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SHORT FICTION: When the security alarm rang out, Zhang Dong was at the very peak of the village, thinking about family.A Different Kind of Place
SHORT FICTION: When the security alarm rang out, Zhang Dong was at the very peak of the village, thinking about family.A Different Kind of Place
SHORT FICTION: After the zombie outbreak in San Fontaine was put down, Zadie treated herself to a new hair color as a way to get away from constantly watching the news.
SHORT FICTION: When the security alarm rang out, Zhang Dong was at the very peak of the village, thinking about family.A Different Kind of Place
SHORT FICTION: Erika’s fingers tense on the steering wheel as she approaches the Kansas-Colorado state line. Endless fields of wheat, waiting to be harvested, sit on both sides of the interstate, t…All Clear
SHORT FICTION: Erika’s fingers tense on the steering wheel as she approaches the Kansas-Colorado state line. Endless fields of wheat, waiting to be harvested, sit on both sides of the interstate, t…All Clear
SHORT FICTION: When the security alarm rang out, Zhang Dong was at the very peak of the village, thinking about family.
SHORT FICTION: Erika’s fingers tense on the steering wheel as she approaches the Kansas-Colorado state line. Endless fields of wheat, waiting to be harvested, sit on both sides of the interstate, t…All Clear
The Whipping Girls
The Whipping Girls
SHORT FICTION: Erika’s fingers tense on the steering wheel as she approaches the Kansas-Colorado state line. Endless fields of wheat, waiting to be harvested, sit on both sides of the interstate, t…
The Whipping Girls
SHORT FICTION: My board was dwindling quickly, and my anger at such a one-sided defeat was increased whenever I looked up into Brahms’ smug, synth face—my face.Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man
SHORT FICTION: My board was dwindling quickly, and my anger at such a one-sided defeat was increased whenever I looked up into Brahms’ smug, synth face—my face.Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man
NONFICTION: Paul Jessup discusses acts of murder and violence committed by children in the name of the fictional character, Slender Man.
SHORT FICTION: My board was dwindling quickly, and my anger at such a one-sided defeat was increased whenever I looked up into Brahms’ smug, synth face—my face.Boy A, Girl A, Slender Man
SHORT FICTION: The little girl reached up and tugged on her mother’s sleeve. “Mommy. That man’s here again!”Master Brahms
SHORT FICTION: The little girl reached up and tugged on her mother’s sleeve. “Mommy. That man’s here again!”Master Brahms
SHORT FICTION: My board was dwindling quickly, and my anger at such a one-sided defeat was increased whenever I looked up into Brahms’ smug, synth face—my face.
SHORT FICTION: The little girl reached up and tugged on her mother’s sleeve. “Mommy. That man’s here again!”Master Brahms
SHORT FICTION: I waste a hard-earned chit for public access to chase a clue that turns out to be poetry.Godzilla vs Buster Keaton, Or: I Didn’t Even Need a Map
SHORT FICTION: I waste a hard-earned chit for public access to chase a clue that turns out to be poetry.Godzilla vs Buster Keaton, Or: I Didn’t Even Need a Map
SHORT FICTION: The little girl reached up and tugged on her mother’s sleeve. “Mommy. That man’s here again!”
SHORT FICTION: I waste a hard-earned chit for public access to chase a clue that turns out to be poetry.Godzilla vs Buster Keaton, Or: I Didn’t Even Need a Map
SHORT FICTION: My granddad used to tell me that there were only two things he was afraid of: sharks and somehow finding himself in Iraq.Toward a New Lexicon of Augury
SHORT FICTION: My granddad used to tell me that there were only two things he was afraid of: sharks and somehow finding himself in Iraq.Toward a New Lexicon of Augury
SHORT FICTION: I waste a hard-earned chit for public access to chase a clue that turns out to be poetry.
SHORT FICTION: My granddad used to tell me that there were only two things he was afraid of: sharks and somehow finding himself in Iraq.Toward a New Lexicon of Augury
SHORT FICTION: Every night, the devil sits himself on the lip of her bed and every night, she sighs and whispers the same word over and again. “Yes.”The Standard of Ur
SHORT FICTION: Every night, the devil sits himself on the lip of her bed and every night, she sighs and whispers the same word over and again. “Yes.”The Standard of Ur
SHORT FICTION: My granddad used to tell me that there were only two things he was afraid of: sharks and somehow finding himself in Iraq.
