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Salto Mortal - Lightspeed Magazine
Salto Mortal - Lightspeed Magazine
Three days ago, Paul had thrown Mary onto the kitchen floor and kicked her everywhere except her face. For the first two days, the only time she left her bed was to go to the bathroom, drops of clotted blood from her insides deposited like coins in the toilet bowl. On the third day, high on oxycodone, Mary dreamed about the lucha libre. She hadn’t thought about wrestling since she’d left Mexico, but the hallucination was as bright and sharp as grief.
Salto Mortal - Lightspeed Magazine
Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station | Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0 - Lightspeed Magazine
Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station | Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0 - Lightspeed Magazine
You take a shortcut through the hydroponics bay on your way to work, and notice that the tomato plants are covered in tiny crawling insects that look like miniature beetles. One of the insects skitters up your leg, so you reach down and brush it off. It bites your hand. The area around the bite turns purple and swollen. You run down a long metal hallway to the Medical Clinic, grateful for the artificially generated gravity that defies the laws of physics and yet is surprisingly common in fictional space stations.
Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station | Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0 - Lightspeed Magazine
The One Who Isn't - Lightspeed Magazine
The One Who Isn't - Lightspeed Magazine
It starts with light. Then heat. A slow bleed through of memory. Catchment, containment. A white-hot agony coursing through every nerve, building to a sizzling hum---and then it happens. Change of state. And what comes out the other side is something new. The woman held up the card. “What color do you see?”
The One Who Isn't - Lightspeed Magazine
Sparks Fly - Lightspeed Magazine
Sparks Fly - Lightspeed Magazine
“There’s a dark side to sloths,” she said, using her straw to plumb the ice at the bottom of her glass, flicking red-blonde hair out of blue-blue eyes. “Sometimes they go to grab a branch, but accidentally grab their own arm, and then fall to their deaths.” “Because of the mossy fur?” I guessed, also guessing at the best way to put my hand onto hers on the bubbled-glass patio table. I could see her suntanned legs underneath and it put sparks under my skin.
Sparks Fly - Lightspeed Magazine
A Good Home - Lightspeed Magazine
A Good Home - Lightspeed Magazine
I brought him home from the VA shelter and sat him in front of the window because the doctors said he liked that. The shelter had set him in safe mode for transport until I could voice activate him again, and recalibrate, but safe mode still allowed for base functions like walking, observation, and primary speech. He seemed to like the window because he blinked once. Their kind didn’t blink ordinarily, and they never wept, so I always wondered where the sadness went.
A Good Home - Lightspeed Magazine
Those Brighter Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
Those Brighter Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
The call came through as I paced outside the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, puffing on an e-cig and watching my breath turn to vapor in the chill. “Hello?” The bald, skeletal image of a stranger stared back at me on my phone. “Ava,” he whispered. “Oh, Ava.” It took me a few seconds to regain my composure. “Dad?” I said.
Those Brighter Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
The Red Thread - Lightspeed Magazine
The Red Thread - Lightspeed Magazine
Dear Fox, Hey. It’s Sahra. I’m tagging you from center M691, Black Hawk, South Dakota. It’s night and the lights are on in the center. It’s run by an old white guy with a hanging lip—he’s talking to my mom at the counter. Mom’s okay. We’ve barely mentioned you since we left the old group in the valley, just a few weeks after you disappeared. She said your name once, when I found one of your old slates covered with equations. “Well,” she said. “That was Fox.”
The Red Thread - Lightspeed Magazine
Wednesday’s Story - Lightspeed Magazine
Wednesday’s Story - Lightspeed Magazine
My story has a strange shape to it. It has a beginning and middle and, of course, I need not tell you that it has an end because it is the nature of all things to end, especially stories. But this story . . . well, it bunches up in places and twists upon itself in ways that no good story should. The sharpness of its arcs flare and wane in unexpected places because it is a story made of other stories.
