Donna had picked up Jared’s favorite---Romano’s to go, he liked the rosemary bread and the penne rustica---and was just putting it in the oven to keep warm when they brought him in. They being EMTs, after pounding urgently on the door, and brought him in meaning he was on a stretcher. He had an IV in his arm and his eyes were bandaged with thick layers of gauze.
Nine-Tenths of the Law - Lightspeed Magazine
Seven Salt Tears - Lightspeed Magazine
Seven Salt Tears - Lightspeed Magazine
When I was a child, my mother would tell me stories of the sea. When I couldn’t sleep, when I was restless, when I burned with some childhood fever, she would sit by my side, and conjure something wonderful and strange, something half-magic, from the ocean for me. “Mara,” she would say, smoothing the hair from my forehead as she tucked the covers around me, “did you know that to summon a selkie, you must shed seven tears into the ocean?”
Seven Salt Tears - Lightspeed Magazine
Rates Of Change - Lightspeed Magazine
Rates Of Change - Lightspeed Magazine
Diana hasn’t seen her son naked before. He floats now in the clear gel bath of the medical bay, the black ceramic casing that holds his brain, the long articulated tail of his spinal column. Like a tadpole, she thinks. Like something young. In all, he hardly masses more than he did as a baby. She has a brief, horrifying image of holding him on her lap, cradling the braincase to her breast.
Rates Of Change - Lightspeed Magazine
Octopus vs. Bear - Lightspeed Magazine
Octopus vs. Bear - Lightspeed Magazine
You woke up female this morning, so now you have a choice: do what other people want, or be a bitch. It is a thing you know without precisely knowing it. The knowledge is built into the muscle memory of this miraculous new body; it is draped across the bones like a weight. You shudder, stretching your delicate female limbs beneath the unfamiliar, sun-drenched sheets. Female for a day, you think.
Octopus vs. Bear - Lightspeed Magazine
Dragonflies - Lightspeed Magazine
Dragonflies - Lightspeed Magazine
The dragonfly hung in the thick, humid air like a jeweled miracle, wings beating so fast that they became a blur. Its body was an oil slick of shifting colors, greens and blues and purples, blending together in patterns that would have seemed garish if they hadn’t been natural. It had a cocker spaniel clutched in four of its six legs.
Dragonflies - Lightspeed Magazine
Seven Smiles and Seven Frowns - Lightspeed Magazine
Seven Smiles and Seven Frowns - Lightspeed Magazine
Each time I find a new apprentice in these times of trouble, I remember being a girl of twelve, getting close to thirteen. The other lads and maidens my age were already starting to pair off. But I was still taking my little brother and sister to hear the Witch of the Forest of Avalon tell stories on her porch on summer evenings. The old tales always held a fascination for me.
Seven Smiles and Seven Frowns - Lightspeed Magazine
A Well-Adjusted Man - Lightspeed Magazine
A Well-Adjusted Man - Lightspeed Magazine
On September 3, 2045, Jim Turner shot dead an innocent girl and went home to his family a well-adjusted man. It was supposed to be a simple escapee bust, out in the projects. Intel said three hostiles in the apartment, armed and volatile, on the run from Louisiana Debtors. So they rammed the door and went in, two other guys and Jim.
A Well-Adjusted Man - Lightspeed Magazine
La Alma Perdida de Marguerite Espinoza - Lightspeed Magazine
La Alma Perdida de Marguerite Espinoza - Lightspeed Magazine
Marguerite Espinoza took her last breath as the sun slipped behind the Salt Mountains outside the expansive windows of her third floor bedchamber. Alvardo nearly missed the moment, eavesdropping to the gathered family’s whispered conversations. He had falsely predicted her passing four times in the past three days, but the passing was unmistakable. As Maestro Eusebio had said many times, “When the moment comes, you will know.” And he did.