SHORT FICTION: Every night, the devil sits himself on the lip of her bed and every night, she sighs and whispers the same word over and again. “Yes.”The Standard of Ur
SHORT FICTION: Meanwhile, I’m checking out Coyote. Seriously, the dude’s not even trying to hide. To me, he looks like an actual dog dressed in an Armani suit.A Siren’s Cry Is a Song of Sorrow
SHORT FICTION: Meanwhile, I’m checking out Coyote. Seriously, the dude’s not even trying to hide. To me, he looks like an actual dog dressed in an Armani suit.A Siren’s Cry Is a Song of Sorrow
SHORT FICTION: My first memory is of orderly rows of human skulls placed on glass shelves.
SHORT FICTION: Meanwhile, I’m checking out Coyote. Seriously, the dude’s not even trying to hide. To me, he looks like an actual dog dressed in an Armani suit.A Siren’s Cry Is a Song of Sorrow
SHORT FICTION: River Street’s never hard to find; in fact, you’re likely to stumble into it while looking for somewhere else entirely.Coyote Now Wears a Suit
SHORT FICTION: River Street’s never hard to find; in fact, you’re likely to stumble into it while looking for somewhere else entirely.Coyote Now Wears a Suit
SHORT FICTION: Meanwhile, I’m checking out Coyote. Seriously, the dude’s not even trying to hide. To me, he looks like an actual dog dressed in an Armani suit.
SHORT FICTION: River Street’s never hard to find; in fact, you’re likely to stumble into it while looking for somewhere else entirely.Coyote Now Wears a Suit
SHORT FICTION: Monday. “Pisces. You started showing your hidden skills and people are noticing! Accept the changes that are coming.”Field Biology of the Wee Fairies
SHORT FICTION: Monday. “Pisces. You started showing your hidden skills and people are noticing! Accept the changes that are coming.”Field Biology of the Wee Fairies
SHORT FICTION: When Amelia turned fourteen, everyone assured her that she’d find her fairy soon.
SHORT FICTION: Monday. “Pisces. You started showing your hidden skills and people are noticing! Accept the changes that are coming.”Field Biology of the Wee Fairies
SHORT FICTION: First it’s in my toes, like they’re being suckled on by a mouth full of battery acid; then my feet buzz, pins and needles in my soles before a bigger, more insistent spasm shoots up …La Ciguapa, For the Reeds, For Herself
SHORT FICTION: First it’s in my toes, like they’re being suckled on by a mouth full of battery acid; then my feet buzz, pins and needles in my soles before a bigger, more insistent spasm shoots up …La Ciguapa, For the Reeds, For Herself
SHORT FICTION: Have you lost me yet? The trick question, as if I am something to be found and kept, locked in your chest of bones.
SHORT FICTION: First it’s in my toes, like they’re being suckled on by a mouth full of battery acid; then my feet buzz, pins and needles in my soles before a bigger, more insistent spasm shoots up …La Ciguapa, For the Reeds, For Herself
SHORT FICTION: First it’s in my toes, like they’re being suckled on by a mouth full of battery acid; then my feet buzz, pins and needles in my soles before a bigger, more insistent spasm shoots up …
SHORT FICTION: I ascend during the church picnic. My thighs peel off the plastic bench with a crisp smack, and I’m two feet into the air before I understand what is happening.Kerouac’s Renascence
SHORT FICTION: I ascend during the church picnic. My thighs peel off the plastic bench with a crisp smack, and I’m two feet into the air before I understand what is happening.Kerouac’s Renascence
FICTION: Dear Sis, Since the onset of my symptoms, I’ve been saving the last pages in the leather-bound notebook you gifted me…
SHORT FICTION: I ascend during the church picnic. My thighs peel off the plastic bench with a crisp smack, and I’m two feet into the air before I understand what is happening.Kerouac’s Renascence
In the morning, when the fog lies thick and heavy on the water, I sit at my workbench and seed the next simulant. It takes fourteen double-C commands to move the digital embryo into the simulation …The Chariots, the Horsemen
In the morning, when the fog lies thick and heavy on the water, I sit at my workbench and seed the next simulant. It takes fourteen double-C commands to move the digital embryo into the simulation …The Chariots, the Horsemen
SHORT FICTION: I ascend during the church picnic. My thighs peel off the plastic bench with a crisp smack, and I’m two feet into the air before I understand what is happening.
