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Episode 249: Lost in Translation by Afalstein Kloosterman - Cast of Wonders
Episode 249: Lost in Translation by Afalstein Kloosterman - Cast of Wonders
Lost in Translation by Afalstein Kloosterman “It turns out,” said the High Ecclesiarch of the Writ, “that when the prophecy says ‘the hero’s body shall stand resilient against the flame,’ a more accurate translation would be ‘resistant against the flame.’” He gave a pained grimace. “Ancient Nearnoxian can be… ambiguous, at times.” Phillip Stalford, […]
Episode 249: Lost in Translation by Afalstein Kloosterman - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 277: Little Wonders 15 - Monster Mayhem! - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 277: Little Wonders 15 - Monster Mayhem! - Cast of Wonders
Brothers in Stitches by Dantzel Cherry I’m sorry to say Master lay charred and inert on the laboratory floor for a good quarter hour before I noticed he was dead. I regret pulling the wrong lever, resulting in an overflow of electricity from the storm, the brunt of which Master received, resulting in his death […]
Cast of Wonders 277: Little Wonders 15 - Monster Mayhem! - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 260: Contractual Obligations - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 260: Contractual Obligations - Cast of Wonders
Contractual Obligations by Jaime O. Mayer Jiasi gripped the heavy skate, her eyes flicking first to the rust-spotted blade attached to the sole, then back to Emmaline, who watched her with a mischievous smile. “Maybe this is a bad idea.” Emmaline rolled her eyes, a chuckle escaping her lips. They sat on a lakeside […]
Cast of Wonders 260: Contractual Obligations - Cast of Wonders
Episode 253: Single Parent by Sarah Gailey - Cast of Wonders
Episode 253: Single Parent by Sarah Gailey - Cast of Wonders
Single Parent By Sarah Gailey The monster in my son’s closet is so fucking scary. Here’s what happened: Jack screamed in the middle of the night and I came running because I’m his dad and that’s what dads are for. He’s been doing that for a month — screaming like someone’s in his room […]
Episode 253: Single Parent by Sarah Gailey - Cast of Wonders
Episode 240: Artemis Rising 3 - Cross The Street by Marie Vibbert - Cast of Wonders
Episode 240: Artemis Rising 3 - Cross The Street by Marie Vibbert - Cast of Wonders
Cross the Street by Marie Vibbert I was on the sofa, wallowing in self-pity and blankets, when my sister answered the door. “Sadie, honey,” old Mr. Smith said from the hallway, “I beg your pardon. So sorry for your loss, again, but are you going to cross the street soon? It’s just that I […]
Episode 240: Artemis Rising 3 - Cross The Street by Marie Vibbert - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 269: Banned Books Week - The Scent That Treason Brings - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 269: Banned Books Week - The Scent That Treason Brings - Cast of Wonders
The Scent That Treason Brings by Holly Schofield Wings tightly closed, Scarp bustled around the printing workshop. With smooth, sure strokes, zie inked the wooden blocks of type. The new formulation made from snail mucus and oak bark spread on smoothly. One of zir pincher-like tarsi gripped the printing press’ lever while both zir […]
Cast of Wonders 269: Banned Books Week - The Scent That Treason Brings - Cast of Wonders
Episode 237: Little Wonders 10 - Flash Fiction Contest Winners - Cast of Wonders
Episode 237: Little Wonders 10 - Flash Fiction Contest Winners - Cast of Wonders
More Than Machines Will Fall to Rust by Rachael K. Jones I’ll tell it like it never happened, Patrick. Like we were childhood besties swapping knock-knock jokes from the tip-top branches of our favorite climbing tree. That we donned towel capes and played at superheroes, that we took turns being sidekicks so nobody had to […]
Episode 237: Little Wonders 10 - Flash Fiction Contest Winners - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 279: Random Play All and the League of Awesome - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 279: Random Play All and the League of Awesome - Cast of Wonders
Random Play All and the League of Awesome by Shane Halbach Cyrus sat on the couch and crunched on a bowl of frosted wheat. Normally he would have sat at the table, but the table was currently covered with papers, folders and charts. His mom was finalizing her budget with her new business partner, Herman. […]
Cast of Wonders 279: Random Play All and the League of Awesome - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 278: Strong as Stone - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 278: Strong as Stone - Cast of Wonders
Strong as Stone by Effie Seiberg I thought Halloween would be different. The one day where I could go out and run around with kids my age, and be myself – truly myself, with nothing to hide. I was right, but not in the way that I thought. For you see, I’m made of stone. […]
Cast of Wonders 278: Strong as Stone - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 296: Artemis Rising 4 – Canary's Refuge - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 296: Artemis Rising 4 – Canary's Refuge - Cast of Wonders
Canary’s Refuge by Wendy Nikel “Feels good to finally be off that blasted ship.” Ben breathes in so deeply that his shoulder rubs against my bare one, a touch so slight I wonder if I only imagined it. The elevator rattles as it carries us down the mineshaft, into the depths of this planet whose […]