La Alma Perdida de Marguerite Espinoza - Lightspeed Magazine
Searching for Slave Leia - Lightspeed Magazine
Searching for Slave Leia - Lightspeed Magazine
A slip, slide, falling through icy coldness, white noise like TV static. A breeze of hot buttery popcorn. Giddy laughter, sweaty bodies, fanfare music over the intercom, and what’s this? A ten-foot-wide movie poster of young, pale, undernourished Carrie Fisher, posed seductively in a gold metal bikini with a collar and chain around her neck.
Searching for Slave Leia - Lightspeed Magazine
Spindles - Lightspeed Magazine
Spindles - Lightspeed Magazine
The first thing that went missing was the smell of onions cooking in butter. It took her a good long time to realize that this was gone, for she had never realized that onions were the cause of the smell. Onions remained, of course. Raw onions still smelled as they always did. They still made you cry when you cut them. But when you fried them: nothing. There was no smell. It was gone.
Spindles - Lightspeed Magazine
The Seven Samovars - Lightspeed Magazine
The Seven Samovars - Lightspeed Magazine
“The first samovar, the silver one at the end with the little bird perched atop the key, is filled to the top with Life,” she says, “freshly brewed each morning at sunrise exactly. A few drops will perk up most customers on a Monday morning, to be sure. And most of them need it, don’t you think?”
The Seven Samovars - Lightspeed Magazine
Breaking the Frame - Lightspeed Magazine
Breaking the Frame - Lightspeed Magazine
The photograph is of a woman at the center of a forest. She is slim and tall and pale as the birches she stands among. The shadows turn her ribs and spine into branches, into knots in the wood. Around her arms, the peeling white bark of the birches, curved in bracelets. Between her thighs, the hair is dense and springy like moss. She is turning into a tree.
Breaking the Frame - Lightspeed Magazine
Requiem in the Key of Prose - Lightspeed Magazine
Requiem in the Key of Prose - Lightspeed Magazine
There is such a thing as an antifuse. This device is used to maintain the ongoing flow of electricity when there is local failure. The antifuse works similarly to a fuse in that it is designed to be sacrificed for a specific goal. But while a fuse is sacrificed to stop electricity from flowing, an antifuse is sacrificed to guarantee that the electricity does not stop.
Requiem in the Key of Prose - Lightspeed Magazine
My Teacher, My Enemy - Lightspeed Magazine
My Teacher, My Enemy - Lightspeed Magazine
My enemy’s body is still warm when I take my knife to him. Stripped to his skin and lain upon his back, he looks much less frightening than he had when he was alive, armed, and desperate to kill me. But there is still power in the shape of his relaxing muscles and the size of his cooling frame, and, as he is a foot taller than I am, I feel a surge of pride in my accomplishment that is even greater than the hot pleasure of the kill.
My Teacher, My Enemy - Lightspeed Magazine
Renfrew’s Course - Lightspeed Magazine
Renfrew’s Course - Lightspeed Magazine
Six feet tall, the statue had been carved from wood that retained most of its whiteness, even though the date cut into its base read 2005, seven years ago. Jim thought the color might be due to its not having been finished—splinters stood out from the wood’s uneven surface—but didn’t know enough about carpentry to be certain.
Renfrew’s Course - Lightspeed Magazine
The Cross-Time Accountants Fail To Kill Hitler Because Chuck Berry Does The Twist - Lightspeed Magazine
The Cross-Time Accountants Fail To Kill Hitler Because Chuck Berry Does The Twist - Lightspeed Magazine
Mabel blurred through the Doorway and stumbled into a wall. She groped for a fingerhold, anything to prop herself up until the gut-twisting vertigo passed. Every time she experienced the blur it got a little worse. All that worse added up to worst because she had made hundreds of auditing trips to the past during her thirty-nine year career in cross-time accounting.
The Cross-Time Accountants Fail To Kill Hitler Because Chuck Berry Does The Twist - Lightspeed Magazine