Wednesday’s Story - Lightspeed Magazine
Dragon Brides - Lightspeed Magazine
Dragon Brides - Lightspeed Magazine
Dragon brides are notoriously difficult women. We have lived with dragons, after all, those strange and terrible animals with their curiously human eyes, and some of us come back down from the broken mountains with their hisses still in our ears. I was taken by the green dragon of Mahr when I was fifteen, and it was a full year before my lord brought me back down. Forty years would pass before I would come to those steep paths again.
Dragon Brides - Lightspeed Magazine
And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead - Lightspeed Magazine
And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead - Lightspeed Magazine
The mobster has a gun pressed to Rack’s forehead. The mobster has a god-shitting GUN pressed to her partner’s fucking forehead, and the only thing Rhye can do is watch and scream as the man smiles at her and pulls the trigger and blows Rack’s perfect brains out from between his ears.
And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead - Lightspeed Magazine
Binaries - Lightspeed Magazine
Binaries - Lightspeed Magazine
Year 1: I come into the world wet and squalling and ordinary, born of heterosexual bio-parents. Year 2: A flat photo shows me on my first birthday with a shock of red hair, wide green eyes, and an expression of distaste at the sticky white frosting on my fingers. My mother stands on one side looking not at all Jewish; my Goan, lapsed-Catholic father stands on the other.
Binaries - Lightspeed Magazine
Daddy Long Legs of the Evening - Lightspeed Magazine
Daddy Long Legs of the Evening - Lightspeed Magazine
It was said that when he was a small child, asleep in his bed one end-of-summer night, a spider crawled into his ear, traversed a maze of canals, eating slowly through membrane and organ, to discover the cavern of the skull. Then that spider burrowed in a spiral pattern through the electric gray cake of the brain to the very center of it all, where it hollowed out a large nest for itself.
Daddy Long Legs of the Evening - Lightspeed Magazine
Tracker - Lightspeed Magazine
Tracker - Lightspeed Magazine
The City Man was calling him. Tracker lifted his head from his garden, distracted from the small fears and satisfactions of the black beetles sucking juice from the ruffled cabbages beneath his fingers. The scent of that calling came to him on the soft westerly winds that also carried molecules of ocean, fish, and seagull shit, dying shelled-things and hungry water-living mammals.
Tracker - Lightspeed Magazine
The West Topeka Triangle - Lightspeed Magazine
The West Topeka Triangle - Lightspeed Magazine
As much as the other kids in my neighborhood like to tell me I’m a know-it-all, I realize just how short the list of things I actually know is one cold winter morning in 1987. I know my vocabulary words, everything that can be known about the Bermuda Triangle, and how well-liked a kid is by who they walk to school with.
The West Topeka Triangle - Lightspeed Magazine
Infinite Love Engine - Lightspeed Magazine
Infinite Love Engine - Lightspeed Magazine
Beeblax beats its wings against a superlumic slurry of time and space, and the universe turns to liquid starlight in its periphery; inside rides Aria Astra---Stellar Champion of the Star Supremacy, Wielder of the Sister Ray, Spacetrotting Coolgal, and Humanity’s Last Hope---nestled within a blob of translucent pink jellymeat, and it is totally cool and only a little disgusting.
Infinite Love Engine - Lightspeed Magazine
Familiaris - Lightspeed Magazine
Familiaris - Lightspeed Magazine
Long ago, a woman in Bavaria had to peel some potatoes. She had to do the washing. She had to check on the soup that simmered on the stove and was never quite thick enough. She had to watch her smallest child where it lay wrapped near the fire and sweating, and watch her oldest daughter tying back her hair to look finer when she went to trade the day’s milk for some woolens from the merchant with the unmarried son.
Familiaris - Lightspeed Magazine
Paranormal Romance - Lightspeed Magazine
Paranormal Romance - Lightspeed Magazine
This is a story about a witch. Not the kind you’re thinking of either. She didn’t have a long nose with a wart on it. She didn’t have green skin or long black hair. She didn’t wear a pointed hat or a cape, and she didn’t have a cat, a spider, a rat, or any of those animals that are usually hanging around witches. She didn’t live in a ramshackle house, a gingerbread house, a Victorian house, or a cave.