Cast of Wonders 296: Artemis Rising 4 – Canary's Refuge - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 294: Artemis Rising 4 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 294: Artemis Rising 4 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Earn Your Breath by Jaime O. Mayer Liith had fought the Snake Island raiders every summer since her fifteenth year and had yet to taste defeat. She had dueled the boat-men of the north with their fish-belly white skin and won the pair of metal knives envied by many a man in her village. Yet, […]
Cast of Wonders 294: Artemis Rising 4 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 342: Staff Picks 2018 – An American Refugee - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 342: Staff Picks 2018 – An American Refugee - Cast of Wonders
An American Refugee by Tiah Marie Beautement I first spot the surfer as I run down the path that cuts below the lighthouse. I can’t believe it. The Point is full of holiday campers, so motors are banned on the water until eight a.m. and it is only six-thirty. I run down the steps; reaching […]
Cast of Wonders 342: Staff Picks 2018 – An American Refugee - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 341: Staff Picks 2018 – The Raptor Snatchers - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 341: Staff Picks 2018 – The Raptor Snatchers - Cast of Wonders
The Raptor Snatchers by Rachael K. Jones Dad said you can’t buy friends, but that’s not always true, because I bought my best friend Zilla with my 10th birthday money. She didn’t cost much because velociraptors were pests, which meant there were too many of them in Absence, and nobody liked them. Rooster’s Rescue was […]
Cast of Wonders 341: Staff Picks 2018 – The Raptor Snatchers - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 340: Staff Picks 2018 – Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 340: Staff Picks 2018 – Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds - Cast of Wonders
Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds by Gretchen Tessmer “Brom Bones too, who shortly after his rival’s disappearance conducted the blooming Katrina to the altar, was observed to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related, and always burst into a hearty laugh at the mention of the pumpkin, which led some to suspect […]
Cast of Wonders 340: Staff Picks 2018 – Widow Bones Makes Her Rounds - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 339: Staff Picks 2018 – The Penelope Qingdom - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 339: Staff Picks 2018 – The Penelope Qingdom - Cast of Wonders
The Penelope Qingdom by Aidan Moher It was during the particularly frozen-solid Prince George winter of ’91, a few days after the new neighbours had arrived, that I first stumbled into the Penelope Qingdom. “What are their names?” I asked my moms as they bustled about the kitchen getting ready. They’d invited themselves next door […]
Cast of Wonders 339: Staff Picks 2018 – The Penelope Qingdom - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 338: Staff Picks 2018 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 338: Staff Picks 2018 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Earn Your Breath by Jaime O. Mayer Liith had fought the Snake Island raiders every summer since her fifteenth year and had yet to taste defeat. She had dueled the boat-men of the north with their fish-belly white skin and won the pair of metal knives envied by many a man in her village. Yet, […]
Cast of Wonders 338: Staff Picks 2018 – Earn Your Breath - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 337: Silkstrand, A Minute Of - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 337: Silkstrand, A Minute Of - Cast of Wonders
Silkstrand, A Minute Of by Anton Stark Imperial Majesty, Lord-for-Countless-Years, Son of Heaven, Ruler of Industry and Wisdom; this your servant Cai Jing of the Ministry of Works greets you. As per your Imperial Decree, I have compiled the following report on the matter of Master Su’s Clock and its abnormal behaviour. The facts of […]
Cast of Wonders 337: Silkstrand, A Minute Of - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 273: Banned Books Week - The Wayfinder & His Sister - Cast of Wonders
Cast of Wonders 273: Banned Books Week - The Wayfinder & His Sister - Cast of Wonders
Mama always said that the best stories are true and needful, even if they’re not real. I know that’s heresy, punishable by lashes or prison if you’re caught, but I don’t think mama has ever been much for following rules and orders, anyway. via Pocket
Cast of Wonders 273: Banned Books Week - The Wayfinder & His Sister - Cast of Wonders
JB Wocoski is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here toda…Cast of Wonders 333: Tunguska, 1987 - Cast of Wonders
JB Wocoski is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here toda…Cast of Wonders 333: Tunguska, 1987 - Cast of Wonders
Tunguska, 1987 by Maria Haskins 1929 Alexander was running through the snow. The rifle, and the pack of squirrel-skins pounded against his back with every step. Realization seeped into him as he ran: he had shot a Metallic. Its shiny armor hadn’t protected it. After all these years of living in fear, it had been […]
JB Wocoski is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here toda…Cast of Wonders 333: Tunguska, 1987 - Cast of Wonders