In the morning, when the fog lies thick and heavy on the water, I sit at my workbench and seed the next simulant. It takes fourteen double-C commands to move the digital embryo into the simulation …The Chariots, the Horsemen
Suzie Q
Suzie Q
FICTION: I have a demon inside me. It knows all my secrets, all my weaknesses. On a good day, when the sun is shining, the offering plates are filled with honey and I have enough candles for my cir…
Suzie Q
The voices begin three days before someone is to die. The coffin-maker wakes up covered in sweat. He has been talking in his sleep again, his wife says, in the language of the dead.Three Meetings of the Pregnant Man Support Group
The voices begin three days before someone is to die. The coffin-maker wakes up covered in sweat. He has been talking in his sleep again, his wife says, in the language of the dead.Three Meetings of the Pregnant Man Support Group
FICTION: I meet with the other pregnant men on Thursdays. Our room at the civic center is between the recovering alcoholics and cancer survivors. We’re currently at eleven, now that Wallace shot hi…
The voices begin three days before someone is to die. The coffin-maker wakes up covered in sweat. He has been talking in his sleep again, his wife says, in the language of the dead.Three Meetings of the Pregnant Man Support Group
SHORT FICTION: You wake up to your phone crawling across your face, buzzing hard against your cheekbone. Snatch it up on muscle memory and the little plastic cilia retract. The screen is achingly b…Cherry Wood Coffin
SHORT FICTION: You wake up to your phone crawling across your face, buzzing hard against your cheekbone. Snatch it up on muscle memory and the little plastic cilia retract. The screen is achingly b…Cherry Wood Coffin
The voices begin three days before someone is to die. The coffin-maker wakes up covered in sweat. He has been talking in his sleep again, his wife says, in the language of the dead.
SHORT FICTION: You wake up to your phone crawling across your face, buzzing hard against your cheekbone. Snatch it up on muscle memory and the little plastic cilia retract. The screen is achingly b…Cherry Wood Coffin
SHORT FICTION: Not everything that’s missing was taken, but once it’s gone, it’s gone, ain’t it? There’s nothing to be done about it now. What isn’t dead is burned to the ground. What isn’t mourned…Fifteen Minutes Hate
SHORT FICTION: Not everything that’s missing was taken, but once it’s gone, it’s gone, ain’t it? There’s nothing to be done about it now. What isn’t dead is burned to the ground. What isn’t mourned…Fifteen Minutes Hate
SHORT FICTION: You wake up to your phone crawling across your face, buzzing hard against your cheekbone. Snatch it up on muscle memory and the little plastic cilia retract. The screen is achingly b…
SHORT FICTION: Not everything that’s missing was taken, but once it’s gone, it’s gone, ain’t it? There’s nothing to be done about it now. What isn’t dead is burned to the ground. What isn’t mourned…Fifteen Minutes Hate
SHORT FICTION: “Thank you for accepting me into your life, Mr. Sonata.” I started explaining my functions and maintenance requirements. He put a finger to his lips, so I lapsed into silence.Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse
SHORT FICTION: “Thank you for accepting me into your life, Mr. Sonata.” I started explaining my functions and maintenance requirements. He put a finger to his lips, so I lapsed into silence.Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse
SHORT FICTION: Not everything that’s missing was taken, but once it’s gone, it’s gone, ain’t it? There’s nothing to be done about it now. What isn’t dead is burned to the ground. What isn’t mourned…
SHORT FICTION: “Thank you for accepting me into your life, Mr. Sonata.” I started explaining my functions and maintenance requirements. He put a finger to his lips, so I lapsed into silence.Mother Jones and the Nasty Eclipse
SHORT FICTION: The war was fought in twelve minutes between twenty-four people on thirty-six sides.Cold Blue Sky
SHORT FICTION: The war was fought in twelve minutes between twenty-four people on thirty-six sides.Cold Blue Sky
SHORT FICTION: “Thank you for accepting me into your life, Mr. Sonata.” I started explaining my functions and maintenance requirements. He put a finger to his lips, so I lapsed into silence.
SHORT FICTION: The war was fought in twelve minutes between twenty-four people on thirty-six sides.Cold Blue Sky