Paranormal Romance - Lightspeed Magazine
A Tank Only Fears Four Things - Lightspeed Magazine
A Tank Only Fears Four Things - Lightspeed Magazine
The surgery makes Tereshkova into a tank. In the war, she never showed any fear, not at Fulda, not even in the snows of Vogelsberg when the Americans dropped the first bomb. When Clinton and Yeltsin shook hands at Yalta, when the word came down to the 8th Guards Army to yield Frankfurt and withdraw to Soviet soil, Tereshkova spat into the dirt and said: “Too bad."
A Tank Only Fears Four Things - Lightspeed Magazine
I'm Alive, I Love You, I'll See You in Reno - Lightspeed Magazine
I'm Alive, I Love You, I'll See You in Reno - Lightspeed Magazine
We have a history of missed connections, you and I. Years ago, when you called goodbye from the shuttle launch, my flight was landing in Zurich. I’d changed planes, been re-routed from Frankfurt. That’s why you got my voicemail. I’d have answered if I could, and would’ve wished you luck, even if you wanted a life without me. I never managed to see Europa, like you did—just Europe, where I met my first husband. The one I wished was you.
I'm Alive, I Love You, I'll See You in Reno - Lightspeed Magazine
The Death of Paul Bunyan - Lightspeed Magazine
The Death of Paul Bunyan - Lightspeed Magazine
Paul Bunyan has died. Paul Bunyan has died and Johnny Appleseed is heading north. Not for vengeance, like Paul would have wanted. Not to beat the hills red or divert a river over those responsible for killing the legend, but because it finally seems time to revisit old scars, old pains. “We were the fire in the night,” Johnny remembers Paul saying one night, so long ago.
The Death of Paul Bunyan - Lightspeed Magazine
This Is as I Wish to Be Restored - Lightspeed Magazine
This Is as I Wish to Be Restored - Lightspeed Magazine
Every night I come home and I drink. I trade away the hope, the guilt, the fear, even the love---I think it’s love, crazy as it seems. I trade them for oblivion, because otherwise I won’t sleep at all. I drink until there’s no life left in me, until I’m able to forget for just a little while the chrome vessel in the corner and what’s at stake. Sometimes I hope that I’ll dream of her.
This Is as I Wish to Be Restored - Lightspeed Magazine
Daya and Dharma - Lightspeed Magazine
Daya and Dharma - Lightspeed Magazine
Daya opens her eyes to the colors of dusk, though she smells and hears midday. Soft light picks out yellow and turquoise stones and the bright fire of Gul-Mohar flowers; but the heat is Surya at his fiercest, making all else pale before his glory. She turns over, dazed and sluggish, listening to the distant clash of copper pots, breathing in spices cooked in coconut oil.
Daya and Dharma - Lightspeed Magazine
The Venus Effect - Lightspeed Magazine
The Venus Effect - Lightspeed Magazine
This is 2015. A party on a westside roof, just before midnight. Some Mia or Mina or throwing it, the white girl with the jean jacket and the headband and the two-bumps-of-molly grin, flitting from friend circle to friend circle, laughing loudly and refilling any empty cup in her eyeline from a bottomless jug of sangria, Maenad Sicagi. There are three kegs, a table of wines and liquor, cake and nachos inside.
The Venus Effect - Lightspeed Magazine
The Fifth Star in the Southern Cross - Lightspeed Magazine
The Fifth Star in the Southern Cross - Lightspeed Magazine
I had bought half an hour with Malka and I was making the most of it. Lots of Off girls, there’s not much goes on, but these Polar City ones, especially if they’re fresh off the migration station, they seem to, almost, enjoy it? I don’t know if they really do. They don’t pitch and moan and fake it up or anything, but they seem to be there under you. They’re with you, you know?
The Fifth Star in the Southern Cross - Lightspeed Magazine